Fixed 'bandwith' typos in translation strings

Message ID
State Dropped
Series Fixed 'bandwith' typos in translation strings |

Commit Message

Matthias Fischer May 13, 2020, 2:13 p.m. UTC
  One of my favourites. So old, so mean.

"I'm sorry to see you go..." ;-)

Signed-off-by: Matthias Fischer <>
 langs/de/cgi-bin/ | 12 ++++++------
 langs/en/cgi-bin/ | 12 ++++++------
 langs/es/cgi-bin/ | 12 ++++++------
 langs/fr/cgi-bin/ | 12 ++++++------
 langs/it/cgi-bin/ | 10 +++++-----
 langs/nl/cgi-bin/ | 12 ++++++------
 langs/pl/cgi-bin/ | 12 ++++++------
 langs/ru/cgi-bin/ | 12 ++++++------
 langs/tr/cgi-bin/ | 12 ++++++------
 9 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)


diff --git a/langs/de/cgi-bin/ b/langs/de/cgi-bin/
index 74765c11d..0efb512cb 100644
--- a/langs/de/cgi-bin/
+++ b/langs/de/cgi-bin/
@@ -478,8 +478,8 @@ 
 'bad return code' => 'Das Hilfsprogramm hat einen Fehlercode gemeldet',
 'bad source range' => 'Der erste Wert des Quellportbereich ist größer oder gleich dem zweiten Wert.',
 'bandwidth usage' => 'Bandbreitenauslastung (extern)',
-'bandwitherror' => 'Sie können die Bandbreiteneinstellungen nicht bearbeiten, wenn QoS eingeschaltet ist. Schalten Sie es erst aus.<p>',
-'bandwithsettings' => 'Bandbreiteneinstellungen',
+'bandwidtherror' => 'Sie können die Bandbreiteneinstellungen nicht bearbeiten, wenn QoS eingeschaltet ist. Schalten Sie es erst aus.<p>',
+'bandwidthsettings' => 'Bandbreiteneinstellungen',
 'basic options' => 'Basisoptionen',
 'beep when ppp connects or disconnects' => 'Signalton ausgeben, wenn IPFire verbindet oder trennt',
 'behind a proxy' => 'Hinter einem Proxy:',
@@ -1028,8 +1028,8 @@ 
 'extrahd you cant mount' => 'Sie können',
 'fallout zombieload ridl' => 'Fallout/ZombieLoad/RIDL',
 'false classnumber' => 'Die Klassennummer passt nicht zum angegebenen Interface.',
-'false max bandwith' => 'Maximalbandbreite ist ungültig.',
-'false min bandwith' => 'Mindestbandbreite ist ungültig.',
+'false max bandwidth' => 'Maximalbandbreite ist ungültig.',
+'false min bandwidth' => 'Mindestbandbreite ist ungültig.',
 'february' => 'Februar',
 'fetch ip from' => 'Schätze die echte öffentliche IP-Adresse mit Hilfe eines externen Servers',
 'fifteen minutes' => '15 Minuten',
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ 
 'green' => 'GRÜN',
 'green interface' => 'Grünes Interface',
 'grouptype' => 'Gruppentyp:',
-'guaranteed bandwith' => 'Garantierte Bandbreite',
+'guaranteed bandwidth' => 'Garantierte Bandbreite',
 'guardian' => 'Guardian',
 'guest ok' => 'Gastzugang gewähren',
 'gui settings' => 'Benutzeroberfläche',
@@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@ 
 'masquerading' => 'Masquerading/NAT',
 'masquerading disabled' => 'NAT ausgeschaltet',
 'masquerading enabled' => 'NAT eingeschaltet',
-'max bandwith' => 'Maximale Bandbreite',
+'max bandwidth' => 'Maximale Bandbreite',
 'max incoming size' => 'Max. eingehende Größe (kB):',
 'max lease time' => 'Maximale Haltezeit (in Minuten):',
 'max outgoing size' => 'Max. abgehende Größe (kB):',
diff --git a/langs/en/cgi-bin/ b/langs/en/cgi-bin/
index 514e4ff7a..c1b26b3ff 100644
--- a/langs/en/cgi-bin/
+++ b/langs/en/cgi-bin/
@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ 
 'bad return code' => 'Helper program returned error code',
 'bad source range' => 'The Source port range has a first value that is greater than or equal to the second value.',
 'bandwidth usage' => 'bandwidth usage (external)',
