amazon-ssm-agent: Update to version 3.3.1345.0

Message ID
State New
Series amazon-ssm-agent: Update to version 3.3.1345.0 |

Commit Message

Adolf Belka Dec. 5, 2024, 1:15 p.m. UTC
  - Update from version 3.2.582.0 to 3.3.1345.0
- Update of rootfile not required
- Changelog
	    Revert "Update configurePackage to use fixed download method"
	    Revert "Use a single syscall for route table for health check IP"
	    Add alternative to wmic to support Windows 2025
	    Add armv7 architecture support for greengrass component
	    Add support in ssm-setup-cli for standalone installation in on-premises environments
	    Fail ssm-setup-cli install command if agent config is not loadable
	    Implement S3 ownership verification as an optional parameter for plugins
	    Mark Session task as cancelled when MGS indicates that session is over
	    Update configurePackage to use fixed download method
	    Update Docker Engine version and use system environment variables in installation path
	    Update GreenGrass component minor version to 1.3.1
	    Revert compatibility hook for future Windows versions as it increased CPU consumption for document execution on Windows.
	    Revert Increase RunCommand timeout during the registration process for the on-prem instances
	    Fail windows update when installed version does not match
	    Reduced length of IMDS errors to shorter format
	    Increase the RunCommand timeout during the registration process for the on-prem instances
	    Add nil check when calling GetRepository content in aws:downloadContent
	    Worker process to exit if they are not successfully started and became idle
	    Fix bug where unforeseen failures cause time to be incorrectly displayed in RunCommand
	    Update GreenGrass component minor version to 1.3.0
	    Ensure agent thread always exit after the corresponding worker process exits
	    Fix IPC file filtering bug where usernames or session names containing tmp causes agent worker to not correctly receive IPC
	    Load directly from appconfig file when calling UpdateInstanceInformation during credential refresher
	    Use a single syscall for route table for health check IP
	    Update default session logging destination to none
	    Specify a minimum of TLS v1.2 in http client calls
	    Add web-socket heartbeat to detect connection drops in the web-socket for control and data channels sooner
	    Use exponential retry for document worker, increase retry interval and attempt count when reading IPC files
	    Add wait for cloud-init in the agent updater
	    Fix timeouts for update without yum endpoint connectivity
	    Change in orchestration directory removal process to reduce disk space usage
	    Fix Inventory detailed information invalid value check
	    Fix parsing issue with DomainJoin Plugin
	    Modify DomainJoin Plugin to use Kerberos REALM in username for RHEL and variants
	    Change the SUSE linux zypper commands to quiet mode for the DomainJoin Plugin
	    Move high volume info logs to debug level
	    Remove deprecated go coverage library (
	    Add lock on session orchestration cleanup to prevent quadratic file system lookup for large volume session users
	    Upgrade GoLang to version 1.22.7
	Updated snapcraft.yml specification
	    Add enhancements related to KMS sessions
	    Add support for RHEL 8.10 & 9.4
	    Allow in-place upgrade for hybrid distributor packages
	    Fix idempotency not found error during agent startup
	    Fix bug that could cause unexpected behavior during parameter replacement in document
	    Gather metrics during agent version validation in Windows agent update
	    Make long sleep for onprem same as long sleep for EC2, and cap sleep time at 30 minutes for OnPrem instances
	    Migrated snap package builder from core18 to core22
	    Parse version from OS release file correctly when contains special chars
	    Suppress logs from the go-routine that checks the session manager's orchestration directory
	    Update go git dependency to v5.12.0
	    Update seelog config to have default time format with Milliseconds
	    Update TMP/TEMP env variable during windows installer launch in Updater
	    Upgrade GoLang to version 1.21.12
	    Agent updater attempts yum install/uninstall before falling back to attempt with rpm
	    Updated from v0.19.0 to v0.26.0
	    Upgrade GoLang to version 1.21.11
	    Add IPv6 addresses for NTP and EC2Config to default DenyList
	    Update Distributor to only use Systems Manager APIs to fetch package contents
	Update SSM-Setup-CLI logs related to checksum validation of latest version
	    Upgrade go-github version from v8 to v61
	    Increase timeouts in SSM-Setup-CLI
	    Fix darwin build issue in SSM-Setup-CLI
	    Fix the command builder bug to handle space char in input value
	    Fix an inaccurate log when validating allowDowngrade parameter during Agent update
	    Signing SSM Agent vended Windows executables
	Update AWS GO SDK to v1.51.20
	    Remove yum as package manager in linux install/uninstall script
	    Verify TrustedInstaller status before posting WindowsUpdate information in aws:softwareInventory plugin
	    Add alternative outputs for agent package generation scripts
	    Add support for Oracle 8.8 & 8.9, Rocky 8.8 & 8.9, AlmaLinux 8.8 & 8.9, and RHEL 8.9 & 9.3
	    Fix flaky integration test
	    Fix setup-cli error code for non English systems
	    Set IPR creds expiry to 30 mins for ssm agent worker
	    Switch installer package manager from rpm to yum on OSes that support yum
	    Upgrade GoLang to version 1.21.8
	    Add integration tests for control channel and data channel module
	    Remove data channel and control channel acknowledgement functionality in MGS Interactor
	    Fix issue to execute aws:updateSSMAgent plugin through aws:rundocument plugin
	    Update Messaging module to switch off ec2messages when ssmmessages connected successfully
	    Update SSM Agent Minor version from 3.2 to 3.3
	    Add integration tests for control channel module
