[3/3] update.sh: Remove code to add providers into n2n configs
Commit Message
- This code is no longer required with the code changes in the ovpnmain.cgi patch in this
patch set.
Tested-by: Adolf Belka <adolf.belka@ipfire.org>
Signed-off-by: Adolf Belka <adolf.belka@ipfire.org>
config/rootfiles/core/175/update.sh | 14 --------------
1 file changed, 14 deletions(-)
@@ -177,20 +177,6 @@ if [ -e /boot/pakfire-kernel-update ]; then
/boot/pakfire-kernel-update ${KVER}
-## Add providers legacy default line to n2n client config files
-# Check if ovpnconfig exists and is not empty
-if [ -s /var/ipfire/ovpn/ovpnconfig ]; then
- # Identify all n2n connections
- for y in $(awk -F',' '/net/ { print $3 }' /var/ipfire/ovpn/ovpnconfig); do
- # Add the legacy option to all N2N client conf files
- if [ $(grep -c "Open VPN Client Config" /var/ipfire/ovpn/n2nconf/${y}/${y}.conf) -eq 1 ] ; then
- if [ $(grep -c "providers legacy default" /var/ipfire/ovpn/n2nconf/${y}/${y}.conf) -eq 0 ] ; then
- echo "providers legacy default" >> /var/ipfire/ovpn/n2nconf/${y}/${y}.conf
- fi
- fi
- done
# This update needs a reboot...
touch /var/run/need_reboot