[1/2] sources: Replacement of Feodo Recommended Tracker list to ipblocklist sources file

Message ID 20241209114251.6249-1-adolf.belka@ipfire.org
State Staged
Commit c178f3f6fff1948bdf41b0ba71530992f9acf5c4
Series [1/2] sources: Replacement of Feodo Recommended Tracker list to ipblocklist sources file |

Commit Message

Adolf Belka Dec. 9, 2024, 11:42 a.m. UTC
  - FEODO_RECOMMENDED list is still being updated but the number of events can be very
   low. However as it is still active then it has been added back in as discussed in
   the Dev Conf Call on Nov 4th.
- FEODO_IP list covers any IP that has been detected as a botnet in the last 30 days.
   This could lead to false positives if the botnet has been fixed within one day of
   being detected. So it was agreed that this list would stay removed.
- FEODO_AGGRESSIVE list contains all IP's that havce ever been detected as botnets since
   the list was started. It is not intended to be used for blocking as it would have a
   huge false positive effect. This list will also stay removed as it should not have
   been included originally.
- This patch set adds back in the FEODO_RECOMMENDED list into the sources file and in the
   associated patch for the update.sh file removes the lines that removed the files
   related to FEODO_RECOMMENDED.

Signed-off-by: Adolf Belka <adolf.belka@ipfire.org>
 config/ipblocklist/sources | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)


diff --git a/config/ipblocklist/sources b/config/ipblocklist/sources
index c2fc40d5b..158c8bc20 100644
--- a/config/ipblocklist/sources
+++ b/config/ipblocklist/sources
@@ -61,6 +61,12 @@  our %sources = ( 'EMERGING_FWRULE' => { 'name'     => 'Emerging Threats Blocklis
                                     'parser'   => 'dshield',
                                     'rate'     => '1h',
                                     'category' => 'attacker' },
+             'FEODO_RECOMMENDED'=> {'name'     => 'Feodo Trojan IP Blocklist (Recommended)',
+                                    'url'      => 'https://feodotracker.abuse.ch/downloads/ipblocklist_recommended.txt',
+                                    'info'     => 'https://feodotracker.abuse.ch/blocklist',
+                                    'parser'   => 'ip-or-net-list',
+                                    'rate'     => '5m',
+                                    'category' => 'c and c' },
              'CIARMY'          => { 'name'     => 'The CINS Army List',
                                     'url'      => 'https://cinsscore.com/list/ci-badguys.txt',
                                     'info'     => 'https://cinsscore.com/#list',