[26/29] network: Force dhcpcd to ask for an IP address
Commit Message
So since all this static nonsense wasn't feeling right, I opened a
ticket upstream and got a lead how to actually get some proper DHCP
Signed-off-by: Michael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org>
src/initscripts/networking/dhcpcd.exe | 95 ---------------------------
src/initscripts/networking/red | 2 +-
2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 96 deletions(-)
@@ -60,18 +60,6 @@ dhcpcd_up()
mv /tmp/hosts /etc/hosts
- # Try to set the default route if there is none
- # This can happen when we are using the 3RD party configuration
- # This should not be necessary, since dhcpcd says it will configure
- # a default route, but that does not seem to happen:
- # https://github.com/NetworkConfiguration/dhcpcd/issues/129
- if ! ip route 2>/dev/null | grep ^default && [ -s "/var/ipfire/red/remote-ipaddress" ]; then
- gateway=$(</var/ipfire/red/remote-ipaddress)
- # XXX This is ignoring any MTU configuration
- ip route add default via "${gateway}"
- fi
if [ $update ]; then
# Consider RED being active
touch /var/ipfire/red/active
@@ -107,86 +95,6 @@ dhcpcd_down()
return 0
-# Called when dhcpcd relies on a third party to configure an IP address
-dhcpcd_3rdparty() {
- local qmi_device="$(qmi_find_device "${interface}")"
- if [ -n "${qmi_device}" ]; then
- setup_qmi "${qmi_device}" || return $?
- fi
- return 0
-setup_qmi() {
- local device="${1}"
- local address
- local netmask
- local gateway
- local mtu=1500
- local dns1
- local dns2
- local line
- while read -r line; do
- # Extract the value
- value="${line#*: }"
- case "${line}" in
- *IPv4\ address:*)
- address="${value}"
- ;;
- *IPv4\ subnet\ mask:*)
- netmask="${value}"
- ;;
- *IPv4\ gateway\ address:*)
- gateway="${value}"
- ;;
- *IPv4\ primary\ DNS:*)
- dns1="${value}"
- ;;
- *IPv4\ secondary\ DNS:*)
- dns2="${value}"
- ;;
- *MTU:*)
- mtu="${value}"
- ;;
- esac
- done <<< "$(qmicli --device="${device}" --wds-get-current-settings)"
- if [ -z "${address}" ] || [ -z "${netmask}" ] || [ -z "${gateway}" ]; then
- logger -p "local0.info" -t "dhcpcd.exe[$$]" \
- "Could not retrieve all information from the QMI interface"
- return 1
- fi
- # Flush any previous configuration
- ip addr flush dev "${interface}"
- # Configure the IP address
- ip addr add "${address}/${netmask}" dev "${interface}"
- # Configure the default route
- if [ -n "${gateway}" ]; then
- # Store the default gateway
- echo -n "${gateway}" > /var/ipfire/red/remote-ipaddress
- # Configure the default route
- ip route add default via "${gateway}" mtu "${mtu}"
- fi
- # Store and DNS servers
- if [ -n "${dns1}" ]; then
- echo -n "${dns1}" > /var/ipfire/red/dns1
- fi
- if [ -n "${dns2}" ]; then
- echo -n "${dns2}" > /var/ipfire/red/dns2
- fi
- return 0
case "${reason}" in
@@ -194,9 +102,6 @@ case "${reason}" in
- dhcpcd_3rdparty
- ;;
# Ignored events where we do not need to do anything
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ case "${1}" in
ip link set "${RED_DEV}" up &>/dev/null
# Start the DHCP client
- dhcpcd_start "${RED_DEV}" --nolink
+ dhcpcd_start "${RED_DEV}" --dhcp
# Done
exit 0