@@ -617,6 +617,7 @@ WARNING: translation string unused: pakfire health check
WARNING: translation string unused: pakfire install
WARNING: translation string unused: pakfire register
WARNING: translation string unused: pakfire update daily
+WARNING: translation string unused: pakfire updates
WARNING: translation string unused: pakfire upgrade
WARNING: translation string unused: password contains illegal characters
WARNING: translation string unused: password crypting key
@@ -2037,7 +2037,7 @@
'pakfire uninstall description' => 'Wählen Sie ein oder mehrere Pakete zur Deinstallation aus und drücken Sie auf das minus-Symbol.',
'pakfire uninstall package' => 'Sie möchten folgende Pakete deinstallieren: ',
'pakfire update daily' => 'Täglich nach Updates suchen:',
-'pakfire updates' => 'Zur Verfügung stehende Updates:',
+'pakfire updates' => 'Verfügbare Updates',
'pakfire upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
'pakfire working' => 'Pakfire führt gerade eine Aufgabe aus... Bitte warten Sie, bis diese erfolgreich beendet wurde.',
'pap or chap' => 'PAP oder CHAP',
@@ -2103,6 +2103,7 @@
'pakfire uninstall description' => 'Please choose one or more items from the list below and click the minus to uninstall.',
'pakfire uninstall package' => 'You want to uninstall the following packages: ',
'pakfire update daily' => 'Search for updates daily:',
+'pakfire updates' => 'Available Updates',
'pakfire upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
'pakfire working' => 'Pakfire is working ... Please wait until all operations have completed successfully.',
'pap or chap' => 'PAP or CHAP',
@@ -2100,7 +2100,7 @@
'pakfire uninstall description' => 'Por favor elija uno o más elementos de la siguiente lista y haga click en el signo - para desinstalar',
'pakfire uninstall package' => 'Desea desinstalar los siguientes paquetes:',
'pakfire update daily' => 'Buscar actualizaciones diariamente:',
-'pakfire updates' => 'Actualización disponible:',
+'pakfire updates' => 'Actualizaciones Disponibles',
'pakfire upgrade' => 'Actualizar',
'pakfire working' => 'Pakfire está trabajando… Por favor espere hasta que todas las operaciones se hallan completado exitosamente.',
'pap or chap' => 'PAP o CHAP',
@@ -2098,7 +2098,7 @@
'pakfire uninstall description' => 'Veuillez choisir un ou plusieurs modules dans la liste ci-dessous<br>et cliquer sur le signe MOINS pour le(s) désinstaller.',
'pakfire uninstall package' => 'Vous souhaitez désinstaller le(s) module(s) suivant(s) : ',
'pakfire update daily' => 'Rechercher des mises à jour quotidiennes :',
-'pakfire updates' => 'Mise à jour disponible :',
+'pakfire updates' => 'Mises à jour Disponibles',
'pakfire upgrade' => 'Améliorer',
'pakfire working' => 'Pakfire est en cours de traitement... Veuillez attendre que tout soit terminé.',
'pap or chap' => 'PAP ou CHAP',
@@ -1730,6 +1730,7 @@
'pakfire uninstall description' => 'Si prega di scegliere uno o più elementi dalla lista qui sotto e fare clic sul meno per disinstallare..',
'pakfire uninstall package' => 'You want to uninstall the following packages: ',
'pakfire update daily' => 'Ricerca gli aggiornamenti una volta al giorno:',
+'pakfire updates' => 'Aggiornamenti Disponibili',
'pakfire upgrade' => 'Aggiornamento',
'pakfire working' => 'Pakfire sta lavorando... Per favore attendi il termine delle operazioni',
'pap or chap' => 'PAP or CHAP',
@@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@
'pakfire uninstall description' => 'Kies een of meer items uit de lijst hieronder en klik op de min om te deinstalleren.',
'pakfire uninstall package' => 'U wilt de volgende pakketten deinstalleren: ',
'pakfire update daily' => 'Zoek dagelijks naar updates:',
-'pakfire updates' => 'Beschikbare update:',
+'pakfire updates' => 'Beschikbare Updates',
'pakfire upgrade' => 'Upgrade',
'pakfire working' => 'Pakfire is bezig ... Wacht a.u.b. totdat alle handelingen succesvol zijn afgerond.',
'pap or chap' => 'PAP of CHAP',
@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@
'pakfire uninstall description' => 'Proszę wybrać jedną lub kilka pozycji z poniższej listy, a następnie kliknąć minus aby odinstalować.',
'pakfire uninstall package' => 'Zamierzasz odinstalować następujące pakiety: ',
'pakfire update daily' => 'Szukaj aktualizacje codziennie:',
-'pakfire updates' => 'Dostępne aktualizacje:',
+'pakfire updates' => 'Dostępne Aktualizacje',
'pakfire upgrade' => 'Aktualizacja',
'pakfire working' => 'Pakfire pracuje ... Proszę poczekać na zakończenie wszystkich operacji.',
'pap or chap' => 'PAP lub CHAP',
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@
'pakfire uninstall description' => 'Пожалуйста, укажите один или несколько элементов в списке ниже и нажмите минус для удаления.',
'pakfire uninstall package' => 'Вы собираетесь удалить следующие пакеты: ',
'pakfire update daily' => 'Ежедневный поиск обновлений:',
-'pakfire updates' => 'Доступное обновление:',
+'pakfire updates' => 'Доступное Обновление',
'pakfire upgrade' => 'Апгрейд',
'pakfire working' => 'Pakfire работает ... Пожалуйста дождитесь успешного завершения процедуры.',
'pap or chap' => 'PAP или CHAP',
@@ -1874,7 +1874,7 @@
'pakfire uninstall description' => 'Aşağıdaki listeden bir veya daha fazla öğeyi seçtikten sonra kaldırmak için eksi simgesine tıklayınız.',
'pakfire uninstall package' => 'Aşağıdaki paketleri kaldırmak istiyorum: ',
'pakfire update daily' => 'Günlük güncellemeleri ara:',
-'pakfire updates' => 'Mevcut Güncelleme:',
+'pakfire updates' => 'Mevcut Güncellemeler',
'pakfire upgrade' => 'Yükselt',
'pakfire working' => 'Pakfire çalışıyor ... Tüm işlemler başarıyla tamamlanana kadar bekleyin.',
'pap or chap' => 'PAP veya CHAP',