[05/21] tests/lib.sh: Add logging functions
Commit Message
So we can change the style of our log messages better.
Signed-off-by: Jonatan Schlag <jonatan.schlag@ipfire.org>
tests/lib.sh | 18 +++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
@@ -4,13 +4,21 @@ LIB_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
. ${LIB_DIR}/lib_color.sh
+ echo -e "${CLR_RED_BG}Test failed: ${*}${CLR_RESET}'"
+ echo -e "${CLR_GREEN_BG}Test succeded: ${*}${CLR_RESET}"
test_that() {
if ! "$@" ; then
- echo -e "${CLR_RED_BG} Test failed: ${*} ${CLR_RESET}"
+ log_test_failed "${*}"
return 1
- echo -e "${CLR_GREEN_BG} Test succeded: ${*} ${CLR_RESET}"
+ log_test_succeded "${*}"
return 0
@@ -25,15 +33,15 @@ test_that_key_in_arry_has_value() {
local value="${3}"
if [[ ! -v "${array}" ]]; then
- echo -e "${CLR_RED_BG}Test failed: The array '${1}' does not exists. The variable is not set.${CLR_RESET}'"
+ log_test_failed "The array '${1}' does not exists. The variable is not set."
return 1
if [[ "${array[${key}]}" == "${value}" ]] ; then
- echo -e "${CLR_GREEN_BG}Test succeded: The array '${1}' contains the value '${value}' under the key '${key}' ${CLR_RESET}"
+ log_test_succeded "The array '${1}' contains the value '${value}' under the key '${key}'"
return 0
- echo -e "${CLR_RED_BG}Test failed: The array '${1}' contains the value '${array[${key}]}' under the key '${key} and not '${value}' ${CLR_RESET}"
+ log_test_failed "The array '${1}' contains the value '${array[${key}]}' under the key '${key} and not '${value}'"
return 1