amazon-ssm-agent: Update to version 3.2.582.0

Message ID
State Accepted
Commit 70f08332cee0254f0e6202f748c572d8fc1dc022
Series amazon-ssm-agent: Update to version 3.2.582.0 |

Commit Message

Adolf Belka March 28, 2023, 11:48 a.m. UTC
  - Update from version 3.0.356.0
- Update of rootfile not required
- Changelog
	- Fixed go-vet issues by passing mocks by value
	- Updated domainjoin and cloudwatch executables for windows
	- Removed explicit setting of EC2 aws credential profile
	- Added public key to registration info
	- Sends non-interactive command errors that occur before command execution to data channel
	- Added instance id verification to registration process
	- Added minimum retry sleep for Registrar RegisterManagedInstance calls
	- Explicitly skip AZ info check for on-prem and ECS targets
	- Fix for SSM-Agent that is unable to start on Apple Mac M1's (mac2.metal instances)
	- Ensuring powershell path is set to system directory on Windows
	- Load DLLs with using system/absolute paths on Windows
	- Added workaround for Samba limit when loading Active Directory ids
	- Dynamically get network interface name for SeamlessDomainJoin
	- Added install-yum-rpm to makefile to install agent on host from source code
	- Added logging for specifying credential source
	- Refactored tests to remove mocks from production binaries
	- Updated Windows DomainJoin plugin SharpZipLib and Newtonsoft.json dependencies
	- Updated yaml.v3 dependency
	- Separated EC2 identity vault manifest from OnPrem identity vault manifest
	- Fix for credential retrieval blocking os termination signals
	- Fix for agent updater using shared credentials on EC2
	- Added guards against panic for agent identity health checks
	- Added logging around agent module start/stop
	- Added logging when assuming identity
	- Increased retries to ECS metadata endpoint
	- Added linux debug build to makefile
	- Implemented aws sdk logging interface
	- Updated agent minor version to 3.2
	- Added functionality to retrieve agent credentials from Systems Manager on EC2
	- Update shell for Session Manager on MacOS
	- Lower message length threshold for cloudwatch log streaming
	- Ran gofmt and goimports with golang version 1.19
	- Report AvailabilityZone and AvailabilityZoneId in health pings
	- Update AWS Go SDK to v1.44.78
	- Fix samba configuration for sub-domains
	- Add code in document/session worker to fallback to default identity selector when runtime config not present
	- Fix to handle command-line-arguments in document/session worker when launched by old agent workers
	- Fallback to file based IPC if named pipe creation times out
	- Increase tls handshake timeout in http download client
	- Log mds client timeout errors as WARN
	- Added separate metric for snapd running apps failure during update
	- Fixed idle session timeout with smux keep alive configuration based on CLI version
	- Updated AgentTaskComplete message retry
	- Updated go version to 1.18.3
	- Collect kernel version in InstanceDetailedInformation
	- Support separate output stream for non-interactive session
	- Cleanup default log group name for runcommands
	- Updated rpm spec file to include build id
	- Fix port session premature close when local server is not connected before timeout
	- Add created date to AgentJobAck message
	- Disable smux keep alive to use idle session timeout feature
	- Fix unit-tests running on windows
	- Added timeout for s3 HEAD requests
	- Added vpc address deny to port forwarding
	- Fixed for reboot scenario in configure package plugin
	- Fixed goroutine leak in seelog library
	- Fixed nullpointer segmentation fault in configure package plugin
	- Improved error handling in manifest download in updater
	- Improved worker initialization to improve startup failure logging
	- Added missing check for invalid S3 path parameter
	- Added support for domain join using a non-local username
	- Fixed broken links in
	- Fixed ECS Exec issue where agent was using environment variables for credentials
	- Updated Ec2Detector test to query smbios directly for system information
	- Updated ec2detector module to use Get-CmiInstance instead of wmic.exe
	- Fixed file creation mode of ssm-agent-users sudoer file
	- Added new ec2detector module to determine if agent is on EC2
	- Added support for port forwarding to remote host
	- Added quotes around inventory parameter ValueName on Windows
	- Fix for domain join DNS IP assignments in shared directories
	- Replaced namedpipe updater test with ec2detector test
	- Add application inventory by file for Bottlerocket
	- Fix infinite retry logic to send failed replies in MGSInteractor
	- Remove usage of io/fs package
	- (windows only) Remove symlink scan during update
	- Fixed sourceHash validation for aws:application document plugin
	- Added document parameter validation for values passed to target document of aws:runDocument plugin
	- (windows only) Fix process leak when legacy cloudwatch plugin is enabled
	- (windows only) Fail installation if C:\ProgramData\Amazon\SSM\ has symlinks
	- Added platform detection for Bottlerocket OS
	- Consolidated regional endpoint generation to common endpoint module
	- Added support for Rocky linux
	- Fixed sharefile/shareprofile not being propagated to updateutil
	- Fixed incorrect darwin platform detection post BigSur
	- Fixed log flush issue in updater
	- Updated .NET dependencies for domainjoin and cloudwatch (windows only)
	- Updated go version to 1.17.6
	- Implement new core module named MessageService to start processing commands from both MGS and MDS
	  - Merge functionalities from RunCommandService core module and Session core module.
