[01/11] location-functions.pl: Refactor get_locations() function to use the Location module.
Commit Message
Signed-off-by: Stefan Schantl <stefan.schantl@ipfire.org>
config/cfgroot/location-functions.pl | 30 +++++++++-------------------
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ my %not_iso_3166_location = (
"fx" => "France, Metropolitan"
+# Array which contains special country codes.
+my @special_locations = ( "A1", "A2", "A3" );
# Directory where the libloc database and keyfile lives.
our $location_dir = "/var/lib/location/";
@@ -167,29 +170,14 @@ sub get_full_country_name($) {
# Function to get all available locations.
sub get_locations() {
- my @locations = ();
- # Get listed country codes from ISO 3166-1.
- my @locations_lc = &Locale::Codes::Country::all_country_codes();
- # The Codes::Country module provides the country codes only in lower case.
- # So we have to loop over the array and convert them into upper case format.
- foreach my $ccode (@locations_lc) {
- # Convert the country code to uppercase.
- my $ccode_uc = uc($ccode);
+ # Create libloc database handle.
+ my $db_handle = &init();
- # Add the converted ccode to the locations array.
- push(@locations, $ccode_uc);
- }
- # Add locations from not_iso_3166_locations.
- foreach my $location (keys %not_iso_3166_location) {
- # Convert the location into uppercase.
- my $location_uc = uc($location);
+ # Get locations which are stored in the location database.
+ my @database_locations = &Location::database_countries($db_handle);
- # Add the location to the locations array.
- push(@locations, $location_uc);
- }
+ # Merge special locations array and the database locations array.
+ my @locations = (@special_locations, @database_locations);
# Sort locations array in alphabetical order.
my @sorted_locations = sort(@locations);