Show patches with: State = Action Required       |   762 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[08/13] installer: Fix use of uninitialized variable [01/13] installer: Update language files - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged
[07/13] installer: Remove unused variables [01/13] installer: Update language files - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged
[06/13] installer: Make hw_mkdir static [01/13] installer: Update language files - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged
[05/13] installer: Make btrfs functions static [01/13] installer: Update language files - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged
[04/13] installer: Fix lots of constify issues [01/13] installer: Update language files - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged
[03/13] installer: Remove obsolete macros from configure script [01/13] installer: Update language files - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged
[02/13] installer: Translate BTRFS string [01/13] installer: Update language files - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged
[01/13] installer: Update language files [01/13] installer: Update language files - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged
dnsdist: Update to 1.9.2 dnsdist: Update to 1.9.2 - - - --- 2024-04-05 Michael Tremer Staged adjust links to new URLs adjust links to new URLs - 1 - --- 2024-03-31 Rico Hoppe Staged
[PATCHv2,4/4] grub-btrfsd: Drop redundant used PIDFILE mechanism [PATCHv2,1/4] initscripts: Add generic function to get the filesystem type of a volume - 1 - --- 2024-03-27 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,3/4] grub-btrfsd: Adjust displayed starting message [PATCHv2,1/4] initscripts: Add generic function to get the filesystem type of a volume - 1 - --- 2024-03-27 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,2/4] grub-btrfsd: Use generic volume_fs_type function for FS detection [PATCHv2,1/4] initscripts: Add generic function to get the filesystem type of a volume - 1 - --- 2024-03-27 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,1/4] initscripts: Add generic function to get the filesystem type of a volume [PATCHv2,1/4] initscripts: Add generic function to get the filesystem type of a volume - 1 - --- 2024-03-27 Stefan Schantl Staged
perl-Archive-Tar: Update to 3.02 perl-Archive-Tar: Update to 3.02 - - - --- 2024-03-27 Stefan Schantl New
Stop unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge from continually restarting unbound Stop unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge from continually restarting unbound - - - --- 2024-03-24 Nick Howitt New
Stop unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge from continually restarting unbound Stop unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge from continually restarting unbound - - - --- 2024-03-24 Nick Howitt New
[2/2] grub-btrfs: New package [1/2] inotify-tools: New package - - - --- 2024-03-24 Stefan Schantl Staged
[1/2] inotify-tools: New package [1/2] inotify-tools: New package - - - --- 2024-03-24 Stefan Schantl Staged
installer: Pass choosen filesystem to hw_make_destination installer: Pass choosen filesystem to hw_make_destination - 1 - --- 2024-03-24 Stefan Schantl Staged
bind: Update to 9.16.49 bind: Update to 9.16.49 - - - --- 2024-03-23 Matthias Fischer Staged
[PATCHv2,12/12] installer: Add code to correctly write the fstab when installing on BTRFS [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,11/12] installer: Add code to proper unmount the BTRFS layout [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,10/12] installer: Define common mount options for BTRFS volumes [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,09/12] installer: Mount BTRFS layout before installing the system [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,08/12] installer: Allow writing to the debug console from anywhere [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,07/12] installer: Add recurisve mkdir function [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,06/12] installer: Add code to create a BTRFS subvolume layout [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,05/12] installer: Disable own boot partition when using BTRFS [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,04/12] installer: Ensure to always create the /boot directory. [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,03/12] dracut: Ship BTRFS related modules [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,02/12] installer: Allow to install IPFire on BTRFS [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[4/4] Add and change new directives for OpenVPN 2.6.x . [1/4] OpenVPN: Update to version 2.6.9 . - - - --- 2024-03-21 Erik Kapfer New
