[02/12] statusmail: Perl module for encrypted Encrypted Mail

Message ID 20190405172940.13168-3-ipfr@tfitzgeorge.me.uk
State Dropped
Series statusmail: Status and Log Summary Emails |

Commit Message

Tim FitzGeorge April 6, 2019, 4:29 a.m. UTC
  Contains functions for writing structured emails and then both signing
and encrypting them using GPG.
There is a module in CPAN that can sign and encrypt emails, but this
conatins additionaly functionality that is not required (decryption
etc) and also requires a number of other modules that are not
currently used in IPFire.

Signed-off-by: Tim FitzGeorge <ipfr@tfitzgeorge.me.uk>
 src/statusmail/EncryptedMail.pm | 1060 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1060 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/statusmail/EncryptedMail.pm


diff --git a/src/statusmail/EncryptedMail.pm b/src/statusmail/EncryptedMail.pm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22732cb9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/statusmail/EncryptedMail.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,1060 @@ 
+#                                                                          #
+# Send log and status emails for IPFire                                    #
+#                                                                          #
+# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify             #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or        #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                      #
+#                                                                          #
+# This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                  #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                             #
+#                                                                          #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        #
+# along with IPFire; if not, write to the Free Software                    #
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA #
+#                                                                          #
+# Copyright (C) 2018 - 2019 The IPFire Team                                #
+#                                                                          #
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use MIME::Lite;
+use IPC::Open2;
+use IO::Select;
+use Socket;
+require "/var/ipfire/general-functions.pl";
+require "${General::swroot}/lang.pl";
+package EncryptedMail;
+# Configuration variables
+my $gpg             = "/usr/bin/gpg --homedir ${General::swroot}/statusmail/keys";
+my $contactsettings = "${General::swroot}/statusmail/contact_settings";
+# Function prototypes
+sub new( @ );
+sub send( $@ );
+sub add( $@ );
+sub add_text( $@ );
+sub add_table( $@ );
+sub _add_table_text( $@ );
+sub _add_table_html( $@ );
+sub add_section( $$ );
+sub add_subsection( $$ );
+sub add_title( $$ );
+sub is_html( $ );
+sub is_text( $ );
+sub get_max_lines_per_item( $ );
+# sub new( params )
+# Creates a new mail message.
+# Parameters:
+#   A hash which can contain the following fields:
+#     format    format of the message: 'html' or 'text'
+#     to        reference to a list of contact names.
+#     subject   subject for email message
+#     sender    email address of sender
+sub new( @ )
+  my $invocant = shift;
+  my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
+  my $self     = { 'message'                => '',
+                   'format'                 => 'html',
+                   'in_section'             => 0,
+                   'in_subsection'          => 0,
+                   'in_item'                => 0,
+                   'section'                => '',
+                   'subsection'             => '',
+                   'subject'                => 'Encrypted email',
+                   'empty'                  => 1,
+                   'skip_blank_sections'    => 0,
+                   'skip_blank_subsections' => 0,
+                   'image_file'             => 'img0000',
+                   'max_lines_per_item'     => 100,
+                   @_ };
+  bless( $self, $class );
+  if ($self->{'format'} eq 'html')
+  {
+    # For an HTML message, put the head on the beginning.
+    $self->{'message'} = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"/>\n";
+    if ($self->{'stylesheet'})
+    {
+      $self->{'message'} .= "<style>\n";
+      open STYLE, '<', $self->{'stylesheet'} or die "Can't open stylesheet: $!";
+      $self->{'message'} .= $_ while <STYLE>;
+      close STYLE;
+      $self->{'message'} .= "</style>\n";
+    }
+    $self->{'message'} .= "</head>\n<body>\n<div id='header'><h1>";
+    $self->{'message'} .= $self->{subject};
+    $self->{'message'} .= "</h1></div>\n<div class='bigbox'>\n";
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    # For a text message, just put the subject
+    $self->{'message'} .= "$self->{subject}\n\n"
+  }
+  $self->{'to'} =~ s/\|/ /g if ($self->{'to'});
+  # Create an email message object
+  $self->{'object'} = MIME::Lite->new( Type     => 'multipart/related',
+                                       Encoding => '7bit' );
+  # Create the main part of the message
+  if ($self->{format} eq 'html')
+  {
+    $self->{'text'} = $self->{'object'}->attach( Type     => 'text/html',
+                                                 Encoding => 'quoted-printable' );
+    $self->{'text'}->attr('content-type.charset' => 'UTF-8');
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    $self->{'text'} = $self->{'object'}->attach( Type     => 'TEXT',
+                                                 Encoding => 'quoted-printable' );
+  }
+  return $self;
+# sub is_html()
+# Returns true if the message format is HTML.