-'bandwitherror' => 'You cannot change the bandwithsettings, with Qos being enabled. First disable Qos.<p>',
-'bandwithsettings' => 'Bandwithsettings',
+'bandwidtherror' => 'You cannot change the bandwidthsettings, with Qos being enabled. First disable Qos.<p>',
+'bandwidthsettings' => 'Bandwidthsettings',
 'basic options' => 'Basic Options',
 'beep when ppp connects or disconnects' => 'Beep when IPFire connects or disconnects',
 'behind a proxy' => 'Behind a proxy:',
@@ -1050,8 +1050,8 @@ 
 'extrahd you cant mount' => 'You can\'t mount',
 'fallout zombieload ridl' => 'Fallout/ZombieLoad/RIDL',
 'false classnumber' => 'The Class-Number does not match the interface.',
-'false max bandwith' => 'Maximum bandwith is false.',
-'false min bandwith' => 'Minimum bandwith is false.',
+'false max bandwidth' => 'Maximum bandwidth is false.',
+'false min bandwidth' => 'Minimum bandwidth is false.',
 'february' => 'February',
 'fetch ip from' => 'Guess the real public IP with help of an external server',
 'fifteen minutes' => '15 Minutes',
@@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ 
 'green' => 'GREEN',
 'green interface' => 'Green Interface',
 'grouptype' => 'Grouptype:',
-'guaranteed bandwith' => 'Guaranteed bandwith',
+'guaranteed bandwidth' => 'Guaranteed bandwidth',
 'guardian' => 'Guardian',
 'guest ok' => 'allow guests to access',
 'gui settings' => 'GUI Settings',
@@ -1667,7 +1667,7 @@ 
 'masquerading' => 'Masquerading',
 'masquerading disabled' => 'Masquerading disabled',
 'masquerading enabled' => 'Masquerading enabled',
-'max bandwith' => 'Maximum bandwith',
+'max bandwidth' => 'Maximum bandwidth',
 'max incoming size' => 'Max incoming size (KB):',
 'max lease time' => 'Max lease time (mins):',
 'max outgoing size' => 'Max outgoing size (KB):',
diff --git a/langs/es/cgi-bin/ b/langs/es/cgi-bin/
index b496a45a6..33d7b0127 100644
--- a/langs/es/cgi-bin/
+++ b/langs/es/cgi-bin/
@@ -395,8 +395,8 @@ 
 'bad return code' => 'El programa de ayuda regresó el código de error',
 'bad source range' => 'El rango de puerto orígen tiene como primer valor un número que es igual o mayor que el valor final.',
 'bandwidth usage' => 'uso de ancho de banda (externo)',
-'bandwitherror' => 'No se pueden cambiar las configuraciones de ancho de banda cuando el servicio QoS está activado. Por favor primero desactive QoS.<p>',
-'bandwithsettings' => 'Configuraciones de ancho de banda',
+'bandwidtherror' => 'No se pueden cambiar las configuraciones de ancho de banda cuando el servicio QoS está activado. Por favor primero desactive QoS.<p>',
+'bandwidthsettings' => 'Configuraciones de ancho de banda',
 'basic options' => 'Opciones Básicas',
 'beep when ppp connects or disconnects' => 'Sonar cuando IPFire se conecte o desconecte',
 'behind a proxy' => 'Detrás de un proxy:',
@@ -809,8 +809,8 @@ 
 'extrahd unable to write' => 'Unable to write',
 'extrahd you cant mount' => 'You can\'t mount',
 'false classnumber' => 'El número de clase no coincide con la interfaz',
-'false max bandwith' => 'El ancho de banda máximo es falso',
-'false min bandwith' => 'El ancho de banda mínimo es falso',
+'false max bandwidth' => 'El ancho de banda máximo es falso',
+'false min bandwidth' => 'El ancho de banda mínimo es falso',
 'february' => 'FEB',
 'fetch ip from' => 'Encontrar la dirección IP pública real con la ayuda de un servidor externo',
 'filename' => 'Nombre de archivo',
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ 
 'graph per' => 'por',
 'green' => 'Green',
 'green interface' => 'Interfaz Green',