[3/4] OpenVPN: Introduce --data-cipher-fallback to substitude the deprecated --cipher directive . [1/4] OpenVPN: Update to version 2.6.9 . - - - --- 2024-03-21 Erik Kapfer New
[2/4] OpenVPN: Integration of the Negotiation Cipher Protocol (NCP) . [1/4] OpenVPN: Update to version 2.6.9 . - - - --- 2024-03-21 Erik Kapfer New
[1/4] OpenVPN: Update to version 2.6.9 . [1/4] OpenVPN: Update to version 2.6.9 . - - - --- 2024-03-21 Erik Kapfer New
unbound: Update to 1.19.3 unbound: Update to 1.19.3 - - - --- 2024-03-16 Matthias Fischer Staged
manualpages: update wiki url manualpages: update wiki url - - - --- 2024-03-12 jon Staged
time.cgi: add current date-time to this WebGUI page time.cgi: add current date-time to this WebGUI page - - - --- 2024-03-11 jon Staged
unbound: Update to 1.19.2 unbound: Update to 1.19.2 - 1 - --- 2024-03-09 Matthias Fischer Staged
squid: Update to 6.8 squid: Update to 6.8 - - - --- 2024-03-07 Matthias Fischer Staged
[5/5] network initscript: drop unused variable [1/5] Add proper Exit Codes - - - --- 2024-03-02 Jonatan Schlag New
[4/5] network initscript: Avoid an infinite loop [1/5] Add proper Exit Codes - - - --- 2024-03-02 Jonatan Schlag New
[3/5] network initscript: Use network_zone_exists [1/5] Add proper Exit Codes - - - --- 2024-03-02 Jonatan Schlag New
[2/5] Add network_zone_exists [1/5] Add proper Exit Codes - - - --- 2024-03-02 Jonatan Schlag New
[1/5] Add proper Exit Codes [1/5] Add proper Exit Codes - - - --- 2024-03-02 Jonatan Schlag New
[3/3] zabbix_agentd: Add OpenVPN certificates items [1/3] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.27 (LTS) - 1 - --- 2024-02-28 Robin Roevens Staged
[2/3] zabbix_agentd: Add helper script to get and verify certificate details [1/3] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.27 (LTS) - 1 - --- 2024-02-28 Robin Roevens Staged
[1/3] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.27 (LTS) [1/3] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.27 (LTS) - 1 - --- 2024-02-28 Robin Roevens Staged
ca-certificates: Update root CA certificates bundle ca-certificates: Update root CA certificates bundle - - - --- 2024-02-17 Peter Müller Staged
vdr: add menu entry for vdr website vdr: add menu entry for vdr website - - - --- 2024-02-10 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
clamav: Update to 1.3.0 clamav: Update to 1.3.0 - 1 - --- 2024-02-09 Matthias Fischer Staged
squid: Update to 6.7 squid: Update to 6.7 - - - --- 2024-02-07 Matthias Fischer Staged
collectd: Do not sync collectd: Do not sync - - - --- 2024-01-30 Michael Tremer Staged
[3/3] vpnmain.cgi: Add option to regenerate the host certificate [1/3] vpnmain.cgi: Do not use a bad source for randomness - - - --- 2024-01-30 Michael Tremer New
[2/3] vpnmain.cgi: Return the entire error message if OpenSSL fails [1/3] vpnmain.cgi: Do not use a bad source for randomness - - - --- 2024-01-30 Michael Tremer Staged
[1/3] vpnmain.cgi: Do not use a bad source for randomness [1/3] vpnmain.cgi: Do not use a bad source for randomness - - - --- 2024-01-30 Michael Tremer Staged
vnstat: Update to 2.12 vnstat: Update to 2.12 - - - --- 2024-01-29 Matthias Fischer Staged
mc: Update to 4.8.31 mc: Update to 4.8.31 - - - --- 2024-01-29 Matthias Fischer Staged
mympd: new addon to control mpd via WebGUI mympd: new addon to control mpd via WebGUI - - - --- 2024-01-28 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
mpfire: fix initskript uninstall mpfire: fix initskript uninstall - - - --- 2024-01-28 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
network: Only try to restart collectd if it is running network: Only try to restart collectd if it is running - - - --- 2024-01-19 Michael Tremer Staged
[v2] Firewall initscript: Restore Tor IPTable rules by manual firewall restart [v2] Firewall initscript: Restore Tor IPTable rules by manual firewall restart - - - --- 2024-01-16 Erik Kapfer Staged
Firewall initscript: Restore Tor IPTable rules by manual firewall restart Firewall initscript: Restore Tor IPTable rules by manual firewall restart - - - --- 2024-01-16 Erik Kapfer New
core183: Ship /etc/rc.d/init.d/mountfs core183: Ship /etc/rc.d/init.d/mountfs - - - --- 2024-01-15 Michael Tremer Staged
