Show patches with: Archived = No       |   7894 patches
« 1 223 24 2578 79 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[2/3] OpenSSL: Add ffdhe4096 Diffie-Hellman parameter [1/3] OpenVPN: Replace existing Diffie-Hellman parameter with ffdhe4096 - - - --- 2022-11-11 Peter Müller Accepted
[1/3] OpenVPN: Replace existing Diffie-Hellman parameter with ffdhe4096 [1/3] OpenVPN: Replace existing Diffie-Hellman parameter with ffdhe4096 - - - --- 2022-11-11 Peter Müller Accepted
Tor: Update to Tor: Update to - - - --- 2022-11-10 Peter Müller Accepted
Tor: Disable SOCKS port if unused Tor: Disable SOCKS port if unused - - - --- 2022-11-10 Peter Müller Accepted
[48/48] iotop: Modified rootfile with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[47/48] libplist: Update rootfile for operation with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - - --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[46/48] python3-flit:Modify lfs to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[45/48] python3-urllib3:Update to version 1.26.12 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[44/48] python3-typing_extensions:Update to version 4.4.0 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[43/48] python3-trio:Update to version 0.22.0 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[42/48] python3-sniffio:Update to version 1.3.0 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[41/48] python3-setuptools:Update to version 65.4.1 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[40/48] python3-semantic_version:Update to version 2.10.0 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[39/48] python3-s3transfer:Update to version 0.6.0 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[38/48] python3-rsa:Update to version 4.9 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[37/48] python3-requests:Update to version 2.28.1 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[36/48] python3-pytz:Update to version 2022.4 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[35/48] python3-pyparsing:Update to version 3.0.9 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[34/48] python3-pyfuse3:Update to version 3.2.2 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[33/48] python3-msgpack:Update to version 1.0.4 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[32/48] python3-jmespath:Update to version 1.0.1 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[31/48] python3-idna:Update to version 3.4 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[30/48] python3-docutils:Update to version 0.19 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[29/48] python3-colorama:Update to version 0.4.5 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[28/48] python3-click:Update to version 8.1.3 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[27/48] python3-circuitbreaker:Update to version 1.4.0 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[26/48] python3-charset-normalizer:Update to version 2.1.1 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[25/48] python3-cffi:Update to version 1.15.1 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[24/48] python3-certifi:Update to version 2022.9.4 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[23/48] python3-botocore:Update to version 1.27.89 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[22/48] python3-attrs:Update to version 22.1.0 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[21/48] python3-arrow:Update to version 1.2.3 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[20/48] rust-pyo3-build-config:Update to version 0.15.2 - required by python3-cryptography [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[19/48] rust-pyo3-macros-backend:Update to version 0.15.2 - required by python3-cryptography [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[18/48] rust-pyo3-macros:Update to version 0.15.2 - required by python3-cryptography [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[17/48] rust-pyo3:Update to version 0.15.2 - required by python3-cryptography [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[16/48] rust-pem:Update to version 1.1.0 - required by python3-cryptography [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[15/48] rust-ouroboros_macro:Update to version 0.15.5 - required by python3-cryptography [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[14/48] rust-ouroboros:Update to version 0.15.5 - required by python3-cryptography [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[13/48] rust-asn1_derive:Update to version 0.12.2 - required by python3-cryptography [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[12/48] rust-asn1: Update to version 0.12.2 - required by python3-cryptography [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[11/48] rust-iana-time-zone: Required by updated rust-chrono [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[10/48] rust-chrono:Update to version 0.4.22 required by python3-cryptography [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[09/48] python3-cryptography:Update to version 38.0.1 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[08/48] python3-setuptools-scm:Update to version 7.0.5 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[07/48] python3-setuptools-rust:Update to version 1.5.2 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[06/48] python3-pep517:Update to version 0.13.0 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[05/48] python3-daemon: Update to version 2.3.1 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[04/48] python3-build: Update to version 0.8.0 and to work with python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[03/48] python3-Cython: Removal of this module from IPFire [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[02/48] Addition, deletion and re-orderiong of packages for Python-3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 [01/48] python3: Update to version 3.10.8 - - 1 --- 2022-11-09 Adolf Belka Accepted
[v3] services.cgi: translate "Addon" [v3] services.cgi: translate "Addon" - - - --- 2022-11-08 Robin Roevens Accepted
[v2] services.cgi: translate "Addon" [v2] services.cgi: translate "Addon" - - - --- 2022-11-08 Robin Roevens Superseded
services.cgi: translate "Addon" services.cgi: translate "Addon" - - - --- 2022-11-08 Robin Roevens Superseded
Postfix: Update to 3.7.3 Postfix: Update to 3.7.3 - - - --- 2022-11-08 Peter Müller Accepted
zlib: Update to version 1.2.13 zlib: Update to version 1.2.13 - 1 - --- 2022-11-07 Adolf Belka Accepted
libxml2: Update to version 2.10.3 libxml2: Update to version 2.10.3 - 1 - --- 2022-11-07 Adolf Belka Accepted
expat: Update to version 2.5.0 expat: Update to version 2.5.0 - 1 - --- 2022-11-07 Adolf Belka Accepted
vnstat: Update to 2.10 vnstat: Update to 2.10 - 1 - --- 2022-11-07 Matthias Fischer Accepted
clamav 0.105.1: New package to resolve several CVEs clamav 0.105.1: New package to resolve several CVEs - - - --- 2022-11-07 Matthias Fischer Accepted
[RFC] Drop powertop [RFC] Drop powertop - 1 - --- 2022-11-07 Peter Müller Accepted
IPsec/OpenVPN: Use 4,096-bit RSA for host certificates as well IPsec/OpenVPN: Use 4,096-bit RSA for host certificates as well - 1 - --- 2022-11-03 Peter Müller Accepted
kernel: Enable Landlock support kernel: Enable Landlock support - 1 - --- 2022-11-03 Peter Müller Superseded
misc-progs: wirelessctrl: Fix missing whitespace for log prefix misc-progs: wirelessctrl: Fix missing whitespace for log prefix - 1 - --- 2022-11-02 Michael Tremer Accepted
memtest: update to memtest86+ v6.00 memtest: update to memtest86+ v6.00 - - - --- 2022-10-27 Arne Fitzenreiter Accepted
QMI: Update red/iface file when using QMI. QMI: Update red/iface file when using QMI. - - - --- 2022-10-21 Stefan Schantl Accepted
strongSwan: Update to 5.9.8 strongSwan: Update to 5.9.8 - 1 - --- 2022-10-15 Peter Müller Accepted
libloc: Update to 0.9.15 libloc: Update to 0.9.15 - 1 - --- 2022-10-15 Peter Müller Accepted
tzdata: Update to 2022e tzdata: Update to 2022e - 1 - --- 2022-10-15 Peter Müller Accepted
OpenSSH: Update to 9.1p1 OpenSSH: Update to 9.1p1 - 1 - --- 2022-10-15 Peter Müller Accepted
unbound: Update to 1.17.0 unbound: Update to 1.17.0 - 1 - --- 2022-10-14 Matthias Fischer Accepted
