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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[00/11] Drop unmaintained or orphaned add-ons and packages, first batch - - - --- 2021-05-17 Peter Müller None
[00/12] statusmail: Status and Log Summary Emails - - - --- 2019-04-06 Tim FitzGeorge None
[00/20] Prevent "nobody" from escalating privileges by using writeable binaries as a vehicle - - - --- 2021-05-17 Peter Müller None
[00/20] Suricata Configuration Updates - - - --- 2019-03-01 Michael Tremer None
[01/10] configure: Link against Python 3 [01/10] configure: Link against Python 3 - - - --- 2021-05-07 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/10] Drop orphaned dependency add-on libmicrohttpd [01/10] Drop orphaned dependency add-on libmicrohttpd - - - --- 2021-05-17 Peter Müller Superseded
[01/10] Set a good default for rustc flags [01/10] Set a good default for rustc flags - - - --- 2022-02-01 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/10] QoS: Do not manually load iptables modules [01/10] QoS: Do not manually load iptables modules - - - --- 2019-10-21 Daniel Weismueller Superseded
[01/11] borgbackup: Fix Bug#12611 by adding fuse mount capability with pyfuser3 [01/11] borgbackup: Fix Bug#12611 by adding fuse mount capability with pyfuser3 - - 1 --- 2022-07-29 Adolf Belka Superseded
[01/11] Drop motion add-on Drop unmaintained or orphaned add-ons and packages, first batch - - - --- 2021-05-17 Peter Müller Superseded
[01/11] firewall: Log packets dropped due to conntrack INVALID state firewall: Introduce DROP_HOSTILE and improve spoofing logging/protection - - - --- 2021-12-18 Peter Müller Accepted
[01/11] Kernel: Set CONFIG_ARCH_MMAP_RND_BITS to 32 bits Kernel: Improve hardening - 1 - --- 2022-03-19 Peter Müller Accepted
[01/11] Refactor get_locations() function to use the Location module. [01/11] Refactor get_locations() function to use the Location module. - - - --- 2020-09-22 Stefan Schantl Accepted
[01/11] wio: This is a patch series relocating wio into the standard ipfire directories [01/11] wio: This is a patch series relocating wio into the standard ipfire directories - - 1 --- 2023-04-05 Adolf Belka Accepted
[01/12] fontconfig: update to 2.13.1 [01/12] fontconfig: update to 2.13.1 - - - --- 2020-08-25 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/12] Rename and set the location for exported databases to "/var/lib/loca… [01/12] Rename and set the location for exported databases to "/var/lib/loca… - 1 - --- 2022-02-14 Stefan Schantl Accepted
[01/12] statusmail: Main script statusmail: Status and Log Summary Emails - - - --- 2019-04-06 Tim FitzGeorge Dropped
[01/13] installer: Update language files [01/13] installer: Update language files - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged
[01/13] kernel: Change timer tick to 1000Hz [01/13] kernel: Change timer tick to 1000Hz 1 - - --- 2021-09-17 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/13] kernel: Change timer tick to 1000Hz [01/13] kernel: Change timer tick to 1000Hz - - - --- 2021-09-07 Michael Tremer Dropped
[01/14] Drop arm [01/14] Drop arm - - - --- 2020-02-12 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/15] borgbackup: Update to version 1.2.7 [01/15] borgbackup: Update to version 1.2.7 - - 1 --- 2024-01-29 Adolf Belka Accepted
[01/15] libcap: Update to version 2.70 [01/15] libcap: Update to version 2.70 - - - --- 2024-08-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[01/15] sysvinit: Fix build against glibc 2.36 [01/15] sysvinit: Fix build against glibc 2.36 - - - --- 2022-08-15 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/16] IPsec: Use sane defaults for certificate lifetimes [01/16] IPsec: Use sane defaults for certificate lifetimes - - - --- 2020-05-28 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/17] btrfs-progs: New package BTRFS support on IPFire 2.x (experimental) - - - --- 2024-03-15 Stefan Schantl Superseded
[01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[01/17] QoS: Do not manually load iptables modules [01/17] QoS: Do not manually load iptables modules - - - --- 2019-10-14 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/19] expect: Fix build with GCC 14.2 [01/19] expect: Fix build with GCC 14.2 - - - --- 2024-08-19 Michael Tremer Staged
[01/19] openvpn: Add WUI page for client usage statistics [01/19] openvpn: Add WUI page for client usage statistics - - - --- 2020-04-13 Stefan Schantl Accepted
[01/20] GnuPG does not need to have a SUID bit set Prevent "nobody" from escalating privileges by using writeable binaries as a vehicle - - - --- 2021-05-17 Peter Müller Accepted