+# Used by plugins.
+sub is_html( $ )
+  return shift->{'format'} eq 'html';
+# sub is_text()
+# Return true if the message format is text.
+# Used by plugins.
+sub is_text( $ )
+  return not shift->{'format'} eq 'html';
+# sub get_max_lines_per_item()
+# Returns the maximum number of lines to include in an item.
+# Used by plugins.
+sub get_max_lines_per_item( $ )
+  return shift->{'max_lines_per_item'};
+# sub send( subject )
+# Sends the message.  A subject may be specified which overrides the one
+# specified when creating the object.
+sub send( $@ )
+  use IPC::Open2;
+  my $self = shift;
+  my ($subject) = @_;
+  my $contacts;
+  # Don't do anything if there's no data
+  return if ($self->{'empty'});
+  $subject ||= $self->{'subject'};
+  # Get the list of recipients, dividing it into signed and encrypted.
+  return unless (-r $contactsettings);
+  eval qx|/bin/cat $contactsettings|;
+  my @signed_recipients;
+  my @encrypted_recipients;
+  foreach my $recipient ( @{ $self->{'to'} } )
+  {
+    if ($$contacts{$recipient}{'fingerprint'})
+    {
+      # Signed and encrypted
+      push @encrypted_recipients, $$contacts{$recipient}{'email'};
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      # Signed only
+      push @signed_recipients, $$contacts{$recipient}{'email'};
+    }
+  }
+  return unless (@encrypted_recipients or @signed_recipients);
+  # Build the data that's going to be signed
+  if ($self->{format} eq 'html')
+  {
+    $self->{message} .= "</div>\n" if ($self->{in_item});
+    $self->{message} .= "</div>\n" if ($self->{in_subsection});
+    $self->{message} .= "</div>\n" if ($self->{in_section});
+    $self->{message} .= "</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
+  }
+  $self->{in_section} = 0;
+  $self->{text}->data( $self->{message} );
+  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Sign message
+  # Prepare to sign the data
+  my ($from_gpg, $to_gpg);
+  my $body = $self->{'object'}->as_string;
+  # Sign the data
+  # Create a process running GPG
+  my $cmd = "$gpg --batch --detach-sign --digest-algo sha256 --armour --local-user \"<$self->{'sender'}>\" --passphrase-fd 0";
+  my $childpid = open2( $from_gpg, $to_gpg, $cmd );
+  print $to_gpg "ipfirestatusemail\n";
+  # Pipe the data to be signed to GPG
+  # The signature is fairly short so we don't need to worry about buffering.
+  foreach my $line (split /[\n]/, $body)
+  {
+    chomp $line;
+    $line =~ s/\s*$/\r\n/;
+    print $to_gpg $line;
+  }
+  print $to_gpg "\r\n";
+  close $to_gpg;
+  # Get the signature
+  my $signature = '';
+  $signature .= $_ while <$from_gpg>;
+  waitpid( $childpid, 0 );
+  # Create the message that will contain the data and its signature
+  my $signed_message = new MIME::Lite(Type => 'multipart/mixed' );
+  $signed_message->attr( 'content-type'          => 'multipart/signed' );
+  $signed_message->attr( 'content-type.protocol' => 'application/pgp-signature' );
+  $signed_message->attr( 'content-type.micalg'   => 'pgp-sha256' );
+  # Attach the signed data to the message
+  $signed_message->attach( $self->{'object'} );
+  delete $self->{object};
+  # Attach the signature to the message
+  $signed_message->attach( Type     => 'application/pgp-signature',
+                           Encoding => '7bit',
+                           Data     => $signature );
+  # Send the message to signed only recipients
+  if (@signed_recipients)
+  {
+    $signed_message->add( From    => $self->{'sender'} );
+    $signed_message->add( To      => [ @signed_recipients ] );
+    $signed_message->add( Subject => $self->{'subject'} );
+    $signed_message->send();
+    # Delete tags that are not needed when the message is encrypted.
