sudo: Update to version 1.9.15p2

Message ID
State Accepted
Commit 62c2ba58b49fb55f5c679d4ddf79e98b384669c6
Series sudo: Update to version 1.9.15p2 |

Commit Message

Adolf Belka Nov. 10, 2023, 10:59 a.m. UTC
  - Update from version 1.9.14p2 to 1.9.15p2
- Update of rootfile
- Changelog
	 * Fixed a bug on BSD systems where sudo would not restore the
	   terminal settings on exit if the terminal had parity enabled.
	   GitHub issue #326.
	 * Fixed a bug introduced in sudo 1.9.15 that prevented LDAP-based
	   sudoers from being able to read the ldap.conf file.
	   GitHub issue #325.
	 * Fixed an undefined symbol problem on older versions of macOS
	   when "intercept" or "log_subcmds" are enabled in sudoers.
	   GitHub issue #276.
	 * Fixed "make check" failure related to getpwent(3) wrapping
	   on NetBSD.
	 * Fixed the warning message for "sudo -l command" when the command
	   is not permitted.  There was a missing space between "list" and
	   the actual command due to changes in sudo 1.9.14.
	 * Fixed a bug where output could go to the wrong terminal if
	   "use_pty" is enabled (the default) and the standard input, output
	   or error is redirected to a different terminal.  Bug #1056.
	 * The visudo utility will no longer create an empty file when the
	   specified sudoers file does not exist and the user exits the
	   editor without making any changes.  GitHub issue #294.
	 * The AIX and Solaris sudo packages on now support
	   "log_subcmds" and "intercept" with both 32-bit and 64-bit
	   binaries.  Previously, they only worked when running binaries
	   with the same word size as the sudo binary.  GitHub issue #289.
	 * The sudoers source is now logged in the JSON event log.  This
	   makes it possible to tell which rule resulted in a match.
	 * Running "sudo -ll command" now produces verbose output that
	   includes matching rule as well as the path to the sudoers file
	   the matching rule came from.  For LDAP sudoers, the name of the
	   matching sudoRole is printed instead.
	 * The embedded copy of zlib has been updated to version 1.3.
	 * The sudoers plugin has been modified to make it more resilient
	   to ROWHAMMER attacks on authentication and policy matching.
	   This addresses CVE-2023-42465.
	 * The sudoers plugin now constructs the user time stamp file path
	   name using the user-ID instead of the user name.  This avoids a
	   potential problem with user names that contain a path separator
	   ('/') being interpreted as part of the path name.  A similar
	   issue in sudo-rs has been assigned CVE-2023-42456.
	 * A path separator ('/') in a user, group or host name is now
	   replaced with an underbar character ('_') when expanding escapes
	   in @include and @includedir directives as well as the "iolog_file"
	   and "iolog_dir" sudoers Default settings.
	 * The "intercept_verify" sudoers option is now only applied when
	   the "intercept" option is set in sudoers.  Previously, it was
	   also applied when "log_subcmds" was enabled.  Sudo 1.9.14
	   contained an incorrect fix for this.  Bug #1058.
	 * Changes to terminal settings are now performed atomically, where
	   possible.  If the command is being run in a pseudo-terminal and
	   the user's terminal is already in raw mode, sudo will not change
	   the user's terminal settings.  This prevents concurrent sudo
	   processes from restoring the terminal settings to the wrong values.
	   GitHub issue #312.
	 * Reverted a change from sudo 1.9.4 that resulted in PAM session
	   modules being called with the environment of the command to be
	   run instead of the environment of the invoking user.
	   GitHub issue #318.
	 * New Indonesian translation from
	 * The sudo_logsrvd server will now raise its open file descriptor
	   limit to the maximum allowed value when it starts up.  Each
	   connection can require up to nine open file descriptors so the
	   default soft limit may be too low.
	 * Better log message when rejecting a command if the "intercept"
	   option is enabled and the "intercept_allow_setid" option is
	   disabled.  Previously, "command not allowed" would be logged and
	   the user had no way of knowing what the actual problem was.
	 * Sudo will now log the invoking user's environment as "submitenv"
	   in the JSON logs.  The command's environment ("runenv") is no
	   longer logged for commands rejected by the sudoers file or an
	   approval plugin.
	 * Fixed a crash with Python 3.12 when the sudo Python plugin is
	   unloaded.  This only affects "make check" for the Python plugin.
	 * Adapted the sudo Python plugin test output to match Python 3.12.

Signed-off-by: Adolf Belka <>
 config/rootfiles/common/sudo | 1 +
 lfs/sudo                     | 4 ++--
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


diff --git a/config/rootfiles/common/sudo b/config/rootfiles/common/sudo
index 9c8be9974..a09f06b38 100644
--- a/config/rootfiles/common/sudo
+++ b/config/rootfiles/common/sudo
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@  usr/sbin/visudo
diff --git a/lfs/sudo b/lfs/sudo
index cf68bf923..d6bae3c7e 100644
--- a/lfs/sudo
+++ b/lfs/sudo
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ 
 include Config
-VER        = 1.9.14p2
+VER        = 1.9.15p2
 THISAPP    = sudo-$(VER)
 DL_FILE    = $(THISAPP).tar.gz
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@  objects = $(DL_FILE)
-$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = a350136731c1c6eca1317a852ce243b270df61ba275608bd0d0ec11760babdb2f9f489b818529484c15a43345fa53c96efd1aa47ab7cc0591c45928ba75c4c85
+$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = 002f820d6d82b3384a9206545a999765c2924b2650fd7f6331c191e3f631507064d71a042c606b4fcea0d518d38b5a24d3f44964bb09cb5774e50501abc3f524
 install : $(TARGET)