	    Revert data channel and control channel acknowledgement functionality in MGS Interactor
	    Update Greengrass component minor version to 1.2.4
	    Upgrade minimum go version in go.mod file to go 1.19
	    Upgrade go-git package to v5.11.0
	    Fix for bad default manifest url when updating EC2Config
	    Fixed plugin path traversal logic
	    Updated aws:application plugin default param
	    Fixed default param in psmodule
	    Upgraded GoLang to version 1.21.5
	    Added Agent config to configure session logs destination
	    Added data channel acknowledgement functionalities
	    Added redirect handler and timeout for HTTP client
	    Added steps to verify aws-cli installation for domainJoin plugin
	    Added support for Ubuntu 23.04, Debian 11.7 & 12, and SUSE 15.5
	    Adjusted random number generator logic used to get filename in downloadContent plugin
	    Fixed Agent to gather application inventory from both rpm and dpkg package managers if present in Unix instances
	    Bump from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0
	    Added telemetry for agent core in-proc executor usage
	    Added retries for Agent installation with snap on Greengrass
	    Added code to update Agent config to use only Onprem Identity in Greengrass
	    Added support for macOS 14 (Sonoma)
	    Added Onprem registration support using ssm-setup-cli
	    Fixed docker installation issues in aws:configureDocker plugin
	    Fix for document worker and session worker not logging when custom seelog configuration missing parameters
	    Updated allowed regex pattern in S3 URI
	    Update Agent IoT Greengrass component minor version
	    Updated SUSE version in Seamless Domain Join script
	    Updated Greengrass component workflow to get installed Agent version and update Agent only when the installed Agent version doesn't match with Greengrass component Agent version
	    Upgraded GoLang version that builds agent binaries with to 1.20.11
	    Bump from 0.15.0 to 0.17.0
	    Upgraded GoLang to version 1.20.10
	    Fixing race condition in session datachannel unit test
	    Updated MGS Interactor to send 'Failed' status on agentJob parsing error
	    Added error handling for Linux DomainJoin when service account credentials empty
	    Fix for panic scenario in when running aws:configureDocker plugin
	    Upgraded GoLang to version 1.20.8
	    Upgraded to v0.15.0
	    Added support for macOS 13 (Ventura)
	    Fix credential retrieval retry logic in credential refresher
	    Reducing retrieval log level to debug in the credential refresher after more than 3 retrieval retries
	    Fix for EC2 credential retrieval errors not being propagated to the credential refresher
	    Fixing agent version input format validation
	    Fix downloadPlatformOverride for AlmaLinux
	    Fixed issue where removing seelog.xml file doesn't revert minimum log level back to INFO
	    Ignore non-audit files in audit folder
	    Add aws:updateSSMAgent plugin support for Flatcar Linux
	    Add fix to resolve manifest url during agent update when using stable keyword
	    Fix multiple issues causing tight loops during IPC connection scenarios
	    Sign deb and rpm installer packages for Linux instances using new key
	    Use file based IPC by default for amazon-ssm-agent and ssm-agent-worker communication in Darwin
	    Added fix to propagate exit code properly when command fails to start
	    Added control channel acknowledgement functionalities
	    Added flag to specify go version used for gosec and govulncheck in static analysis script
	    Added support for RHEL 8.7, 8.8, 9.1, 9.2
	    Added support for Rocky Linux 8.7, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2
	    Added support for Oracle Linux 8.7, 9.1, 9.2
	    Update go version to 1.20.7
	    Stopped saving instance profile credentials to disk
	    Added static agent security scans to makefile
	    Updated Greengrass component minor version
	    Added retries to snap uninstall call in setupcli
	    Fix for windows shutdown executable not found when compiled with golang1.19+
	    Fix to return correct Agent Job ID for ack after AgentJobParseError
	    Pass golang contexts for network calls in agent core to terminate cleanly
	    Remove credential file dependency in agent workers implemented in 3.2.x.x versions
	    Report MGS Connection Channel status to Health table
	    Update Dockerfile to use Golang image from ECR repository
	    Get bucket region using signed HeadBucket request
	    Updated version to 0.10.0 and version to 0.9.0
	    Update go version to 1.19.10
	    Add retry to handle stream data acknowledge messages
	    Support latest as a version in configurePackage plugin
	    Updated AWS GO SDK to v1.44.261 and disabled IMDSv1 fallback logic
	    Use IP address to connect to destination server in port session
	    Add Domain Join support for RHEL 8.7 and AL2022
	    Add Support to send aws:updateSSMAgent replies through MGS
	    Retrieve and set interface name dynamically in aws:domainJoin plugin for Ubuntu
	    Update Dockerfile Go version to 1.19
	    Add reporting of MGS connection status
	    Add support for updating to agent version marked stable
	    Add status code to MGS ack and send on message process failure
	    Update golangci-lint configuration
	    Add e2e tag to session shell tests
	    Add EC2 credential fallback for AssumeRoleUnauthorizedAccess error
	    Add CloudWatch log upload support for document and session worker
	    Add set-hostname support in domainjoin plugin for windows
	    Add wait time in Agent updater to avoid installation issues caused during reboots initiated by domainjoin plugin
	    Add support for AlmaLinux
	    Fix KeepHostName parameter without DNS IP address parameter in domainJoin plugin
	    Fix issue where carriage returns cause json conversion to fail in aws:softwareInventory plugin
	    Remove IMDS calls in Onprem during health check
	    Remove S3 global endpoint fallback logic
	    Update cli descriptions for registration parameters
	    Update go version to 1.19.6