+    $signed_message->delete( 'From' );
+    $signed_message->delete( 'To' );
+    $signed_message->delete( 'Subject' );
+  }
+  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Encrypt message
+  # Encrypt and send the message to signed and encrypted recipients
+  if (@encrypted_recipients)
+  {
+    # Find the keys of the recipients and build the GPG command
+    $cmd = "$gpg --batch --encrypt --armour --always-trust --charset UTF8";
+    foreach my $recipient ( @{ $self->{'to'} } )
+    {
+      if ($$contacts{$recipient}{'fingerprint'})
+      {
+        my $fingerprint = $$contacts{$recipient}{'fingerprint'};
+        $fingerprint =~ s/\s+//g;
+        $cmd .= " --recipient $fingerprint";
+      }
+    }
+    # Build a mask to check if there's any output from GPG later
+    my $reader = IO::Select->new;
+    my $encrypted = '';
+    # Start GPG and pipe the signed message to it
+    # The encrypted message is longer than the IO buffer so we need to arrange
+    # to read and write asynchronously.
+    $childpid = open2( $from_gpg, $to_gpg, $cmd ) or die "Can't fork GPG child: $!";
+    $reader->add( $from_gpg );
+    my $signed_data = $signed_message->as_string;
+    my $read;
+    foreach my $line (split /[\n]/, $signed_data)
+    {
+      chomp $line;
+      $line =~ s/\s*$/\r\n/;
+      print $to_gpg $line;
+      while ($reader->can_read( 0 ))
+      {
+        $encrypted .= <$from_gpg>;
+      }
+    }
+    close $to_gpg;
+    $encrypted .= $_ while (<$from_gpg>);
+    close $from_gpg;
+    # Create the message that will contain the data and its signature
+    my $encrypted_message = new MIME::Lite( From    => $self->{'sender'},
+                                            To      => [ @encrypted_recipients ],
+                                            Subject => $self->{'subject'},
+                                            Type    => 'multipart/mixed' );
+    $encrypted_message->attr( 'content-type'          => 'multipart/encrypted' );
+    $encrypted_message->attr( 'content-type.protocol' => 'application/pgp-encrypted' );
+    # Attach the control information to the message
+    $encrypted_message->attach( Type     => 'application/pgp-encrypted',
+                                Encoding => '7bit',
+                                Data     => 'Version 1' );
+    # Attach the encrypted data
+    $encrypted_message->attach( Type     => 'application/octet-stream',
+                                Encoding => '7bit',
+                                Data     => $encrypted );
+    $encrypted_message->send();
+  }
+# add_section( name )
+# Starts a new section in the message.  Nothing is actually added to the
+# message until the contents of an item are added.  This allows empty sections
+# to be omitted.
+sub add_section( $$ )
+  my ($self, $name) = @_;
+  if ($self->{format} eq 'html')
+  {
+    # Terminate old items/subsections/sections
+    $self->{message}    .= "</div>\n" if ($self->{in_item});
+    $self->{message}    .= "</div>\n" if ($self->{in_subsection});
+    $self->{message}    .= "</div>\n" if ($self->{in_section});
+    # Start new section
+    $self->{section}     = "<div class='section'><h2>$name</h2>\n";
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    # Start new section
+    $self->{section}     = "\n$name\n";
+    $self->{section}    .= '-' x length($name);
+    $self->{section}    .= "\n";
+  }
+  $self->{subsection}    = '';
+  $self->{item}          = '';
+  $self->{in_section}    = 0;
+  $self->{in_subsection} = 0;
+  $self->{in_item}       = 0
+# sub add_subsection( name )
+# Starts a new subsection in the message.  Nothing is actually added to the
+# message until the contents of an item are added.  This allows empty
+# subsections to be omitted.
+sub add_subsection( $$ )
+  my ($self, $name) = @_;
+  if ($self->{format} eq 'html')
+  {
+    # Terminate old items/subsections
+    $self->{message}    .= "</div>\n" if ($self->{in_item});
+    $self->{message}    .= "</div>\n" if ($self->{in_subsection});
+    # Start new subsection
+    $self->{subsection}  = "<div class='subsection'><h3>$name</h3>\n";
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    # Start new subsection
+    $self->{subsection}  = "\n  $name\n";
+  }
+  $self->{item}          = '';
+  $self->{in_subsection} = 0;
+  $self->{in_item}       = 0
+# sub title( name )
+# Adds a new item title to the message.  Nothing is actually added to the
+# message until the contents of an item are added.  This allows empty items to
+# be omitted.