	  - Receive run command documents through MGS if connected and fallback to MDS otherwise. This functionality requires appropriate permissions for both endpoints and will be rolled out gradually to end users.
	  - Provide filesystem based idempotency check to avoid duplicate run command document execution.
	  - Increase default run command pool buffer size from 1 to 5 to load additional documents before-hand for processing.
	- Fix nil pointer deference panic produced in named pipe test case during agent update
	- Remove StopType concept in ssm-agent-worker and add different waits for reboot and shutdown stop
	- Add support for upstart when running get-diagnostic command using ssm-cli
	- Fix systemctl service name to support older versions of systemctl
	- Include changes to facilitate testing
	- Update DNS server selection logic for seamless domain join on linux and darwin
	- Update go version to go1.17.5
	- Update golang sys package dependency
	- Derive default directories from appconfig on Darwin
	- Set x-bit on newly-created directories
	- Fix for ssm-setup-cli to be able to select service manager without the agent being installed
	- Added greengrass component recipe for the new SystemsManagerAgent component
	- Added support for registering agent on a greengrass device
	- Added support for downloading more than 1000 objects in downloadContent
	- Fixed retry logic for onprem and s3 upload
	- Fixed unit tests when running on Mac
	- Update AWS SDK to v1.41.4
	- Update logic to retrieve platform details for Rocky Linux
	- Add diagnostics command to ssm-cli
	- Fix caching for onprem credentials
	- Additional configuration options for Seamless Domain Join
	- Gracefully exit session if group of runas user is modified
	- Skip retries for cert validation errors in S3 HEAD requests
	- Fix DNS failures on CentOS 8.2
	- Update several dependencies
	- Fixed a bug with powershell command for Inventory
	- Fixed cpu spike issue manifesting on snap
	- Fixed issue with version comparison in EC2Config update plugin
	- Fixed panic when command output was being truncated
	- Updated build to use go1.16.8
	- Removed Profile from inventory powershell commands on Windows
	- Fix to eliminate WaitGroup reuse panic triggered during agent reboot
	- Fix to include applications without UninstallString in Inventory for Windows
	- Fixed a bug where multi-plugin documents with large outputs would timeout RunCommand
	- Fixed a bug where RunCommand could delay executions for up to 15 minutes
	- Add serial port logging of AwsNitroEnclaves package version on windows during startup
	- Allow usage of existing loggroup/logstream when the user does not have create permission
	- Change service interrogate request log to debug
	- Cleanup old surveyor channel files on startup
	- Fix filehandle leak in windows leading to agent going offline
	- Fix to schedule correct next run time during orchestration directories cleanup
	- Fix to sequentially update correct runcount value in the document bookkeeping file
	- Fix a bug with version parsing EC2Config updater
	- Updated rpm packaging for fips compliance
	- Added darwin arm64 to makefile
	- Added logic to limit orchestration directory cleanup
	- Added packaging for public SSM Agent container image
	- Fixed cloudwatch endpoint for telemetry metrics requests
	- Fixed handling of Windows filepaths and mutex locks
	- Fixed agent worker handling of OS signals and termination channel requests
	- Updated datachannel retry strategy to not retry for a specific error scenario
	- Updated default gomaxproc value for Windows
	- Update build to use go1.16.6
	- Added a workaround for windows random halts
	- Fixed race condition during reboot document execution
	- Updated to version 3.1
	- Updated build to build statically linked binaries for linux 64bit
	  - Minimum supported linux kernel version for linux 64bit is 3.2+
	- Fixed permissions for docker config file
	- Fixed issue with ubuntu prerm and postinst scripts
	- Fixed issue where processor stop was being called twice
	- Added config option to delete orchestration folder
	- Added snapcraft packaging config