Signed-off-by: Adolf Belka <>
 lfs/amazon-ssm-agent | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


diff --git a/lfs/amazon-ssm-agent b/lfs/amazon-ssm-agent
index bc19b30ee..8ff560e47 100644
--- a/lfs/amazon-ssm-agent
+++ b/lfs/amazon-ssm-agent
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 
 #                                                                             #
 # - A linux based firewall                                         #
-# Copyright (C) 2019-2023  IPFire Team  <>                     #
+# Copyright (C) 2019-2024  IPFire Team  <>                     #
 #                                                                             #
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify        #
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        #
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@  include Config
 SUMMARY    = Amazon Remote System Config Management
-VER        = 3.2.582.0
+VER        = 3.3.1345.0
 SUP_ARCH   = aarch64 x86_64
 THISAPP    = amazon-ssm-agent-$(VER)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@  DL_FROM    = $(URL_IPFIRE)
 PROG       = amazon-ssm-agent
-PAK_VER    = 8
+PAK_VER    = 9
 DEPS       =
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@  objects = $(DL_FILE)
-$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = df2c6111d0c3e941773c5657b199d414435742b20187788b4b07253f67ba0c54ce42e6c62851fba26635b01226b1e1a3e8b4db1f3b3b983323fe764f12c19ddc
+$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = 17b4215c5ce35a980e2a00c484e9354a167efb43c2957a2cfd146665c4b9941c708752f7e3cefd87e6b62e59d61f0723184891db853b3fc8c2bba444d2ec054f
 install : $(TARGET)