Show patches with: State = Action Required       |    Archived = No       |   1158 patches
« 1 26 7 811 12 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[PATCHv2,09/12] installer: Mount BTRFS layout before installing the system [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,08/12] installer: Allow writing to the debug console from anywhere [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,07/12] installer: Add recurisve mkdir function [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,06/12] installer: Add code to create a BTRFS subvolume layout [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,05/12] installer: Disable own boot partition when using BTRFS [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,04/12] installer: Ensure to always create the /boot directory. [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,03/12] dracut: Ship BTRFS related modules [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,02/12] installer: Allow to install IPFire on BTRFS [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package [PATCHv2,01/12] btrfs-progs: New package - - - --- 2024-03-23 Stefan Schantl Staged
[4/4] Add and change new directives for OpenVPN 2.6.x . [1/4] OpenVPN: Update to version 2.6.9 . - - - --- 2024-03-21 Erik Kapfer New
[3/4] OpenVPN: Introduce --data-cipher-fallback to substitude the deprecated --cipher directive . [1/4] OpenVPN: Update to version 2.6.9 . - - - --- 2024-03-21 Erik Kapfer New
[2/4] OpenVPN: Integration of the Negotiation Cipher Protocol (NCP) . [1/4] OpenVPN: Update to version 2.6.9 . - - - --- 2024-03-21 Erik Kapfer New
[1/4] OpenVPN: Update to version 2.6.9 . [1/4] OpenVPN: Update to version 2.6.9 . - - - --- 2024-03-21 Erik Kapfer New
unbound: Update to 1.19.3 unbound: Update to 1.19.3 - - - --- 2024-03-16 Matthias Fischer Staged
expat: Update to version 2.6.2 expat: Update to version 2.6.2 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
xz: Update to version 5.6.1 xz: Update to version 5.6.1 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
wget: Update to version 1.24.5 wget: Update to version 1.24.5 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
tcl: Update to version 8.6.14 tcl: Update to version 8.6.14 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
sqlite: Update to version 3450200 sqlite: Update to version 3450200 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
shadow: Update to version 4.15.0 shadow: Update to version 4.15.0 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
sdl2: Update to version 2.30.1 sdl2: Update to version 2.30.1 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
poppler: Update to version 24.03.0 poppler: Update to version 24.03.0 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
opus: Update to version 1.5.1 opus: Update to version 1.5.1 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
meson: Update to version 1.4.0 meson: Update to version 1.4.0 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
iproute2: Update to version 6.8.0 iproute2: Update to version 6.8.0 - - - --- 2024-03-14 Adolf Belka Staged
dns.cgi: Add use Encode + encode back to UTF-8 dns.cgi: Add use Encode + encode back to UTF-8 - - 1 --- 2024-03-13 Adolf Belka Staged
intel-microcode: Update to version 20240312 intel-microcode: Update to version 20240312 - - - --- 2024-03-13 Adolf Belka Staged
manualpages: update wiki url manualpages: update wiki url - - - --- 2024-03-12 jon Staged
openjpeg: Update to version 2.5.2 openjpeg: Update to version 2.5.2 - - - --- 2024-03-12 Adolf Belka Staged
newt: Update to version 0.52.24 newt: Update to version 0.52.24 - - - --- 2024-03-12 Adolf Belka Staged
libplist: Update to version 2.4.0 libplist: Update to version 2.4.0 - - - --- 2024-03-12 Adolf Belka Staged
knot: Update to version 3.3.5 knot: Update to version 3.3.5 - - - --- 2024-03-12 Adolf Belka Staged
ghostscript: Update to version 10.03.0 ghostscript: Update to version 10.03.0 - - - --- 2024-03-12 Adolf Belka Staged
gdb: Update to version 14.2 gdb: Update to version 14.2 - - - --- 2024-03-12 Adolf Belka Staged
elfutils: Update to version 0.191 elfutils: Update to version 0.191 - - - --- 2024-03-12 Adolf Belka Staged