	- Added workaround for aws:runDocument status bug
	- Added improved handling of file closure
	- Added support for go mod and updated build to use go 1.16.4
	- Fixed bug parsing vpce s3 urls
	- Refactored use of agent identity in agent cli
	- Updated check if agent is running as windows service
	- Updated handling of session cancellation to still send output to client side
	- Updated interactive session exit code logic to match non-interactive mode
	- Updated vendor dependencies
	- Added configurable custom identity and identity consumption order
	- Added cross-account domain join
	- Added cleanup for older versions of updater artifacts
	- Added a workaround for MacOS kernel bug that sometimes kept RunCommand from launching
	- Added a workaround for log file contention on Windows
	- Added synchronization to RunCommand service stop
	- Changed hibernation log level
	- MacOS executables are now signed
	- Removed delay in non-interactive session type
	- Fixed issue where registration file is not removed when registration is cleared
	- Removed unnecessary CloudWatch Log api calls
	- Added support for IMDSv2 in Windows AD domain join plugin
	- Added support for digest authorization in downloadContent plugin
	- Added missing defer close for windows service in updater
	- Added support to disable onprem hardware similarity check
	- Fixed windows random halts issue
	- Refactored windows startup
	- Refactored task pool to dynamically dispatch goroutines
	- Added a check for broken symlink after update
	- Added support for NonInteractiveCommands session type on Linux and Windows platforms
	- Added lint-all flag to makefile
	- Changed Inventory plugin billinginfo to use IMDSv2
	- Fixed indefinite retries for ResourceError during CWLogging
	- Fixed go vet call in
	- Fixed inter process communication log line
	- Fixed a bug where CloudWatch logs were not being uploaded
	- Fixed timer and goroutine leaks
	- Fixed an issue where document workers on Windows were not exiting
	- Added test-all flag to the makefile
	- Added support for onprem private key auto rotation
	- Added config to remove plugin output files after upload to s3
	- Added update precondition for upcoming 3.1 release
	- Fixed cloudwatch windows where TLS 1.0 is disabled
	- Fixed document cloudwatch upload when CreateLogStream permissions were missing left instances stuck in terminating
	- Fixed domain join windows EC2 instances where TLS 1.0 is disabled
	- Fixed domain join script for .local domain names
	- Fixed domain join script to exit when domain is already joined
	- Fixed panic issue in windows startup script when executing powershell command
	- Fixed session manager issue on MacOS for root and home path
	- Removed IMDS call in domain join script
	- Refactored update plugin and updater interaction
	- Added jitter to first control channel call
	- Added dedicated folder for plugins
	- Added option to overwrite corrupt shared credentials
	- Added $HOME env variable for root user when runAsElevated is true in session
	- Added CREAD flag in serial port control flags on linux
	- Added PlatformName and PlatformVersion as env variables for aws:runShellScript
	- Added support for macOS updater
	- Added v2.2 document support in updater
	- Added defer recover statements
	- Fixed inventory error log when dpkg is not available
	- Fixed ssm-cli logging to stdout
	- Removed consideration of unimportant error codes in service side
	- Updated ec2 credential caching time to ~1 hour
	- Updated service query logic for Windows
	- Updated golang sys package dependency
	- Fix fallback logic for MGS endpoint generation
	- Fix regional endpoint generation
	- Fix bug in document parameter expansion
	- Fix datachannel to wait for empty message buffer before closing
	- Fix for hung Session Manager sessions
	- Fix for folder permission issue in domain join
	- Refactor identity handling
	- Update session plugin to pause reading when datachannel not actively sending data
	- Update ssm-user creation details in
	- Add feature to retain hostname during domain join
	- Add delay to pty start failure for session-worker
	- Add nil pointer check on shell command for session-worker