-'guaranteed bandwith' => 'Ancho de banda garantizado',
+'guaranteed bandwidth' => 'Ancho de banda garantizado',
 'guest ok' => 'permitir acceso de invitado',
 'gui settings' => 'Configuraciones de GUI',
 'gz with key' => 'Esta máquina sólo se puede restaurar desde archivos encriptados',
@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ 
 'map to guest' => 'Map to Guest',
 'march' => 'Marzo',
 'marked' => 'Marcado',
-'max bandwith' => 'Ancho de banda Máximo',
+'max bandwidth' => 'Ancho de banda Máximo',
 'max incoming size' => 'Tamaño máximo entrante (KB)',
 'max lease time' => 'Tiempo máximo de concesión (mins)',
 'max outgoing size' => 'Tamaño máximo saliente (KB)',
diff --git a/langs/fr/cgi-bin/ b/langs/fr/cgi-bin/
index 631dda39b..9b348cda9 100644
--- a/langs/fr/cgi-bin/
+++ b/langs/fr/cgi-bin/
@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ 
 'bad return code' => 'Le programme d\'aide retourne un code d\'erreur',
 'bad source range' => 'La plage des ports source à une première valeur supérieure ou égale à la deuxième valeur.',
 'bandwidth usage' => 'utilisation de la bande passante (externe)',
-'bandwitherror' => 'Vous ne pouvez pas changer les réglages de la bande passante tant que la Qos est activée. Désactivez d\'abord la Qos.<p>',
-'bandwithsettings' => 'Réglages de la bande passante',
+'bandwidtherror' => 'Vous ne pouvez pas changer les réglages de la bande passante tant que la Qos est activée. Désactivez d\'abord la Qos.<p>',
+'bandwidthsettings' => 'Réglages de la bande passante',
 'basic options' => 'Options de base',
 'beep when ppp connects or disconnects' => 'Emettre un son quand IPFire se connecte ou se déconnecte',
 'behind a proxy' => 'Derrière un proxy :',
@@ -1046,8 +1046,8 @@ 
 'extrahd you cant mount' => 'Vous ne pouvez pas monter',
 'fallout zombieload ridl' => 'Fallout/ZombieLoad/RIDL',
 'false classnumber' => 'Le numéro de classe ne correspond pas à l\'interface.',
-'false max bandwith' => 'La bande passante maximum est fausse.',
-'false min bandwith' => 'La bande passante minimum est fausse.',
+'false max bandwidth' => 'La bande passante maximum est fausse.',
+'false min bandwidth' => 'La bande passante minimum est fausse.',
 'february' => 'Février',
 'fetch ip from' => 'Deviner la véritable IP publique à l\'aide d\'un serveur externe',
 'fifteen minutes' => '15 minutes',
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ 
 'green' => 'VERT',
 'green interface' => 'Interface VERTE',
 'grouptype' => 'Type de groupe :',
-'guaranteed bandwith' => 'Bande passante garantie',
+'guaranteed bandwidth' => 'Bande passante garantie',
 'guardian' => 'Gardien',
 'guest ok' => 'autoriser l\'accès aux invités',
 'gui settings' => 'Interface graphique',
@@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ 
 'masquerading' => 'Masquage (une seule IP pour plusieurs machines en sortie du réseau interne)',
 'masquerading disabled' => 'Masquage désactivé',
 'masquerading enabled' => 'Masquage activé',
-'max bandwith' => 'Bande passante maximum',
+'max bandwidth' => 'Bande passante maximum',
 'max incoming size' => 'Taille maximum des téléchargement (Ko) :',
 'max lease time' => 'Durée maximum du bail (minutes) :',
 'max outgoing size' => 'Taille maximum des envois (Ko) :',
diff --git a/langs/it/cgi-bin/ b/langs/it/cgi-bin/
index 8c55a89b5..83a07d08a 100644
--- a/langs/it/cgi-bin/
+++ b/langs/it/cgi-bin/
@@ -417,8 +417,8 @@ 
 'bad return code' => 'Helper program returned error code',
