[10/11] ipinfo.cgi: Allow to display multiple flags.
Commit Message
Signed-off-by: Stefan Schantl <stefan.schantl@ipfire.org>
config/cfgroot/location-functions.pl | 17 +++++++---
html/cgi-bin/ipinfo.cgi | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
@@ -190,10 +190,13 @@ sub get_locations() {
return @sorted_locations;
-# Function to check if a given address has a special flag.
-sub address_has_flag($) {
+# Function to check if a given address has one ore more special flags.
+sub address_has_flags($) {
my ($address) = @_;
+ # Array to store the flags of the address.
+ my @flags;
# Init libloc database handle.
my $db_handle = &init();
@@ -206,10 +209,16 @@ sub address_has_flag($) {
# Grab the mapped location code for this flag.
$mapped_code = $network_flags{$flag};
- # Return the code.
- return $mapped_code;
+ # Add the mapped code to the array of flags.
+ push(@flags, $mapped_code);
+ # Sort the array of flags.
+ @flags = sort(@flags);
+ # Return the array of flags.
+ return @flags;
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ if (&General::validip($addr)) {
# enumerate location information for IP address...
my $db_handle = &Location::Functions::init();
my $ccode = &Location::Functions::lookup_country_code($db_handle, $addr);
- my $network_flag = &Location::Functions::address_has_flag($addr);
+ my @network_flags = &Location::Functions::address_has_flags($addr);
# Try to get the continent of the country code.
my $continent = &Location::get_continent_code($db_handle, $ccode);
@@ -111,12 +111,48 @@ if (&General::validip($addr)) {
&Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $addr . " <a href='country.cgi#$ccode'><img src='$flag_icon' border='0' align='absmiddle' alt='$ccode' title='$ccode' /></a> (" . $hostname . ') : '.$whois_server);
# Check if the address has a flag.
- if ($network_flag) {
- # Get
- my $network_flag_name = &Location::Functions::get_full_country_name($network_flag);
+ if (@network_flags) {
+ # Get amount of flags for this network.
+ my $flags_amount = @network_flags;
+ my $processed_flags;
+ # The message string which will be displayed.
+ my $message_string = "This address is marked as";
+ # Loop through the array of network_flags.
+ foreach my $network_flag (@network_flags) {
+ # Increment value of processed flags.
+ $processed_flags++;
+ # Get the network flag name.
+ my $network_flag_name = &Location::Functions::get_full_country_name($network_flag);
+ # Add the flag name to the message string.
+ $message_string = "$message_string" . " $network_flag_name";
+ # Check if multiple flags are set for this network.
+ if ($flags_amount gt "1") {
+ # Check if the the current flag is the next-to-last one.
+ if ($processed_flags eq $flags_amount - 1) {
+ $message_string = "$message_string" . " and ";
+ # Check if the current flag it the last one.
+ } elsif ($processed_flags eq $flags_amount) {
+ # The message is finished add a dot for ending the sentence.
+ $message_string = "$message_string" . ".";
+ # Otherwise add a simple comma to the message string.
+ } else {
+ $message_string = "$message_string" . ", ";
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Nothing special to do, simple add a dot to finish the sentence.
+ $message_string = "$message_string" . ".";
+ }
+ }
- # Display notice.
- print "<h3>This address is marked as $network_flag_name.</h3>\n";
+ # Display the generated notice.
+ print "<h3>$message_string</h3>\n";
print "<br>\n";