[01/20] Revert "Suricata: detect DNS events on port 853, too" Suricata Configuration Updates - - - --- 2019-03-01 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/20] suricata: Move the IPS into the mangle table [01/20] suricata: Move the IPS into the mangle table - - - --- 2024-09-10 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/21] linux: Update to 5.15.85 linux: Update to 5.15.85 and backport many IPFire 3.x changes - - - --- 2022-12-26 Peter Müller Accepted
[01/21] test: Add bash lib for colors [01/21] test: Add bash lib for colors - - - --- 2024-05-20 Jonatan Schlag New
[01/23] python3-cryptography: Update to version 36.0.2 [01/23] python3-cryptography: Update to version 36.0.2 - - - --- 2022-06-17 Adolf Belka Accepted
[01/27] oci-cli: New package [01/27] oci-cli: New package - - - --- 2022-02-21 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/28] gcc: toolchain stage 2: Set sysroot to /tools_${arch} [01/28] gcc: toolchain stage 2: Set sysroot to /tools_${arch} - - - --- 2022-02-04 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/29] json-c: Update to version 0.16 [01/29] json-c: Update to version 0.16 - 1 - --- 2023-01-04 Adolf Belka Accepted
[01/29] libgudev: New package [01/29] libgudev: New package - - - --- 2022-12-01 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/32] name all perl packages to start with perl [01/32] name all perl packages to start with perl - - - --- 2022-02-06 Adolf Belka Accepted
[01/32] rust: Update to version 1.83.0 [01/32] rust: Update to version 1.83.0 - 1 - --- 2024-12-21 Adolf Belka Staged
[01/35] python3: Update to version 3.10.1 [01/35] python3: Update to version 3.10.1 - 1 1 --- 2022-01-24 Adolf Belka Accepted
[01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[01/50] expat: Update to version 2.4.6 - Security/CVE fixes [01/50] expat: Update to version 2.4.6 - Security/CVE fixes - 1 - --- 2022-02-22 Michael Tremer Dropped
[01/54] samba: Migrate configuration from Samba 3.6 to 4.x [01/54] samba: Migrate configuration from Samba 3.6 to 4.x - - - --- 2020-10-13 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/62] bison: Update to 3.7.1 [01/62] bison: Update to 3.7.1 - - - --- 2020-08-16 Michael Tremer Accepted
[01/71] perl: Update to 5.32.1 [01/71] perl: Update to 5.32.1 - - - --- 2021-04-01 Adolf Belka Accepted
[01/88] perl: Update to version 5.36.0 [01/88] perl: Update to version 5.36.0 - - - --- 2022-08-16 Adolf Belka Accepted
[0/1] Apache: Update to 2.4.34 - - - --- 2018-07-18 Wolfgang Apolinarski None
[0/1] apr to 1.6.5, apache httpd rootfile stabilization - - - --- 2019-02-04 Wolfgang Apolinarski None
[0/1] Enable ACPI support on ARM64 - - - --- 2020-09-14 Mathew McBride None
[0/1] fontconfig: update to 2.12.6 - - - --- 2017-11-19 Marcel Lorenz None
[0/1] hostapd: clean up shell script - - - --- 2020-05-02 Peter Müller None
[0/1] Parallelized build for several packages - - - --- 2019-02-21 Wolfgang Apolinarski None
[0/1] Updated apache and apr - - - --- 2018-10-24 Wolfgang Apolinarski None
[0/1] Update to APR and PCRE (apache dependencies) - - - --- 2020-03-02 Wolfgang Apolinarski None
[02/10] Drop Asterisk add-on [01/10] Drop orphaned dependency add-on libmicrohttpd - - - --- 2021-05-17 Peter Müller Superseded
[02/10] _fireinfo: Migrate to Python 3 [01/10] configure: Link against Python 3 - - - --- 2021-05-07 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/10] jq: New package [01/10] Set a good default for rustc flags - - - --- 2022-02-01 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/10] QoS: Use Intermediate Functional Block [01/10] QoS: Do not manually load iptables modules - - - --- 2019-10-21 Daniel Weismueller Superseded
[02/11] firewall: Accept inbound Tor traffic before applying the location filter firewall: Introduce DROP_HOSTILE and improve spoofing logging/protection - - - --- 2021-12-18 Peter Müller Accepted
[02/11] Kernel: Disable support for tracing block I/O actions Kernel: Improve hardening - 1 - --- 2022-03-19 Peter Müller Accepted
[02/11] Refactor get_full_country_name() function to use the Location module. [01/11] Refactor get_locations() function to use the Location module. - - - --- 2020-09-22 Stefan Schantl Accepted
[02/11] addition of the extra modules required for the build/exec of pyfuser3 [01/11] borgbackup: Fix Bug#12611 by adding fuse mount capability with pyfuser3 - - 1 --- 2022-07-29 Adolf Belka Superseded
[02/11] wio: Move backup/includes file to standard IPFire location [01/11] wio: This is a patch series relocating wio into the standard ipfire directories - - - --- 2023-04-05 Adolf Belka Accepted
[02/12] freetype: Update to 2.10.2 [01/12] fontconfig: update to 2.13.1 - - - --- 2020-08-25 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/12] Remove ending backslash from location_dir variable. [01/12] Rename and set the location for exported databases to "/var/lib/loca… - 1 - --- 2022-02-14 Stefan Schantl Accepted