+sub add_title( $$ )
+  my ($self, $string) = @_;
+  if ($self->{format} eq 'html')
+  {
+    # Terminate old item
+    $self->{message}    .= "</div>\n" if ($self->{in_item});
+    # Start new item
+    $self->{item} = "<div class='item'><h4>$string</h4>\n";
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    # Start new item
+    $self->{item} = "\n    $string\n\n";
+  }
+  $self->{in_item}       = 0;
+# sub add( lines )
+# Adds an item (or part of an item) to the message. If there are section,
+# subsection or item titles outstanding, they are added, and then the contents
+# of the parameter array is added.  No formatting is carried out.  This
+# function should generally only be used by a plugin to add pre-formatted
+# HTML to the message.
+sub add( $@ )
+  my ($self, @lines) = @_;
+  # Add section/subsection/item titles, if they haven't already been added.
+  if ($self->{section})
+  {
+    $self->{message}      .= $self->{section};
+    $self->{section}       = '';
+    $self->{in_section}    = 1;
+    $self->{in_subsection} = 0;
+    $self->{in_item}       = 0;
+  }
+  if ($self->{subsection})
+  {
+    $self->{message}      .= $self->{subsection};
+    $self->{subsection}    = '';
+    $self->{in_subsection} = 1;
+    $self->{in_item}       = 0;
+  }
+  if ($self->{item})
+  {
+    $self->{message}   .= $self->{item};
+    $self->{item}       = '';
+    $self->{in_item}    = 1;
+  }
+  # Add the lines
+  foreach my $line (@lines)
+  {
+    $self->{message} .= $line;
+  }
+  $self->{empty} = 0;
+# sub add_text( lines )
+# Adds the textual lines to the message.  If there are section, subsection or
+# item titles outstanding, they are added, and then the contents of the
+# parameter array is added.  The lines are formatted as plain text with HTML
+# breaks inserted if necessary.
+sub add_text( $@ )
+  my ($self, @lines) = @_;
+  my $message = '';
+  foreach my $string (@lines)
+  {
+    if ($self->{format} eq 'html')
+    {
+      $string =~ s/[\n\r]+/<br>\n/g;
+      $message .= $string;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      foreach my $string ( split /[\n\r]+/, $string )
+      {
+        $message .= '    ' . $string . "\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  $self->add( $message );
+  $self->{empty} = 0;
+# sub add_image( params )
+# Adds an image to the message.
+sub add_image( $@ )
+  my ($self, %params) = @_;
+  # Add section/subsection/item titles, if they haven't already been added.
+  if ($self->{section})
+  {
+    $self->{message}      .= $self->{section};
+    $self->{section}       = '';
+    $self->{in_section}    = 1;
+    $self->{in_subsection} = 0;
+    $self->{in_item}       = 0;
+  }
+  if ($self->{subsection})
+  {
+    $self->{message}      .= $self->{subsection};
+    $self->{subsection}    = '';
+    $self->{in_subsection} = 1;
+    $self->{in_item}       = 0;
+  }
+  if ($self->{item})
+  {
+    $self->{message}   .= $self->{item};
+    $self->{item}       = '';
+    $self->{in_item}    = 1;
+  }
+  # Work out the name of the embedded file
+  $self->{'image_file'}++;
+  my $image_name = $self->{'image_file'};
+  if ($params{'type'} eq 'image/jpeg')
+  {
+    $image_name .= '.jpg';
+  }
+  elsif ($params{'type'} eq 'image/gif')
+  {
+    $image_name .= '.gif';
+  }
+  elsif ($params{'type'} eq 'image/png')
+  {
+    $image_name .= '.png';
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  # Get the image
+  my $data;
+  if (exists $params{fh})
+  {
+    my $buffer;
+    binmode $params{fh};
+    while (read $params{fh}, $buffer, 1024)
+    {
+      $data .= $buffer;
+    }
+  }
+  elsif (exists $params{data})
+  {
+    $data = $params{data};
+  }
+  # Embed the file
+  my $name = $params{'name'} || $image_name;
+  $self->{object}->attach( Type     => $params{'type'},
+                           Data     => $data,
+                           Id       => $image_name );
+  $self->{message} .= "<img src='cid:$image_name'";
+  $self->{message} .= " alt='$params{alt}'" if (exists $params{alt});
+  $self->{message} .= ">\n";
+  $self->{empty}    = 0;
+# sub add_table( contents )
+# Adds a table to the message. If there are section, subsection or item titles
+# outstanding, they are added, and then the contents of the parameter array are
+# added.
