[2/2] perl: Testsuite: Add tests for invalid address and address not in the database.
Commit Message
Signed-off-by: Stefan Schantl <stefan.schantl@ipfire.org>
src/perl/t/Location.t | 6 ++++++
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
@@ -36,3 +36,9 @@ ok($description eq "This is a geo location database", "Test 3 - Get Database Des
my $country_code = &Location::lookup_country_code($db, $address);
ok($country_code eq "DE", "Test 4 - Lookup country code for $address");
+$country_code = &Location::lookup_country_code($db, "");
+if(defined($country_code)) { fail("Test 5 - Lookup country code for address not in Database."); }
+$country_code = &Location::lookup_country_code($db, "a.b.c.d");
+if(defined($country_code)) { fail("Test 6 - Lookup country code for invalid address.") }