openssh: Update to version 9.7p1 openssh: Update to version 9.7p1 - - - --- 2024-03-12 Adolf Belka Staged
time.cgi: add current date-time to this WebGUI page time.cgi: add current date-time to this WebGUI page - - - --- 2024-03-11 jon Staged
[v2,2/2] dns.cgi: Fixes bug#12395 - German umlauts not correctly displayed in remarks [v2,1/2] dns.cgi: Revert "dns.cgi: Fixes bug#12395 - German umlauts not correctly displayed in rema… - - 1 --- 2024-03-11 Adolf Belka Staged
[v2,1/2] dns.cgi: Revert "dns.cgi: Fixes bug#12395 - German umlauts not correctly displayed in rema… [v2,1/2] dns.cgi: Revert "dns.cgi: Fixes bug#12395 - German umlauts not correctly displayed in rema… - - - --- 2024-03-11 Adolf Belka Staged
unbound: Update to 1.19.2 unbound: Update to 1.19.2 - 1 - --- 2024-03-09 Matthias Fischer Staged
squid: Update to 6.8 squid: Update to 6.8 - - - --- 2024-03-07 Matthias Fischer Staged
xz: Update to version 5.6.0 xz: Update to version 5.6.0 - - - --- 2024-03-05 Adolf Belka Staged
whois: Update to version 5.5.21 whois: Update to version 5.5.21 - - - --- 2024-03-05 Adolf Belka Staged
util-linux: Update to version 2.39.3 util-linux: Update to version 2.39.3 - - - --- 2024-03-05 Adolf Belka Staged
qpdf: Update to version 11.9.0 qpdf: Update to version 11.9.0 - - - --- 2024-03-05 Adolf Belka Staged
pixman: Update to version 0.43.4 pixman: Update to version 0.43.4 - - - --- 2024-03-05 Adolf Belka Staged
pciutils: Update to version 3.11.1 pciutils: Update to version 3.11.1 - - - --- 2024-03-05 Adolf Belka Staged
pango: Update to version 1.52.0 pango: Update to version 1.52.0 - - - --- 2024-03-05 Adolf Belka Staged
expat: Update to version 2.6.1 expat: Update to version 2.6.1 - - - --- 2024-03-05 Adolf Belka Staged
ethtool: Update to version 6.7 ethtool: Update to version 6.7 - - - --- 2024-03-05 Adolf Belka Staged
[5/5] network initscript: drop unused variable [1/5] Add proper Exit Codes - - - --- 2024-03-02 Jonatan Schlag New
[4/5] network initscript: Avoid an infinite loop [1/5] Add proper Exit Codes - - - --- 2024-03-02 Jonatan Schlag New
[3/5] network initscript: Use network_zone_exists [1/5] Add proper Exit Codes - - - --- 2024-03-02 Jonatan Schlag New
[2/5] Add network_zone_exists [1/5] Add proper Exit Codes - - - --- 2024-03-02 Jonatan Schlag New
[1/5] Add proper Exit Codes [1/5] Add proper Exit Codes - - - --- 2024-03-02 Jonatan Schlag New
shadow: Update to version 4.14.5 shadow: Update to version 4.14.5 - - - --- 2024-02-28 Adolf Belka Staged
samba: Update to version 4.19.5 samba: Update to version 4.19.5 - - - --- 2024-02-28 Adolf Belka Staged
libpng: Update to version 1.6.42 libpng: Update to version 1.6.42 - - - --- 2024-02-28 Adolf Belka Staged
libgpg-error: Update to version 1.48 libgpg-error: Update to version 1.48 - - - --- 2024-02-28 Adolf Belka Staged
libffi: Update to version 3.4.6 libffi: Update to version 3.4.6 - - - --- 2024-02-28 Adolf Belka Staged
gptfdisk: Update to version 1.0.10 gptfdisk: Update to version 1.0.10 - - - --- 2024-02-28 Adolf Belka Staged
git: Update to version 2.44.0 git: Update to version 2.44.0 - - - --- 2024-02-28 Adolf Belka Staged Correct typo of marsians instead of martians Correct typo of marsians instead of martians - - - --- 2024-02-28 Adolf Belka Staged
[3/3] zabbix_agentd: Add OpenVPN certificates items [1/3] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.27 (LTS) - 1 - --- 2024-02-28 Robin Roevens Staged
[2/3] zabbix_agentd: Add helper script to get and verify certificate details [1/3] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.27 (LTS) - 1 - --- 2024-02-28 Robin Roevens Staged
[1/3] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.27 (LTS) [1/3] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.27 (LTS) - 1 - --- 2024-02-28 Robin Roevens Staged
[2/2] Fixes bug#13404 - Clear out OpenVPN certs before doing restore [1/2] ovpnmain.cgi: Fixes bug#13404 - prevents certs being saved if common name is already used - - 1 --- 2024-02-26 Adolf Belka Staged
[1/2] ovpnmain.cgi: Fixes bug#13404 - prevents certs being saved if common name is already used [1/2] ovpnmain.cgi: Fixes bug#13404 - prevents certs being saved if common name is already used - - 1 --- 2024-02-26 Adolf Belka Staged
