[v2,02/18] tests/lib.sh: Add function test_value_in_array
Commit Message
Test if a given array has the specified value stored under key.
! does not work here to access the array by variable name. So the solution here is:
Signed-off-by: Jonatan Schlag <jonatan.schlag@ipfire.org>
tests/lib.sh | 14 +++++++++++++
.../src/initscripts/system/functions/test2.sh | 21 +++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 35 insertions(+)
create mode 100755 tests/src/initscripts/system/functions/test2.sh
@@ -25,3 +25,17 @@ test_command() {
var_has_value() {
[[ "${!1}" == "${2}" ]]
+test_value_in_array() {
+ local -n array="${1}"
+ local key="${2}"
+ local value="${3}"
+ if [[ "${array[${key}]}" == "${value}" ]] ; then
+ echo -e "${CLR_GREEN_BG}Test succeded: The array '${1}' contains the value '${value}' under the key '${key}' ${CLR_RESET}"
+ return 0
+ else
+ echo -e "${CLR_RED_BG}Test failed: The array '${1}' contains the value '${array[${key}]}' under the key '${key} and not '${value}' ${CLR_RESET}"
+ return 1
+ fi
new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
+ROOT="$(readlink -f "${SCRIPT_PATH}/../../../../..")"
+. ${ROOT}/tests/lib.sh
+. ${ROOT}/src/initscripts/system/functions
+# read the date in
+readhash "CONFIG" "${SCRIPT_PATH}/data/1"
+# test if we read the correct data
+test_that_key_in_arry_has_value "CONFIG" "RED_DHCP_HOSTNAME" "ipfire"
+test_that_key_in_arry_has_value "CONFIG" "BLUE_MACADDR" "bc:30:7d:58:6b:e3"
+test_that_output_is "${SCRIPT_PATH}/data/1_output_stdout" "1" readhash "CONFIG" "${SCRIPT_PATH}/data/1"
+test_that_output_is "${SCRIPT_PATH}/data/1_output_stderr" "2" readhash "CONFIG" "${SCRIPT_PATH}/data/1"