 'bad source range' => 'The Source port range has a first value that is greater than or equal to the second value.',
 'bandwidth usage' => 'bandwidth usage (external)',
-'bandwitherror' => 'Per modificare le impostazioni devi prima disattivare il Qos.<p>',
-'bandwithsettings' => 'Bandwithsettings',
+'bandwidtherror' => 'Per modificare le impostazioni devi prima disattivare il Qos.<p>',
+'bandwidthsettings' => 'Bandwidthsettings',
 'basic options' => 'Opzioni di base',
 'beep when ppp connects or disconnects' => 'Segnale acustico quando IPFire si connette o disconnette',
 'behind a proxy' => 'Behind a proxy:',
@@ -913,8 +913,8 @@ 
 'extrahd unable to write' => 'Unable to write',
 'extrahd you cant mount' => 'You can\'t mount',
 'false classnumber' => 'The Class-Number does not match the interface.',
-'false max bandwith' => 'Maximum bandwith is false.',
-'false min bandwith' => 'Minimum bandwith is false.',
+'false max bandwidth' => 'Maximum bandwidth is false.',
+'false min bandwidth' => 'Minimum bandwidth is false.',
 'february' => 'Febbraio',
 'fetch ip from' => 'Ottieni l\'indirizzo IP pubblico con l\'aiuto di un server esterno',
 'filename' => 'Filename',
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ 
 'map to guest' => 'Map to Guest',
 'march' => 'Marzo',
 'marked' => 'Marked',
-'max bandwith' => 'Maximum bandwith',
+'max bandwidth' => 'Maximum bandwidth',
 'max incoming size' => 'Max incoming size (KB):',
 'max lease time' => 'Tempo massimo lease (min):',
 'max outgoing size' => 'Max outgoing size (KB):',
diff --git a/langs/nl/cgi-bin/ b/langs/nl/cgi-bin/
index 3035d7af2..276c3ecfe 100644
--- a/langs/nl/cgi-bin/
+++ b/langs/nl/cgi-bin/
@@ -415,8 +415,8 @@ 
 'bad return code' => 'Helper-programma gaf een foutcode terug',
 'bad source range' => 'De bronpoort heeft een eerste waarde die groter dan of gelijk is aan de tweede waarde',
 'bandwidth usage' => 'bandbreedtegebruik (extern)',
-'bandwitherror' => 'U kunt de bandbreedte-instellingen niet wijzigen als QoS aanstaat. Zet QoS eerst uit.<p>',
-'bandwithsettings' => 'Bandbreedte-instellingen',
+'bandwidtherror' => 'U kunt de bandbreedte-instellingen niet wijzigen als QoS aanstaat. Zet QoS eerst uit.<p>',
+'bandwidthsettings' => 'Bandbreedte-instellingen',
 'basic options' => 'Basis opties',
 'beep when ppp connects or disconnects' => 'Geef pieptoon als IPFire verbinding maakt of verbreekt.',
 'behind a proxy' => 'Achter een proxy:',
@@ -896,8 +896,8 @@ 
 'extrahd unable to write' => 'Kan niet schrijven',
 'extrahd you cant mount' => 'U kan het niet aankoppelen',
 'false classnumber' => 'Het klasse-nummer komt niet overeen met de interface.',
-'false max bandwith' => 'Maximum bandbreedte is ongeldig.',
-'false min bandwith' => 'Minimum bandbreedte is ongeldig.',
+'false max bandwidth' => 'Maximum bandbreedte is ongeldig.',
+'false min bandwidth' => 'Minimum bandbreedte is ongeldig.',
 'february' => 'Februari',
 'fetch ip from' => 'Bepaal het echte publieke IP-adres met behulp van een externe server',
 'filename' => 'Bestandsnaam',
@@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ 
 'green' => 'GROEN',
 'green interface' => 'Groene Interface',
 'grouptype' => 'Groeptype:',
-'guaranteed bandwith' => 'Gegarandeerde bandbreedte',
+'guaranteed bandwidth' => 'Gegarandeerde bandbreedte',
 'guest ok' => 'verleen gasten toegang',
 'gui settings' => 'Gebruikersinterface',
 'gz with key' => 'Alleen gecodeerde archieven kunnen worden teruggezet op deze machine.',
