sources: Update ipblocklist with IP list

Message ID
State New
Series sources: Update ipblocklist with IP list |

Commit Message

Adolf Belka March 12, 2025, 11:03 a.m. UTC
  - Blocklist addition was discussed and agreed at IPFire dev conf call in March 2025.
- Tested on vm system.
- Adjusted the entry alignment for the three 3coresec entries as they had used tabs and
   all the rest used spaces for alignment. Now all entries are lined up the same.

Tested-by: Adolf Belka <>
Signed-off-by: Adolf Belka <>
 config/ipblocklist/sources | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)


diff --git a/config/ipblocklist/sources b/config/ipblocklist/sources
index a25353528..0e26792d6 100644
--- a/config/ipblocklist/sources
+++ b/config/ipblocklist/sources
@@ -112,21 +112,27 @@  our %sources = ( 'EMERGING_FWRULE' => { 'name'     => 'Emerging Threats Blocklis
                                     'rate'     => '30m',
                                     'category' => 'attacker' },
              '3CORESEC_SSH'    => { 'name'     => '3CORESec SSH Activity Blocklist',
-					 'url'      => '',
-					 'info'     => '',
-					 'parser'   => 'ip-or-net-list',
-					 'rate'     => '1d',
-					 'category' => 'attacker' },
+                                    'url'      => '',
+                                    'info'     => '',
+                                    'parser'   => 'ip-or-net-list',
+                                    'rate'     => '1d',
+                                    'category' => 'attacker' },
              '3CORESEC_SCAN'   => { 'name'     => '3CORESec Scan and IDS Blocklist',
-					 'url'      => '',
-					 'info'     => '',
-					 'parser'   => 'ip-or-net-list',
-					 'rate'     => '1d',
-					 'category' => 'reputation' },
+                                    'url'      => '',
+                                    'info'     => '',
+                                    'parser'   => 'ip-or-net-list',
+                                    'rate'     => '1d',
+                                    'category' => 'reputation' },
 	      '3CORESEC_WEB'    => { 'name'     => '3CORESec Web Server Activity Blocklist',
-					 'url'      => '',
-					 'info'     => '',
-					 'parser'   => 'ip-or-net-list',
-					 'rate'     => '1d',
-					 'category' => 'attacker' }
+                                    'url'      => '',
+                                    'info'     => '',
+                                    'parser'   => 'ip-or-net-list',
+                                    'rate'     => '1d',
+                                    'category' => 'attacker' },
+	      'THREATVIEW_IO_IP'    => { 'name'     => ' Malicious IP Blocklist for known Bad IP addresses',
+                                    'url'      => '',
+                                    'info'     => '',
+                                    'parser'   => 'ip-or-net-list',
+                                    'rate'     => '1d',
+                                    'category' => 'reputation' }