Show patches with: Archived = No       |   7954 patches
« 1 276 77 7879 80 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
gettext: Update to 0.19.7 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
ghostscript: Update to 9.18 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
gdk-pixbuf2: update to 2.33.2 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
gawk: update to 4.1.3 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
freetype: update to 2.6.3 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
file: Update to 5.25 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
fastd: Update to 17 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
e2fsprogs: Update to 1.42.13 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
expat: Update to 2.1.1 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
libuecc: Update to 6 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
ethtool: Update to 4.5 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
dracut: Update to 044 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
dos2unix: Update to 7.3.3 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
ding-libs: Update to 0.5.0 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
datefudge: Update to 1.21 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
cryptsetup-luks: Update to 1.7.0 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
cracklib: Update to 2.9.5 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
git: update to 2.7.1 v2 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
crda: Update to 3.18 - - - --- 2016-03-23 Alexander Marx Accepted
[v2] compat-guile: Update to 2.0.9 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Dropped
compat-guile: Update to 2.0.9 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Dropped
c_icap_modules: Update to 0.4.2 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
c_icap: Update to 0.4.2 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
c-ares: Update to 1.11.0 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
cairo: Update to 1.14.6 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
[2/2] new package: libaio 0.3.110 (dep for MariaDB) - - - --- 2016-03-22 Marcel Lorenz ms Dropped
[1/2] new package: jemalloc 2.0.4 (dep for MariaDB) - - - --- 2016-03-22 Marcel Lorenz ms Dropped
authconfig: Update to 6.2.10 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
audit: Update to 2.5 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
[7/7] Enable spice support in qemu, add spice as a dependency for qemu and bump qemu version number. - - - --- 2016-03-22 Jonatan Schlag Accepted
[6/7] Add all new packages (opus, python-pyparsing, python-six, spice-protocol, spice) to - - - --- 2016-03-22 Jonatan Schlag Accepted
[5/7] New package spice - - - --- 2016-03-22 Jonatan Schlag Superseded
[4/7] New package spice-protocol (required by spice) - - - --- 2016-03-22 Jonatan Schlag Superseded
[3/7] New package python-six (required by spice) - - - --- 2016-03-22 Jonatan Schlag Superseded
[2/7] New package python-pyparsing (required by spice) - - - --- 2016-03-22 Jonatan Schlag Superseded
[1/7] New package opus (required by spice) - - - --- 2016-03-22 Jonatan Schlag Superseded
[v2] at-spi2-atk: Update to 2.19.92 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
at-spi2-atk: Update to 2.19.92 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx ms Superseded
at-spi2-core: Update to 2.19.92 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
dbus: Update to 1.11.2 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
atk: Update to 2.20 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
apr-utils: Update to 1.5.4 - - - --- 2016-03-22 Alexander Marx Accepted
[v2] acpid: Update to Version 2.0.27 - - - --- 2016-03-21 Alexander Marx Accepted
[v2] acpid: Update to Version 2.0.27 - - - --- 2016-03-21 Alexander Marx Dropped
[2/2] bump ebtables version number - - - --- 2016-03-21 Jonatan Schlag Accepted
[1/2] Libvirt search in /sbin for the ebtables binaries but hen binaries are located in /usr/local/… - - - --- 2016-03-21 Jonatan Schlag Superseded
[2/2] kbd: update to 2.0.3 - - - --- 2016-03-21 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
[1/2] New package: libcheck (dependency for kbd 2.0.3) - - - --- 2016-03-21 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
shadow: update to 4.2.1 v2 - - - --- 2016-03-19 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
git: update to 2.7.1 - - - --- 2016-03-18 Marcel Lorenz Superseded
perl-Net-SMTP-SSL: update to 1.0.3 - - - --- 2016-03-18 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