@@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ 
 'map to guest' => 'Toewijzen aan gast',
 'march' => 'Maart',
 'marked' => 'Gemarkeerd',
-'max bandwith' => 'Maximum bandbreedte',
+'max bandwidth' => 'Maximum bandbreedte',
 'max incoming size' => 'Max. inkomende grootte (KB):',
 'max lease time' => 'Max. leasetijd (min.):',
 'max outgoing size' => 'Max. uitgaande grootte (KB):',
diff --git a/langs/pl/cgi-bin/ b/langs/pl/cgi-bin/
index 8c789ffe5..714029f0e 100644
--- a/langs/pl/cgi-bin/
+++ b/langs/pl/cgi-bin/
@@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ 
 'bad return code' => 'Program pomocniczy zwrócił kod błędu',
 'bad source range' => 'The Source port range has a first value that is greater than or equal to the second value.',
 'bandwidth usage' => 'wykorzystanie pasma (wyjście)',
-'bandwitherror' => 'Nie możesz zmienić ustawień przepustawości kiedy Qos jest włączony. Najpierw wyłącz Qos.<p>',
-'bandwithsettings' => 'Ustawienia przepustowości',
+'bandwidtherror' => 'Nie możesz zmienić ustawień przepustawości kiedy Qos jest włączony. Najpierw wyłącz Qos.<p>',
+'bandwidthsettings' => 'Ustawienia przepustowości',
 'basic options' => 'Podstawowe opcje',
 'beep when ppp connects or disconnects' => 'Dźwięk przy połączeniu/rozłączeniu IPFire',
 'behind a proxy' => 'Za proxy:',
@@ -801,8 +801,8 @@ 
 'extrahd' => 'ExtraHD',
 'extrahd detected drives' => 'wykryte napędy',
 'false classnumber' => 'Numer klasy nie pasuje do interfejsu.',
-'false max bandwith' => 'Nieprawidłowe maksymalne pasmo (false).',
-'false min bandwith' => 'Nieprawidłowe minimalne pasmo (false).',
+'false max bandwidth' => 'Nieprawidłowe maksymalne pasmo (false).',
+'false min bandwidth' => 'Nieprawidłowe minimalne pasmo (false).',
 'february' => 'Luty',
 'fetch ip from' => 'Próbuj uzyskać publiczne IP za pomocą zewnętrznego serwera',
 'filename' => 'Nazwa pliku',
@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ 
 'graph per' => 'na',
 'green' => 'Green',
 'green interface' => 'Interfejs Green',
-'guaranteed bandwith' => 'Gwarantowane pasmo',
+'guaranteed bandwidth' => 'Gwarantowane pasmo',
 'guest ok' => 'zezwól na dostęp dla gości',
 'gui settings' => 'Ustawienia GUI',
 'gz with key' => 'Tylko zaszyfrowane archiwum może być odtworzone na tej maszynie.',
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ 
 'map to guest' => 'Map to Guest',
 'march' => 'Marzec',
 'marked' => 'Zaznaczone',
-'max bandwith' => 'Maksymalne pasmo',
+'max bandwidth' => 'Maksymalne pasmo',
 'max incoming size' => 'Maks rozmiar przychodzący (KB):',
 'max lease time' => 'Maks czas dzierżawy (min):',
 'max outgoing size' => 'Maks rozmiar wychodzący (KB):',
diff --git a/langs/ru/cgi-bin/ b/langs/ru/cgi-bin/
index 80a584fdd..cad18ffd9 100644
--- a/langs/ru/cgi-bin/
+++ b/langs/ru/cgi-bin/
@@ -395,8 +395,8 @@ 
 'bad return code' => 'Программа помощи сообщает об ошибке',
 'bad source range' => 'В диапазоне исходящих портов номер начального порт больше конечного.',
 'bandwidth usage' => 'Внешний трафик',
-'bandwitherror' => 'Вы не сможете поменять пропускную способность, пока работает Qos. Сперва остановите Qos.<p>',
-'bandwithsettings' => 'Настройка пропускной способности',
+'bandwidtherror' => 'Вы не сможете поменять пропускную способность, пока работает Qos. Сперва остановите Qos.<p>',
+'bandwidthsettings' => 'Настройка пропускной способности',
 'basic options' => 'Основные опции',
 'beep when ppp connects or disconnects' => 'Пищать спикером, когда IPFire подключается и отключается',