Core Update 185: Ship elfutils Core Update 185: Ship elfutils - - - --- 2024-02-26 Adolf Belka Staged
[v2] dhcp.cgi: Fixes bug#11774 - allows dhcp option of array of integer 8 [v2] dhcp.cgi: Fixes bug#11774 - allows dhcp option of array of integer 8 - - 1 --- 2024-02-24 Adolf Belka Staged
[2/2] Fixes bug#13548 - make key 41 contain no-pass for N2N connections [1/2] ovpnmain.cgi: Fixes bug#13548 - imported N2N client connections get disabled instead of no-pa… - - 1 --- 2024-02-22 Adolf Belka Staged
[1/2] ovpnmain.cgi: Fixes bug#13548 - imported N2N client connections get disabled instead of no-pa… [1/2] ovpnmain.cgi: Fixes bug#13548 - imported N2N client connections get disabled instead of no-pa… - - 1 --- 2024-02-22 Adolf Belka Staged
ovpn.cnf: Removal of SKID & AKID from server section - Fixes Bug#13595 ovpn.cnf: Removal of SKID & AKID from server section - Fixes Bug#13595 - - 1 --- 2024-02-19 Adolf Belka Staged
ca-certificates: Update root CA certificates bundle ca-certificates: Update root CA certificates bundle - - - --- 2024-02-17 Peter Müller Staged
ruleset-sources: removal of PT Attack & Secureworks + addition of ThreatFox ruleset-sources: removal of PT Attack & Secureworks + addition of ThreatFox - - 1 --- 2024-02-15 Adolf Belka Staged
vdr: add menu entry for vdr website vdr: add menu entry for vdr website - - - --- 2024-02-10 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
clamav: Update to 1.3.0 clamav: Update to 1.3.0 - 1 - --- 2024-02-09 Matthias Fischer Staged
squid: Update to 6.7 squid: Update to 6.7 - - - --- 2024-02-07 Matthias Fischer Staged
expat: Update to version 2.6.0 expat: Update to version 2.6.0 - - - --- 2024-02-07 Adolf Belka Staged
[7/7] strace: elfutils moved from addon dependency to core program [1/7] suricata: Update to version 7.0.2 - - 1 --- 2024-02-06 Adolf Belka Staged
[6/7] qemu: elfutils moved from addon dependency to core program [1/7] suricata: Update to version 7.0.2 - - 1 --- 2024-02-06 Adolf Belka Staged
[5/7] ltrace: elfutils moved from addon dependency to core program [1/7] suricata: Update to version 7.0.2 - - 1 --- 2024-02-06 Adolf Belka Staged
[4/7] frr: elfutils moved from addon dependency to core program [1/7] suricata: Update to version 7.0.2 - - 1 --- 2024-02-06 Adolf Belka Staged
[3/7] elfutils: Move from addon to core program. Required by suricata-7.0.2 for execution [1/7] suricata: Update to version 7.0.2 - - 1 --- 2024-02-06 Adolf Belka Staged
lzip: Update to version 1.24 lzip: Update to version 1.24 - - - --- 2024-02-01 Adolf Belka Staged
go: Update to version 1.21.6 go: Update to version 1.21.6 - - - --- 2024-02-01 Adolf Belka New
gettext: Update to version 0.22.4 gettext: Update to version 0.22.4 - - - --- 2024-02-01 Adolf Belka Staged
ed: Update to version 1.20 ed: Update to version 1.20 - - - --- 2024-02-01 Adolf Belka Staged
diffutils: Update to version 3.10 diffutils: Update to version 3.10 - - - --- 2024-02-01 Adolf Belka Staged
sqlite: Update to version 3450100 sqlite: Update to version 3450100 - - - --- 2024-01-31 Adolf Belka Staged
readline: Update patches to patch 1 to patch 10 readline: Update patches to patch 1 to patch 10 - - - --- 2024-01-31 Adolf Belka Staged
iana-etc: Update to version 20240125 iana-etc: Update to version 20240125 - - - --- 2024-01-31 Adolf Belka Staged
help2man: Update to version 1.49.3 help2man: Update to version 1.49.3 - - - --- 2024-01-31 Adolf Belka Staged
file: Update to version 5.45 file: Update to version 5.45 - - - --- 2024-01-31 Adolf Belka Staged
zlib: Update to version 1.3.1 zlib: Update to version 1.3.1 - - - --- 2024-01-30 Adolf Belka Staged
xz: Update to version 5.4.6 xz: Update to version 5.4.6 - - - --- 2024-01-30 Adolf Belka Staged
libpng: Update to version 1.6.41 libpng: Update to version 1.6.41 - - - --- 2024-01-30 Adolf Belka Staged
glib: Update to version 2.79.1 glib: Update to version 2.79.1 - - - --- 2024-01-30 Adolf Belka New
bash: Update to include patches 22 to 26 bash: Update to include patches 22 to 26 - - - --- 2024-01-30 Adolf Belka Staged
acl: Update to version 2.3.2 acl: Update to version 2.3.2 - - - --- 2024-01-30 Adolf Belka Staged
« 1 26 7 811 12 »