+# The parameters passed should be an array of references to arrays.  Each entry
+# in the parameter array is a reference to an array representing a row of the
+# table.  The first row is taken to be the header.
+# The entire table is scanned to work out the size and alignment of each column
+# and then the table is formatted and added to the message.  Columns are right
+# aligned if they only contain numeric data (which may be suffixed to indicate
+# units), otherwise columns are left aligned.  The header row is centered.
+# The alignment algorithm may be overridden by inserting a row consisting only
+# of entries containing the following characters: '<', '|', '#' and '>', for
+# left centre, numeric and right alignment.  This line will override the
+# alignment for subsequent columns.  This also works for the header row, by
+# inserting the alignment information before the header row; in this case the
+# entire body of the table must also be manually aligned.
+sub add_table( $@ )
+  my ($self, @lines) = @_;
+  if ($self->{format} eq 'html')
+  {
+    _add_table_html( $self, @lines );
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    _add_table_text( $self, @lines );
+  }
+  $self->{empty} = 0;
+# _add_table_html( contents )
+# Internal subroutine called by add_table to format a table in HTML.
+sub _add_table_html( $@ )
+  my ($self, @lines) = @_;
+  my @align;
+  my $header_row     = 1;
+  my $text           = '';
+  my $number_lines   = 0;
+  my $centre_header  = 1;
+  # Scan through the table entries to work out the alignment of each column.
+  # Note that the header row is always centre aligned, unless the alignment of
+  # entire table is set manually.
+  foreach my $line ( @lines )
+  {
+    my @fields = @{ $line };
+    unless ($align[0])
+    {
+      for (my $column = 0 ; $column < @fields ; $column++)
+      {
+        # Initialise to right aligned.
+        $align[$column] = '>';
+      }
+    }
+    # Check for manually defined alignment.
+    last if ((join '', @fields) !~ m/[^<>|#]/);
+    for (my $column = 0 ; $column < @fields ; $column++)
+    {
+      # Handle multiple lines in a single table cell.
+      foreach my $item (split /[\n\r]+/, $fields[$column])
+      {
+        if (not $header_row and $align[$column] ne '<')
+        {
+          if ($align[$column] eq '>' and ($fields[$column] =~ m/^\d*\.\d*(?:\s*[-\w\/%]+)?$/))
+          {
+            # Decimal number - number align.
+            # Note that a number may be followed by a suffix (e.g. unit).
+            $align[$column] = '#';
+          }
+          elsif ($align[$column] ne '<' and $fields[$column] !~ m/^(?:\d*\.)?\d+(?:\s*[-\w\/%]+)?$/)
+          {
+            # Alphanumeric - left align.
+            $align[$column] = '<';
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    $header_row = 0;
+  }
+  # Now scan the table again, outputting the information.
+  $header_row = 1;
+  $text = "<table>\n";
+  foreach my $line ( @lines )
+  {
+    my @fields      = @{ $line };
+    $text .= "<tr>";
+    if ((join '', @fields) !~ m/[^<>|#]/)
+    {
+      # Explicit alignment.
+      for (my $column = 0 ; $column < @fields ; $column++)
+      {
+        $align[$column] = $fields[$column] if ($fields[$column]);
+      }
+      # Override the centre justification of the header.
+      $centre_header = 0;
+      next;
+    }
+    for (my $column = 0 ; $column < @fields ; $column++)
+    {
+      my $item  = $fields[$column];
+      my $tag   = 'td';
+      my $align = ' style="text-align: right"';
+      $item  =~ s/[\n\r]+/<br>/g;
+      $align = ' style="text-align: center"' if ($align[$column] eq '|');
+      $align = ''                            if ($align[$column] eq '<');
+      if ($header_row)
+      {
+        $tag   = 'th';
+        $align = '' if ($centre_header);
+      }
+      $text .= "<$tag$align>$item</$tag>";
+    }
+    $text .= "</tr>\n";
+    $header_row = 0;
+    last if (++$number_lines > $self->{'max_lines_per_item'});
+  }
+  $text .= "</table>\n";
+  $self->add( $text );
+  $self->{empty}    = 0;
+# sub _add_table_text( contents )
+# Internal subroutine called by add_table to format a table in text.