linux: Forbid legacy TIOCSTI usage linux: Forbid legacy TIOCSTI usage - - - --- 2024-01-14 Peter Müller Staged
htop: Update to 3.3.0 htop: Update to 3.3.0 - - - --- 2024-01-13 Matthias Fischer Staged
collectd: Restart is required after reconnect collectd: Restart is required after reconnect 1 - - --- 2024-01-12 Michael Tremer Staged
[2/2] initscripts: Implement storing PIDs in loadproc [1/2] initscripts: Fix wrong variable check for $PIDFILE in getpids - - - --- 2024-01-11 Michael Tremer Staged
[1/2] initscripts: Fix wrong variable check for $PIDFILE in getpids [1/2] initscripts: Fix wrong variable check for $PIDFILE in getpids - - - --- 2024-01-11 Michael Tremer Staged
[3/3] index.cgi: Remove some custom CSS styling that broke the design [1/3] web-user-interface: Update interface design - - - --- 2024-01-11 Michael Tremer Staged
[2/3] web-user-interface: Replace the old tux logo with out new word mark [1/3] web-user-interface: Update interface design - - - --- 2024-01-11 Michael Tremer Staged
[1/3] web-user-interface: Update interface design [1/3] web-user-interface: Update interface design - - - --- 2024-01-11 Michael Tremer New
[v2] Core Update 183: Perform housekeeping to keep file lists aligned [v2] Core Update 183: Perform housekeeping to keep file lists aligned - - - --- 2024-01-08 Peter Müller New
Revert "proxy.cgi: Fix for Bug #12826 'squid >=5 crashes on literal IPv6 addresses'" Revert "proxy.cgi: Fix for Bug #12826 'squid >=5 crashes on literal IPv6 addresses'" 1 - - --- 2024-01-08 Michael Tremer Staged
libssh: Update to 0.10.6 libssh: Update to 0.10.6 - - - --- 2024-01-08 Peter Müller Staged
libgcrypt: Update to 1.10.3 libgcrypt: Update to 1.10.3 - - - --- 2024-01-08 Peter Müller Staged
kmod: Update to 31 kmod: Update to 31 - - - --- 2024-01-08 Peter Müller Staged
cpio: Update to 2.14 cpio: Update to 2.14 - - - --- 2024-01-08 Peter Müller Staged
strongSwan: Update to 5.9.13 strongSwan: Update to 5.9.13 - - - --- 2024-01-08 Peter Müller Staged
haproxy: Update to 2.8.5 haproxy: Update to 2.8.5 - - - --- 2023-12-30 Peter Müller Staged
Tor: Update to Tor: Update to - - - --- 2023-12-30 Peter Müller Staged
bind: Update to 9.16.45 bind: Update to 9.16.45 - - - --- 2023-12-22 Matthias Fischer Staged
kernel: update to 6.6.4 kernel: update to 6.6.4 - - - --- 2023-12-05 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
[2/2] ca-certificates: Remove obsolete patch for removing TrustCor's CAs [1/2] ca-certificates: Update root CA certificates bundle - 1 - --- 2023-12-04 Peter Müller Staged
[1/2] ca-certificates: Update root CA certificates bundle [1/2] ca-certificates: Update root CA certificates bundle - 1 - --- 2023-12-04 Peter Müller Staged
[v2] If 'ExitNode' is in usage, it will be changed to 'ExitNodes' [v2] If 'ExitNode' is in usage, it will be changed to 'ExitNodes' - - - --- 2023-12-01 Erik Kapfer Staged
[1/2] tor.cgi: Fixes deprecated tor option 'ExitNode' to 'ExitNodes' [1/2] tor.cgi: Fixes deprecated tor option 'ExitNode' to 'ExitNodes' - - - --- 2023-11-30 Erik Kapfer Staged
kernel: update to 6.6.3 kernel: update to 6.6.3 - 1 - --- 2023-11-30 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
[2/2] fwhosts.cgi: add flag of modified rules of firewall Untitled series #4022 - - - --- 2023-11-29 Sebastien GISLAIN New
apache2: Properly re-execute Apache on restart apache2: Properly re-execute Apache on restart - - - --- 2023-11-27 Michael Tremer Staged
[4/4] rtl8xxx: remove unused or replaced external modules [1/4] kernel: update to 6.6.2 - - - --- 2023-11-24 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
[3/4] rtl8812au: update to 202110629-e6a0d17... [1/4] kernel: update to 6.6.2 - - - --- 2023-11-24 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
[2/4] kernel: purge unused patches [1/4] kernel: update to 6.6.2 - - - --- 2023-11-24 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
[1/4] kernel: update to 6.6.2 [1/4] kernel: update to 6.6.2 - - - --- 2023-11-24 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
grub: update to 2.12-rc1 grub: update to 2.12-rc1 - 1 - --- 2023-11-22 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
OpenSSH: Update to 9.5p1 OpenSSH: Update to 9.5p1 - 1 - --- 2023-11-22 Peter Müller Staged
Tor: Update to Tor: Update to - 1 - --- 2023-11-22 Peter Müller Staged
dhcp.cgi: Add column with resolved hostname by IP address dhcp.cgi: Add column with resolved hostname by IP address - 1 - --- 2023-11-17 Sebastien GISLAIN Staged
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