libtirpc: Update to version 1.3.6

Message ID
State Staged
Commit c419a39aaa8ccd04d68526a3a4121f1f1f85edc2
Series libtirpc: Update to version 1.3.6 |

Commit Message

Adolf Belka Nov. 19, 2024, 9:11 p.m. UTC
  - Update from version 1.3.5 to 1.3.6
- Update of rootfile not required
- Changelog
    1.3.6 Using autoupdate updated to the latest autoconf macros
	    svc_fd_create: skip getsockname on a non-network socket
	     As svcfd_create(3) said, it can:
	     Create a service on top of any open file descriptor.
	     But getsockname and getpeername in svc_fd_create assume that
	     fd should be a connected socket.
	     This patch will leave xp_raddr and xp_laddr uninitialized
	     if fd is not a connected socket.
	    detect whether linker supports --version-script
	    check for gss_pname_to_uid or hardcode an early return if we can't use
	     aname to localname
	    test for IPV6_PKTINFO and potentially define __APPLE_USE_RFC_3542 to expose
	     macos supports both RFC 2292 and RFC 3542 versions of ipv6 options and
	     you choose which to expose, with a define
	    macos uses the same mutex primitives as linux and so can use these defines
	    check for struct rpcent in netdb.h before redefining
	     macos defines it in netdb.h
	    include string.h when we need a memset prototype for
	    attempt to use machine/endian.h if endian.h does not exist
	     macos has the former, not the latter
	    updated macOS support for tirpc [2/7] SOL_IP vs IPPROTO_IP
	     in order to have protocol numbers on macOS, we need to first determine
	     we don't have SOL_IP, and then that we do have IPPROTO_IP, and then
	     define the former as the latter. do the same for IPV6
	    check for getpeereid
	     macos ships with it, this avoids trying to build a replacement for a defined
	    rpcb_prot.x: Update _PATH_RPCBINDSOCK
	     2f9ce0c updated rpcb_prot.h, but rpcb_prot.x must be updated as well.
	    Move rpcbind.sock to /run
	     Most of the distros have /var/run as symlink to /run.
	     Because /var may be a separate partition, and could even be mounted via
	     NFS, having to look directly to /run help to avoid issues rpcbind
	     startup early in boot when /var might not be available.

Signed-off-by: Adolf Belka <>
 lfs/libtirpc | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


diff --git a/lfs/libtirpc b/lfs/libtirpc
index 493e9444f..d902b08ff 100644
--- a/lfs/libtirpc
+++ b/lfs/libtirpc
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@  include Config
 SUMMARY    = Transport Independent RPC Library
-VER        = 1.3.5
+VER        = 1.3.6
 THISAPP    = libtirpc-$(VER)
 DL_FILE    = $(THISAPP).tar.bz2
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@  objects = $(DL_FILE)
-$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = 1ae1cc0be1c52bca8fbe2300159d9298b069b3f81adde7f50da3fb7049f9b9f628393dfe94e9276facfeea2b1ccdc9a52632fee4af432c36e457fd3ff2b0963c
+$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = 521e1e3d2ceefd668f1b0d52b7c0342b97952d322eeb7bf740bb1eb1fb88a14b0a2fce57f07a9fd3797d289f57f511085924bba3d8984f15c799468d30f47500
 install : $(TARGET)