+sub _add_table_text( $@ )
+  my ($self, @lines) = @_;
+  my @width;
+  my @align;
+  my $header_row     = 1;
+  my $ignore_align   = 0;
+  my $text           = '';
+  my $number_lines   = 0;
+  my $centre_header  = 1;
+  # Scan through the table entries to work out the width and alignment of each
+  # column.
+  # Note that the header row is always centre aligned, unless the alignment of
+  # entire table is set manually.
+  foreach my $line ( @lines )
+  {
+    my @fields = @{ $line };
+    unless ($align[0])
+    {
+      for (my $column = 0 ; $column < @fields ; $column++)
+      {
+        # Initialise to zero width and right aligned.
+        $width[$column] = 0;
+        $align[$column] = '>';
+      }
+    }
+    # Check for manually defined alignment.
+    if ((join '', @fields) !~ m/[^<>|#]/)
+    {
+      $ignore_align = 1;
+      next;
+    }
+    for (my $column = 0 ; $column < @fields ; $column++)
+    {
+      next unless ($fields[$column]);
+      # Handle multiple lines in a single table cell.
+      foreach my $item (split /[\n\r]+/, $fields[$column])
+      {
+        next unless ($item);
+        if (length $item > $width[$column])
+        {
+          $width[$column] = length $item;
+        }
+        if (not $header_row and $align[$column] ne '<' and not $ignore_align)
+        {
+          if ($align[$column] eq '>' and ($item =~ m/^\d*\.\d*(?:\s*[-\w\/%]+)?$/))
+          {
+            # Decimal number - number align.
+            # Note that a number may be followed by a suffix (e.g. unit).
+            $align[$column] = '#';
+          }
+          elsif ($align[$column] ne '<' and $item !~ m/^(?:\d*\.)?\d+(?:\s*[-\w\/%]+)?$/)
+          {
+            # Alphanumeric - left align.
+            $align[$column] = '<';
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    last if (++$number_lines > $self->{'max_lines_per_item'});
+    $header_row = 0;
+  }
+  # Now scan the table again, outputting the information.
+  $header_row   = 1;
+  $number_lines = 0;
+  foreach my $line ( @lines )
+  {
+    my @fields      = @{ $line };
+    my @next_fields = ();
+    my $more_lines  = 0;
+    if ((join '', @fields) !~ m/[^<>|#]/)
+    {
+      # Explicit alignment.
+      for (my $column = 0 ; $column < @fields ; $column++)
+      {
+        $align[$column] = $fields[$column] if ($fields[$column]);
+      }
+      # Override the centre justification of the header.
+      $centre_header = 0;
+      next;
+    }
+    $text .= '    ';
+    for (my $column = 0 ; $column < @fields ; $column++)
+    {
+      my $item              = '';
+      $next_fields[$column] = '';
+      # Try to split the cell into multiple lines.
+      ($item, $next_fields[$column]) = split /[\n\r]+/, $fields[$column], 2;
+      if ($next_fields[$column])
+      {
+        $more_lines = 1 ;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        $next_fields[$column] = ' ';
+      }
+      $item = '' unless ($item);
+      my $width = length $item;
+      if ($centre_header or $align[$column] eq '|')
+      {
+        # Centre justified pre-spacing.
+        $text .= ' ' x (($width[$column] - $width) / 2 );
+      }
+      elsif ($align[$column] eq '>' or $align[$column] eq '#')
+      {
+        # Right justified pre-spacing.
+        $text .= ' ' x ($width[$column] - $width);
+      }
+      $text .= $item;
+      if ($column != $#fields)
+      {
+        if ($centre_header or $align[$column] eq '|')
+        {
+          # Centre justified post spacing.
+          $text .= ' ' x (($width[$column] - $width + 1) / 2 );
+        }
+        elsif ($align[$column] eq '<')
+        {
+          # Left justified post spacing.
+          $text .= ' ' x ($width[$column] - $width);
+        }
+        # Inter column spacing
+        $text .= "  ";
+      }
+    }
+    $text         =~ s/\s+$//;
+    $text         .= "\n";
+    $header_row    = 0;
+    $centre_header = 0;
+    if ($more_lines)
+    {
+      # One or more of the cells in this row has multiple lines outstanding.
+      # Go back to output the next line.
+      $line = [ @next_fields ];
+      redo;
+    }
+    last if (++$number_lines > $self->{'max_lines_per_item'});
+  }
+  $self->add( $text );
+  $self->{empty}    = 0;