	- Add shlex to vendor which is used to parse session interactive command input for session-worker
	- Change log level for IPC not readable message
	- Change v2 agent to use v3 agent executor
	- Fix network connectivity issues on RHEL8
	- Fix race condition where first message is dropped when session plugin's message handler is not ready
	- Fix file channel protocol test cases
	- Fix blocking http call when certificates are not available
	- Move aws cli installation out of /tmp for domain join plugin
	- Update boolean attributes in Session Document to accept both string and bool values
	- Upgrade vendor dependencies and build to use go1.15.7
	- Added instruction to for getting the latest version of SSM Agent in a specific region
	- Fix for PowerShell stream data being executed in reverse order
	- Fix to create update lock folder before creating update locks
	- Fix to reset ipcTempFile properties at the end of session
	- Fix for encrypted s3 bucket upload
	- Add agent version flag to retrieve agent version
	- Add onFailure/onSuccess/finallyStep support for plugins
	- Add SSE header for S3 Upload
	- Add SSM Agent support in MacOS
	- Extend use of default http transport
	- Fix for Agent not aquiring new instance role credentials after EC2 hibernation
	- Fix for shell profile powershell commands not being executed in the expected order
	- Fix to delete undeleted channel while using reboot document
	- Fix to consider status of all plugin steps in document after system restart
	- Fix bug capturing rpm install exit code
	- Handle sourceInfo json sent from CLI in downloadContent plugin
	- Optimize agent startup time by removing additional wait times
	- Refactor makefile
	- Replace master branch with mainline branch
	- Upgrade aws-sdk-go to latest version(v1.35.23)
	- Use DefaultTransport as underlying RoundTripper for S3 access
	- Add additional checks and logs to install scripts
	- Add retry logic to handle ssm document during reboot
	- Add dockerfile to build agent
	- Add script to package binaries to tar
	- Change default download directory on Linux to /var/lib/amazon/ssm
	- Extend SSM Agent ability to execute from relative path and use custom certificates
	- Fix IP address parsing in domain join plugin
	- Fix self update logging
	- Log fingerprint similarity check failures as ERROR and each changed machine property as WARN
	- Prefix ecs target id with 'ecs:'
	- Prefer non-link-local addresses to show in Console
	- Use IMDSv1 after IMDSv2

Signed-off-by: Adolf Belka <>
 lfs/amazon-ssm-agent | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


diff --git a/lfs/amazon-ssm-agent b/lfs/amazon-ssm-agent
index 451dfa9cf..bc19b30ee 100644
--- a/lfs/amazon-ssm-agent
+++ b/lfs/amazon-ssm-agent
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 
 #                                                                             #
 # - A linux based firewall                                         #
-# Copyright (C) 2019  IPFire Team  <>                          #
+# Copyright (C) 2019-2023  IPFire Team  <>                     #
 #                                                                             #
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify        #
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        #
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@  include Config
 SUMMARY    = Amazon Remote System Config Management
-VER        = 3.0.356.0
+VER        = 3.2.582.0
 SUP_ARCH   = aarch64 x86_64
 THISAPP    = amazon-ssm-agent-$(VER)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@  DL_FROM    = $(URL_IPFIRE)
 PROG       = amazon-ssm-agent
-PAK_VER    = 7
+PAK_VER    = 8
 DEPS       =
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@  objects = $(DL_FILE)
-$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = cd30fe1931c02ff5d969ef19152d4f4a8f5883ab6952fa05eb0878526ed02c949afac36c0d363bc37c54594baf9fd96002d30605d9d687e36c8f0e9acb69148b
+$(DL_FILE)_BLAKE2 = df2c6111d0c3e941773c5657b199d414435742b20187788b4b07253f67ba0c54ce42e6c62851fba26635b01226b1e1a3e8b4db1f3b3b983323fe764f12c19ddc
 install : $(TARGET)