openssl: Update to version 1.1.1r openssl: Update to version 1.1.1r - - - --- 2022-10-12 Adolf Belka Superseded
[v3,5/5] services.cgi: add link to addon config if ui exists for it Fix Bug#12935 + cosmetic changes/enhancements - 1 - --- 2022-10-11 Robin Roevens Accepted
[v3,4/5] services.cgi: add restart action and restrict action usage Fix Bug#12935 + cosmetic changes/enhancements - 1 - --- 2022-10-11 Robin Roevens Accepted
[v3,3/5] services.cgi: minor cosmetics Fix Bug#12935 + cosmetic changes/enhancements - 1 - --- 2022-10-11 Robin Roevens Accepted
[v3,2/5] services.cgi: Fix status/actions on services with name != addon name Fix Bug#12935 + cosmetic changes/enhancements - 1 - --- 2022-10-11 Robin Roevens Accepted
[v3,1/5] misc-progs: addonctrl: Add support for 'Services' metadata Fix Bug#12935 + cosmetic changes/enhancements - 1 - --- 2022-10-11 Robin Roevens Accepted
samba: Update to 4.17.0 samba: Update to 4.17.0 - - - --- 2022-10-08 Matthias Fischer Accepted
dhcp: Update to 4.4.3-P1 dhcp: Update to 4.4.3-P1 - 1 - --- 2022-10-07 Matthias Fischer Accepted
manualpages: add and update help links to Wiki manualpages: add and update help links to Wiki - - 1 --- 2022-10-07 jon Accepted
glibc: Fix added whitespace in syslog messages glibc: Fix added whitespace in syslog messages - - - --- 2022-10-07 Michael Tremer Accepted
firewall: Fix missing whitespace for blocklist messages firewall: Fix missing whitespace for blocklist messages - - - --- 2022-10-07 Michael Tremer Accepted
[2/2] openvpnctrl: Update CRL before starting the client daemon [1/2] backup: Update OpenVPN CRL - - - --- 2022-10-07 Michael Tremer Accepted
[1/2] backup: Update OpenVPN CRL [1/2] backup: Update OpenVPN CRL - - - --- 2022-10-07 Michael Tremer Accepted
[v2,5/5] services.cgi: add link to addon config if ui exists for it Fix Bug#12935 + cosmetic changes/enhancements - 1 - --- 2022-10-06 Robin Roevens Superseded
[v2,4/5] services.cgi: add restart action and restrict action usage Fix Bug#12935 + cosmetic changes/enhancements - - - --- 2022-10-06 Robin Roevens Superseded
[v2,3/5] services.cgi: minor cosmetics Fix Bug#12935 + cosmetic changes/enhancements - 1 - --- 2022-10-06 Robin Roevens Superseded
[v2,2/5] services.cgi: Fix status/actions on services with name != addon name Fix Bug#12935 + cosmetic changes/enhancements - - - --- 2022-10-06 Robin Roevens Superseded
[v2,1/5] misc-progs: addonctrl: Add support for 'Services' metadata Fix Bug#12935 + cosmetic changes/enhancements - - - --- 2022-10-06 Robin Roevens Superseded
unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge: Fall back to the default domain unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge: Fall back to the default domain - 1 - --- 2022-10-04 Michael Tremer Accepted
rsync: Update to version 3.2.6 and fix Bug#12947 rsync: Update to version 3.2.6 and fix Bug#12947 - 1 - --- 2022-10-04 Adolf Belka Accepted
[3/3] services.cgi: add link to addon config if ui exists for it services.cgi: few cosmetic changes/enhancements - 1 - --- 2022-10-03 Robin Roevens Superseded
[2/3] services.cgi: add restart action and restrict action usage services.cgi: few cosmetic changes/enhancements - 1 - --- 2022-10-03 Robin Roevens Superseded
[1/3] services.cgi: minor cosmetics services.cgi: few cosmetic changes/enhancements - 1 - --- 2022-10-03 Robin Roevens Superseded
[2/2] services.cgi: Fix status/actions on services with name != addon name Fix Bug#12935 - status info broken on services.cgi for some addons - - 1 --- 2022-10-03 Robin Roevens Superseded
[1/2] misc-progs: addonctrl: Add support for 'Services' metadata Fix Bug#12935 - status info broken on services.cgi for some addons - - 1 --- 2022-10-03 Robin Roevens Superseded
[4/4] initscripts: load RTC module (RX8025) for Ten64 board kernel: aarch64: Add support for Traverse Ten64 board - 1 - --- 2022-10-03 Mathew McBride Accepted
[3/4] config: u-boot: bypass the u-boot script on Traverse Ten64 kernel: aarch64: Add support for Traverse Ten64 board - 1 - --- 2022-10-03 Mathew McBride Accepted
[2/4] kernel: add patches for SFP support on NXP Layerscape/DPAA2 (arm64) kernel: aarch64: Add support for Traverse Ten64 board - 1 - --- 2022-10-03 Mathew McBride Accepted
« 1 223 24 2578 79 »