[2/2] spamassassin: update to 3.4.1 - - - --- 2016-03-18 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
[1/2] new package: perl-NetAddr-IP 4.078 - - - --- 2016-03-18 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
amavisd: uptdate to 2.10.1 - - - --- 2016-03-18 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
postfix: uptdate to 3.0.3 - - - --- 2016-03-18 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
cmake: update to 3.5.0 - - - --- 2016-03-18 Marcel Lorenz Superseded
nettle: update to 3.2 - - - --- 2016-03-18 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
curl: update to version 7.47.1 - - - --- 2016-03-18 Marcel Lorenz Superseded
libxml2: update to version 2.9.3 - - - --- 2016-03-18 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
Midnight Commander: Update to 4.8.16 - - - --- 2016-03-17 Matthias Fischer Superseded
tzdata: Update to version 2016b - - - --- 2016-03-17 Alexander Marx Dropped
grep: Update to version 2.24 - - - --- 2016-03-16 Alexander Marx Accepted
This is a Bug-fix release - - - --- 2016-03-16 Alexander Marx Accepted
mysql: upgraded to MariaDB 10.1.12 - 1 - --- 2016-03-15 Daniel Weismueller Dropped
dnsmasq 2.76test12 with patch 001 - - - --- 2016-03-14 Matthias Fischer Superseded
unzip: update to 60 - - - --- 2016-03-13 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
shadow: update to 4.2.1 - - - --- 2016-03-13 Marcel Lorenz Superseded
pam: update to 1.2.1 - - - --- 2016-03-13 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
correct typos in german translation - - - --- 2016-03-13 IT Superhack Dropped
fuse: update to 2.9.5 - - - --- 2016-03-11 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
glib: update to 2.46.1 - - - --- 2016-03-11 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
gettext: update to 0.19.7 - - - --- 2016-03-11 Marcel Lorenz Superseded
util-linux: update rootfiles to fix check roofile msg - - - --- 2016-03-11 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
grep: update to 2.23 - - - --- 2016-03-11 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
pkg-config: update to 0.29 - - - --- 2016-03-11 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
htop: update to verion 2.0.1 - - - --- 2016-03-10 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
ncurses: update to verion 6.0 - - - --- 2016-03-10 Marcel Lorenz Superseded
mpfr: update to 3.1.4 (bugfix release, released on 6 March 2016) - - - --- 2016-03-09 Marcel Lorenz Changes Requested
gawk: update to 4.1.3 - - - --- 2016-03-09 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
paxctl: update to 0.9 - - - --- 2016-03-09 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
gmp: update to 6.0.1 - - - --- 2016-03-09 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
e2fsprogs: update to 1.42.13 - - - --- 2016-03-09 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
mpfr: update to 3.1.3 - - - --- 2016-03-09 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
[2/2] igmpproxy: fix build fail after automake update - - - --- 2016-03-09 Marcel Lorenz Superseded
[1/2] automake: update to 1.15 - - - --- 2016-03-09 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
[3/3] binutils: fix rootfiles after gzip update (check rootfile msg) - - - --- 2016-03-08 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
[2/3] dhcp: update lfs file after gzip update to fix build fail - - - --- 2016-03-08 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
[1/3] gzip: update to 1.6 - - - --- 2016-03-08 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
binutils: fix rootfiles after gzip update (check rootfile msg) - - - --- 2016-03-08 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
ccache: update to 3.2.4 (last bugfix release) - - - --- 2016-03-08 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
gzip: update to 1.6 - - - --- 2016-03-07 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
[v3] acl: update to 2.2.52 - - - --- 2016-03-05 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
attr: update to 2.4.47 - - - --- 2016-03-05 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
acl: update to 2.2.52 - - - --- 2016-03-05 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
clamav: Update to 0.99.1 - - - --- 2016-03-05 Matthias Fischer Accepted
pciutils: update to 3.4.1 - - - --- 2016-03-04 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
acl: update to 2.2.52 - - - --- 2016-03-04 Marcel Lorenz Dropped
gettext: update to - - - --- 2016-03-04 Marcel Lorenz Superseded
gettext: update to 5.2 - - - --- 2016-03-04 Marcel Lorenz Superseded
texinfo: update to 5.2 - - - --- 2016-03-04 Marcel Lorenz Accepted
« 1 276 77 7879 80 »