sysvinit: Update to version 3.10

Message ID
State Staged
Commit b673eaeba7131f22b512aac8be13cb6d82b59b32
Series sysvinit: Update to version 3.10 |

Commit Message

Adolf Belka Aug. 21, 2024, 6:45 p.m. UTC
  - Update from version 3.08 to 3.10
- Update of rootfile not required
- Renamed build_mountpoint patch
- Changelog
	When the user executes "machinectl stop", systemd sends SIGRTMIN+4 to PID 1
	 in the container, and expects that to initiate a graceful shutdown
	 (power-off). SysV init now catches this signal and initiates a shutdown
	 (shutdown -hP now).
	Fix issue in bootlogd which could cause the service to enter an endless loop
	 (and use too much CPU) when it is able to open a device for writing, but not
	 actually able to write to it. This resulted in bootlogd closing and
	 re-opening the device over and over. Now bootlogd should simply fail
	 gracefully when it cannot write to an open file/device.
	Fix formatting in shutdown.8 manual page. Cleaned up whitespace and special
	On Linux distributions which use the musl C library (instead of glibc) we can now
	 build properly. Specifically, the hddown helper program now builds on musl C
	The reboot command is now able to pass messages to the underlying firmware on
	 Linux systems during a reboot. This allows the admin to pass information to the
	 underlying firmware to, for example, ask the system to boot from another
	 partition. Should be helpful on Raspberry Pi systems.
	 The reboot command can pass a message to the firmware when using the "-m"
	 command line flag.
	This release also improves the Makefile's clean directive.

Signed-off-by: Adolf Belka <>
 lfs/sysvinit                                              | 8 ++++----
 ...ntpoint.patch => sysvinit-3.10_build_mountpoint.patch} | 0
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 rename src/patches/{sysvinit-3.08_build_mountpoint.patch => sysvinit-3.10_build_mountpoint.patch} (100%)


diff --git a/lfs/sysvinit b/lfs/sysvinit
index 4da1b185e..ff5577e5e 100644
--- a/lfs/sysvinit
+++ b/lfs/sysvinit
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 
 #                                                                             #
 # - A linux based firewall                                         #
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2023  IPFire Team  <>                     #
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2024  IPFire Team  <>                     #
 #                                                                             #
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify        #
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        #
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ 
 include Config
-VER        = 3.08
+VER        = 3.10
 THISAPP    = sysvinit-$(VER)
 DL_FILE    = $(THISAPP).tar.xz
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@  objects = $(DL_FILE)
-$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = ec4a4ff3663ac7d67808b50b67631ff4fe1ab56d376df15868df0eb79cbc329b192af124380eec6a797d827c3c7c5586058310d803f42ee1934dcffbfbe876f7
+$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = 894f1ad140f1e92f4d4a2220a9abff6ba106d9f84ee0e001ee8d5a0f41a2877e08110d442a2bcd52efc5662838fae36835b067091d37b9f4d295b47c01c26153
 install : $(TARGET)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@  $(subst %,%_BLAKE2,$(objects)) :
 $(TARGET) : $(patsubst %,$(DIR_DL)/%,$(objects))
 	@rm -rf $(DIR_APP) && cd $(DIR_SRC) && tar axf $(DIR_DL)/$(DL_FILE)
-	cd $(DIR_APP) && patch -Np1 -i $(DIR_SRC)/src/patches/sysvinit-3.08_build_mountpoint.patch
+	cd $(DIR_APP) && patch -Np1 -i $(DIR_SRC)/src/patches/sysvinit-3.10_build_mountpoint.patch
 	cd $(DIR_APP) && make $(MAKETUNING)
 	cd $(DIR_APP) && make install
 	@rm -rf $(DIR_APP)
diff --git a/src/patches/sysvinit-3.08_build_mountpoint.patch b/src/patches/sysvinit-3.10_build_mountpoint.patch
similarity index 100%
rename from src/patches/sysvinit-3.08_build_mountpoint.patch
rename to src/patches/sysvinit-3.10_build_mountpoint.patch