[2/2] location-importer.in: only import relevant data from AFRINIC, APNIC and RIPE

Message ID 20201012205332.7228-2-peter.mueller@ipfire.org
State Accepted
Commit a36bc686865fc87ea386fd90b389338bdcb80cbc
Series [1/2] Revert "Revert "importer: Import raw sources for inetnum's again"" |

Commit Message

Peter Müller Oct. 12, 2020, 8:53 p.m. UTC
  In contrast to ARIN and LACNIC, we are able to process more detailled
feeds from those RIRs, avoiding storage of obviously unnecessary data.

Thanks to various SQL optimisations, doing so now takes less time than
the first version of this did.

Signed-off-by: Michael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org>
Signed-off-by: Peter Müller <peter.mueller@ipfire.org>
 src/python/location-importer.in | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 87 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


diff --git a/src/python/location-importer.in b/src/python/location-importer.in
index e3a07a0..093f325 100644
--- a/src/python/location-importer.in
+++ b/src/python/location-importer.in
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@  class CLI(object):
 				-- networks
 				CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS networks(network inet, country text);
 				CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS networks_network ON networks(network);
+				CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS networks_family ON networks USING BTREE(family(network));
 				CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS networks_search ON networks USING GIST(network inet_ops);
 				-- overrides
@@ -363,6 +364,16 @@  class CLI(object):
 				CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _organizations(handle text, name text NOT NULL)
 				CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _organizations_handle ON _organizations(handle);
+				CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE _rirdata(network inet NOT NULL, country text NOT NULL)
+				CREATE INDEX _rirdata_search ON _rirdata USING BTREE(family(network), masklen(network));
+				CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _rirdata_network ON _rirdata(network);
+			""")
+			# Remove all previously imported content
+			self.db.execute("""
+				TRUNCATE TABLE networks;
 			for source in location.importer.WHOIS_SOURCES:
@@ -370,6 +381,67 @@  class CLI(object):
 					for block in f:
+			# Process all parsed networks from every RIR we happen to have access to,
+			# insert the largest network chunks into the networks table immediately...
+			families = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT family(network) AS family FROM _rirdata ORDER BY family(network)")
+			for family in (row.family for row in families):
+				smallest = self.db.get("SELECT MIN(masklen(network)) AS prefix FROM _rirdata WHERE family(network) = %s", family)
+				self.db.execute("INSERT INTO networks(network, country) \
+					SELECT network, country FROM _rirdata WHERE masklen(network) = %s AND family(network) = %s", smallest.prefix, family)
+				# ... determine any other prefixes for this network family, ...
+				prefixes = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT masklen(network) AS prefix FROM _rirdata \
+					WHERE family(network) = %s ORDER BY masklen(network) ASC OFFSET 1", family)
+				# ... and insert networks with this prefix in case they provide additional
+				# information (i. e. subnet of a larger chunk with a different country)
+				for prefix in (row.prefix for row in prefixes):
+					self.db.execute("""
+						WITH candidates AS (
+							SELECT
+								_rirdata.network,
+								_rirdata.country
+							FROM
+								_rirdata
+							WHERE
+								family(_rirdata.network) = %s
+							AND
+								masklen(_rirdata.network) = %s
+						),
+						filtered AS (
+							SELECT
+								DISTINCT ON (c.network)
+								c.network,
+								c.country,
+								masklen(networks.network),
+								networks.country AS parent_country
+							FROM
+								candidates c
+							LEFT JOIN
+								networks
+							ON
+								c.network << networks.network
+							ORDER BY
+								c.network,
+								masklen(networks.network) DESC NULLS LAST
+						)
+							networks(network, country)
+						SELECT
+							network,
+							country
+						FROM
+							filtered
+						WHERE
+							parent_country IS NULL
+						OR
+							country <> parent_country
+						family, prefix,
+					)
 				INSERT INTO autnums(number, name)
 					SELECT _autnums.number, _organizations.name FROM _autnums
@@ -470,17 +542,30 @@  class CLI(object):
 				inetnum[key] = val.upper()
 		# Skip empty objects
-		if not inetnum:
+		if not inetnum or not "country" in inetnum:
 		network = ipaddress.ip_network(inetnum.get("inet6num") or inetnum.get("inetnum"), strict=False)
+		# Bail out in case we have processed a network covering the entire IP range, which
+		# is necessary to work around faulty (?) IPv6 network processing
+		if network.prefixlen == 0:
+			logging.warning("Skipping network covering the entire IP adress range: %s" % network)
+			return
+		# Bail out in case we have processed a network whose prefix length indicates it is
+		# not globally routable (we have decided not to process them at the moment, as they
+		# significantly enlarge our database without providing very helpful additional information)
+		if (network.prefixlen > 24 and network.version == 4) or (network.prefixlen > 48 and network.version == 6):
+			logging.info("Skipping network too small to be publicly announced: %s" % network)
+			return
 		# Bail out in case we have processed a non-public IP network
 		if network.is_private:
 			logging.warning("Skipping non-globally routable network: %s" % network)
-		self.db.execute("INSERT INTO networks(network, country) \
+		self.db.execute("INSERT INTO _rirdata(network, country) \
 			VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (network) DO UPDATE SET country = excluded.country",
 			"%s" % network, inetnum.get("country"),