[2/2] protobuf-c: Update of protobuf removed SYNTAX_PROTO3 used by protobuf-c-1.5.0

Message ID 20240913162611.2352531-2-adolf.belka@ipfire.org
State Staged
Commit 164ddb3ee68cf3ffcd68a9f67f300345dc73a99e
Series [1/2] protobuf: Update to version 28.1 |

Commit Message

Adolf Belka Sept. 13, 2024, 4:26 p.m. UTC
  - Addition of patch to enable protobuf-c to be built with protobuf version > 26
- When protobuf-c is upgraded to version 1.5.1 it will include this patch

Signed-off-by: Adolf Belka <adolf.belka@ipfire.org>
 lfs/protobuf-c                                |   3 +-
 .../protobuf-c_1.5.0_protobuf-26.patch        | 118 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 src/patches/protobuf-c_1.5.0_protobuf-26.patch


diff --git a/lfs/protobuf-c b/lfs/protobuf-c
index 2c3128f35..679977872 100644
--- a/lfs/protobuf-c
+++ b/lfs/protobuf-c
@@ -70,8 +70,9 @@  $(subst %,%_BLAKE2,$(objects)) :
 $(TARGET) : $(patsubst %,$(DIR_DL)/%,$(objects))
 	@rm -rf $(DIR_APP) && cd $(DIR_SRC) && tar axf $(DIR_DL)/$(DL_FILE)
+	cd $(DIR_APP) && patch -Np1 -i $(DIR_SRC)/src/patches/protobuf-c_1.5.0_protobuf-26.patch
 	cd $(DIR_APP) && ./configure \
-		--prefix=/usr
+				--prefix=/usr
 	cd $(DIR_APP) && make $(MAKETUNING)
 	cd $(DIR_APP) && make install
 	@rm -rf $(DIR_APP)
diff --git a/src/patches/protobuf-c_1.5.0_protobuf-26.patch b/src/patches/protobuf-c_1.5.0_protobuf-26.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40c9e64d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/patches/protobuf-c_1.5.0_protobuf-26.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ 
+From a6cf1aa386067e26d582cc1d1e327787595c9f13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Robert Edmonds <edmonds@users.noreply.github.com>
+Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 21:48:10 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] FileGenerator::GenerateHeader(): Set `min_header_version`
+ unconditionally
+Previously, we were conditionally trying to set `min_header_version` to
+the lowest possible value, and relying on a "legacy" Google interface to
+determine the file descriptor's syntax version as part of that
+Instead, simply bump the minimum version to 1003000 (1.3.0). This
+release was almost 7 years ago. In practice protobuf-c users should not
+be shipping pre-compiled .pb-c.c/.pb-c.h files, anyway.
+ protoc-c/c_file.cc | 9 +--------
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/protoc-c/c_file.cc b/protoc-c/c_file.cc
+index ca0ad34e..c6d8a240 100644
+--- a/protoc-c/c_file.cc
++++ b/protoc-c/c_file.cc
+@@ -117,14 +117,7 @@ FileGenerator::~FileGenerator() {}
+ void FileGenerator::GenerateHeader(io::Printer* printer) {
+   std::string filename_identifier = FilenameIdentifier(file_->name());
+-  int min_header_version = 1000000;
+-  if (FileDescriptorLegacy(file_).syntax() == FileDescriptorLegacy::SYNTAX_PROTO3) {
+-  if (file_->syntax() == FileDescriptor::SYNTAX_PROTO3) {
+-    min_header_version = 1003000;
+-  }
++  const int min_header_version = 1003000;
+   // Generate top of header.
+   printer->Print(
+From ee3d9e5423c93ee6b828fdda8e7fef13a77634eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Robert Edmonds <edmonds@users.noreply.github.com>
+Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:25:54 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Reimplement FieldSyntax() to maximize compatibility
+ across protobuf versions
+Recent versions of Google protobuf have broken the interfaces for
+determining the syntax version of a .proto file. The current protobuf-c
+1.5.0 release does not compile with Google protobuf 26.0 due to the most
+recentage breakage. There is a possible workaround involving the Google
+protobuf `FileDescriptorLegacy` class, which is documented as:
+// TODO Remove this deprecated API entirely.
+So we probably shouldn't rely on it.
+Instead, this commit obtains the `FileDescriptorProto` corresponding
+to the passed in `FieldDescriptor` and interrogates the `syntax` field
+directly. This is a single implementation with no version-specific
+workarounds. Hopefully this won't break in the next Google protobuf
+I tested the `FieldSyntax()` implementation in this commit across a
+number of different Google protobuf releases and found that it worked
+(`make && make check`) on all of them:
+- Google protobuf (Ubuntu 20.04)
+- Google protobuf 3.12.4 (Ubuntu 22.04)
+- Google protobuf 3.21.12 (Debian 12 + Debian unstable)
+- Google protobuf 3.25.2 (Debian experimental)
+- Google protobuf 26.1-dev
+ protoc-c/c_helpers.h | 24 ++++++++++++++----------
+ 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/protoc-c/c_helpers.h b/protoc-c/c_helpers.h
+index 062d330b..be28b601 100644
+--- a/protoc-c/c_helpers.h
++++ b/protoc-c/c_helpers.h
+@@ -70,10 +70,6 @@
+ #include <protobuf-c/protobuf-c.pb.h>
+ #include <google/protobuf/io/printer.h>
+-# include <google/protobuf/descriptor_legacy.h>
+ namespace google {
+ namespace protobuf {
+ namespace compiler {
+@@ -173,13 +169,21 @@ struct NameIndex
+ int compare_name_indices_by_name(const void*, const void*);
+ // Return the syntax version of the file containing the field.
+-// This wrapper is needed to be able to compile against protobuf2.
+ inline int FieldSyntax(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
+-  return FileDescriptorLegacy(field->file()).syntax() == FileDescriptorLegacy::SYNTAX_PROTO3 ? 3 : 2;
+-  return field->file()->syntax() == FileDescriptor::SYNTAX_PROTO3 ? 3 : 2;
++  auto proto = FileDescriptorProto();
++  field->file()->CopyTo(&proto);
++  if (proto.has_syntax()) {
++    auto syntax = proto.syntax();
++    assert(syntax == "proto2" || syntax == "proto3");
++    if (syntax == "proto2") {
++      return 2;
++    } else if (syntax == "proto3") {
++      return 3;
++    }
++  }
++  return 2;
+ }
+ // Work around changes in protobuf >= 22.x without breaking compilation against