[02/12] statusmail: Perl module for encrypted Encrypted Mail statusmail: Status and Log Summary Emails - - - --- 2019-04-06 Tim FitzGeorge Dropped
[02/13] installer: Translate BTRFS string [01/13] installer: Update language files - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged
[02/13] kernel: Disable suspending systems to RAM [01/13] kernel: Change timer tick to 1000Hz 1 - - --- 2021-09-17 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/13] kernel: Disable suspending systems to RAM [01/13] kernel: Change timer tick to 1000Hz - - - --- 2021-09-07 Michael Tremer Dropped
[02/14] Drop batctl [01/14] Drop arm - - - --- 2020-02-12 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/15] avahi: ship due to libcap sobump [01/15] libcap: Update to version 2.70 - - - --- 2024-08-09 Adolf Belka Dropped
[02/15] gcc: Fix build against glibc 2.36 [01/15] sysvinit: Fix build against glibc 2.36 - - - --- 2022-08-15 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/15] python3-attrs: Update to version 23.2.0 [01/15] borgbackup: Update to version 1.2.7 - - 1 --- 2024-01-29 Adolf Belka Accepted
[02/16] IPsec: Add prototype to export Apple Configuration profiles [01/16] IPsec: Use sane defaults for certificate lifetimes - - - --- 2020-05-28 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/17] cups-filters: Removal of cups-filters [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[02/17] installer: Allow to install IPFire on BTRFS BTRFS support on IPFire 2.x (experimental) - - - --- 2024-03-15 Stefan Schantl Superseded
[02/17] QoS: Use Intermediate Functional Block [01/17] QoS: Do not manually load iptables modules - - - --- 2019-10-14 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/19] coreutils: Drop uname patch [01/19] expect: Fix build with GCC 14.2 - - - --- 2024-08-19 Michael Tremer Staged
[02/19] OpenVPN: Fix query when selecting sessions only [01/19] openvpn: Add WUI page for client usage statistics - - - --- 2020-04-13 Stefan Schantl Accepted
[02/20] Core Update 157: remove SUID bit from /usr/bin/gpg Prevent "nobody" from escalating privileges by using writeable binaries as a vehicle - - - --- 2021-05-17 Peter Müller Accepted
[02/20] initscripts: Fix bash function definitions in suricata [01/20] suricata: Move the IPS into the mangle table - - - --- 2024-09-10 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/20] suricata: Set max-pending-packets to 1024 Suricata Configuration Updates - - - --- 2019-03-01 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/21] linux: Disable the entire PCMCIA/CardBus subsystem linux: Update to 5.15.85 and backport many IPFire 3.x changes 1 - - --- 2022-12-26 Peter Müller Accepted
[02/21] tests: Add bash lib [01/21] test: Add bash lib for colors - - - --- 2024-05-20 Jonatan Schlag New
[02/23] New rust dependencies for python3-cryptography [01/23] python3-cryptography: Update to version 36.0.2 - - - --- 2022-06-17 Adolf Belka Accepted
[02/27] oci-python-sdk: New package [01/27] oci-cli: New package - - - --- 2022-02-21 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/28] glibc: Update to version 2.34 [01/28] gcc: toolchain stage 2: Set sysroot to /tools_${arch} - 1 - --- 2022-02-04 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/29] alsa: Ship due to sobump from json-c update [01/29] json-c: Update to version 0.16 - - - --- 2023-01-04 Adolf Belka Accepted
[02/29] libqmi: New package [01/29] libgudev: New package - - - --- 2022-12-01 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/32] perl-Archive-Tar: Renamed from Archive-Tar [01/32] name all perl packages to start with perl - - - --- 2022-02-06 Adolf Belka Accepted
[02/32] rust-ctor: Update to version 0.2.9 from 0.1.21 [01/32] rust: Update to version 1.83.0 - - - --- 2024-12-21 Adolf Belka Staged
[02/35] python3-setuptools-scm: Update to version 6.3.2 [01/35] python3: Update to version 3.10.1 - 1 - --- 2022-01-24 Adolf Belka Accepted
[02/48] Addition, deletion and re-orderiong of packages for Python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[02/50] wireless client: Remove option for WEP [01/50] expat: Update to version 2.4.6 - Security/CVE fixes - - - --- 2022-02-22 Michael Tremer Dropped
[02/54] samba: Migrate older backups too and use standard update mechasism [01/54] samba: Migrate configuration from Samba 3.6 to 4.x - - - --- 2020-10-13 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/62] minicom: Update to 2.7.1 [01/62] bison: Update to 3.7.1 - - - --- 2020-08-16 Michael Tremer Accepted
[02/71] foomatic: Update of rootfiles due to perl version update [01/71] perl: Update to 5.32.1 - - - --- 2021-04-01 Adolf Belka Accepted
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