less: Update to version 661
Commit Message
- Update from version 633 to 661
- Update of rootfile not required
- Changelog
* Add ^O^N, ^O^P, ^O^L and ^O^O commands and mouse clicks (with --mouse)
to find and open OSC8 hyperlinks (github #251).
* Add --match-shift option.
* Add --lesskey-content option (github #447).
* Add LESSKEY_CONTENT environment variable (github #447).
* Add --no-search-header-lines and --no-search-header-columns options
(github #397).
* Add ctrl-L search modifier (github #367).
* A ctrl-P at the start of a shell command suppresses the "done"
message (github #462).
* Add attribute characters ('*', '~', '_', '&') to --color
parameter (github #471).
* Allow expansion of environment variables in lesskey files.
* Add LESSSECURE_ALLOW environment variable (github #449).
* Add LESS_UNSUPPORT environment variable.
* Add line number parameter to --header option (github #436).
* Mouse right-click jumps to position marked by left-click (github #390).
* Ensure that the target line is not obscured by a header line
set by --header (github #444).
* Change default character set to "utf-8", except remains "dos" on MS-DOS.
* Add message when search with ^W wraps (github #459).
* UCRT builds on Windows 10 and later now support Unicode file names
(github #438).
* Improve behavior of interrupt while reading non-terminated pipe
(github #414).
* Improve parsing of -j, -x and -# options (github #393).
* Support files larger than 4GB on Windows (github #417).
* Support entry of Unicode chars larger than U+FFFF on Windows (github #391).
* Improve colors of bold, underline and standout text on Windows.
* Allow --rscroll to accept non-ASCII characters (github #483).
* Allow the parameter to certain options to be terminated with a
space (--color, --quotes, --rscroll, --search-options
and --intr) (github #495).
* Fix bug where # substitution failed after viewing help (github #420).
* Fix crash if files are deleted while less is viewing them (github #404).
* Workaround unreliable ReadConsoleInputW behavior on Windows
with non-ASCII input.
* Fix -J display when searching for non-ASCII characters (github #422).
* Don't filter header lines via the & command (github #423).
* Fix bug when horizontally shifting long lines (github #425).
* Add -x and -D options to lesstest, to make it easier to diagnose
a failed lesstest run.
* Fix bug searching long lines with --incsearch and -S (github #428).
* Fix bug that made ESC-} fail if top line on screen was empty (github #429).
* Fix bug with --mouse on Windows when used with pipes (github #440).
* Fix bug in --+OPTION command line syntax.
* Fix display bug when using -w with an empty line with a CR/LF
line ending (github #474).
* When substituting '#' or '%' with a filename, quote the filename
if it contains a space (github #480).
* Fix wrong sleep time when system has usleep but not nanosleep (github #489).
* Fix bug when file name contains a newline.
* Fix bug when file name contains nonprintable characters (github #503).
* Fix DJGPP build (github #497).
* Update Unicode tables.
* Fix problem when a program piping into less reads from the tty,
like sudo asking for password (github #368).
* Fix search modifier ^E after ^W.
* Fix bug using negated (^N) search (github #374).
* Fix bug setting colors with -D on Windows build (github #386).
* Fix reading special chars like PageDown on Windows (github #378).
* Fix mouse wheel scrolling on Windows (github #379).
* Fix erroneous EOF when terminal window size changes (github #372).
* Fix compile error with some definitions of ECHONL (github #395).
* Fix crash on Windows when writing logfile (github #405).
* Fix regression in exit code when stdin is /dev/null and
output is a file (github #373).
* Add lesstest test suite to production release (github #344).
* Change lesstest output to conform with
automake Simple Test Format (github #399).
Signed-off-by: Adolf Belka <adolf.belka@ipfire.org>
lfs/less | 10 +++++-----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# #
# IPFire.org - A linux based firewall #
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2023 IPFire Team <info@ipfire.org> #
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2024 IPFire Team <info@ipfire.org> #
# #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
include Config
-VER = 633
+VER = 661
THISAPP = less-$(VER)
DL_FILE = $(THISAPP).tar.gz
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ objects = $(DL_FILE)
-$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = e9df180794af365f86734c6b8fde766c1bba42b111717ee5e1cf11001fc7ec3d78910db9bb7c51a76816086f599808b1b60f514011ec40e37650d6bc4f8b3d5c
+$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = c1fa9a7a646fcc1203945e00c35fe41bddef0c564e30f120a37e417ecd5c60d234e0253a2e18123508dd5c0313bce346dc7752e96cdc1b067bd07a2a39818b42
install : $(TARGET)
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ $(TARGET) : $(patsubst %,$(DIR_DL)/%,$(objects))
@rm -rf $(DIR_APP) && cd $(DIR_SRC) && tar zxf $(DIR_DL)/$(DL_FILE)
cd $(DIR_APP) && ./configure \
- --prefix=/usr \
- --sysconfdir=/etc
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc
cd $(DIR_APP) && make $(MAKETUNING)
cd $(DIR_APP) && make install