 'behind a proxy' => 'За proxy:',
@@ -797,8 +797,8 @@ 
 'extrahd' => 'Дополнительные HD',
 'extrahd detected drives' => 'Найдены устройства',
 'false classnumber' => 'The Class-Number does not match the interface.',
-'false max bandwith' => 'Maximum bandwith is false.',
-'false min bandwith' => 'Minimum bandwith is false.',
+'false max bandwidth' => 'Maximum bandwidth is false.',
+'false min bandwidth' => 'Minimum bandwidth is false.',
 'february' => 'Февраль',
 'fetch ip from' => 'Узнать реальный внешний IP с помощью внешнего сервера',
 'filename' => 'Имя файла',
@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ 
 'graph per' => 'per',
 'green' => 'Green',
 'green interface' => 'Green Интерфейс',
-'guaranteed bandwith' => 'Гарантированная пропускная способность',
+'guaranteed bandwidth' => 'Гарантированная пропускная способность',
 'guest ok' => 'Разрешить гостевой доступ',
 'gui settings' => 'Внешний вид',
 'gz with key' => 'Только зашифрованный архив может быть восстановлен на этой машине.',
@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ 
 'map to guest' => 'Map to Guest',
 'march' => 'Март',
 'marked' => 'Отмечен',
-'max bandwith' => 'Максимальная полоса пропускания',
+'max bandwidth' => 'Максимальная полоса пропускания',
 'max incoming size' => 'Максимальный входящий размер (KB):',
 'max lease time' => 'Максимальное время аренды (мин.):',
 'max outgoing size' => 'Максимальный исходящий размер (KB):',
diff --git a/langs/tr/cgi-bin/ b/langs/tr/cgi-bin/
index cde7862d3..b51623471 100644
--- a/langs/tr/cgi-bin/
+++ b/langs/tr/cgi-bin/
@@ -481,8 +481,8 @@ 
 'bad return code' => 'Yardımcı programı hata kodu döndürdü',
 'bad source range' => 'Kaynak bağlantı noktası aralığı büyük veya ikinci değere eşit bir ilk değere sahip.',
 'bandwidth usage' => 'bant genişliği kullanımı (harici)',
-'bandwitherror' => 'QoS aktifken bant genişliği ayarları değiştiremezsiniz. İlk önce QoS devre dışı bırakın.<p>',
-'bandwithsettings' => 'Bant genişliği ayarları',
+'bandwidtherror' => 'QoS aktifken bant genişliği ayarları değiştiremezsiniz. İlk önce QoS devre dışı bırakın.<p>',
+'bandwidthsettings' => 'Bant genişliği ayarları',
 'basic options' => 'Temel seçenekler',
 'beep when ppp connects or disconnects' => 'IPFire bağlanırken veya kapatılırken ses çıkar.',
 'behind a proxy' => 'Bir vekil sunucu arkasında:',
@@ -1007,8 +1007,8 @@ 
 'extrahd unable to write' => 'Yazmak için açılamıyor',
 'extrahd you cant mount' => 'Bağlanamadı',
 'false classnumber' => 'Sınıf-Numarası arayüzle eşleşmiyor.',
-'false max bandwith' => 'Yanlış en fazla bant genişliği.',
-'false min bandwith' => 'Yanlış en az bant genişliği.',
+'false max bandwidth' => 'Yanlış en fazla bant genişliği.',
+'false min bandwidth' => 'Yanlış en az bant genişliği.',
 'february' => 'Şubat',
 'fetch ip from' => 'Harici sunucunun yardımıyla tahmini gerçek genel IP',
 'fifteen minutes' => '15 Dakika',
@@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ 
 'green' => 'YEŞİL',
 'green interface' => 'Yeşil Arabirim',
 'grouptype' => 'Grup türü:',
-'guaranteed bandwith' => 'Garantili bant genişliği',
+'guaranteed bandwidth' => 'Garantili bant genişliği',
 'guardian' => 'Guardian',
 'guest ok' => 'istemcilere erişim izni',
 'gui settings' => 'GUI Ayarları',
@@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@ 
 'masquerading' => 'Gizle',
 'masquerading disabled' => 'Gizlemeyi kapat',
 'masquerading enabled' => 'Gizlemeyi aç',
-'max bandwith' => 'En fazla bant genişliği',
+'max bandwidth' => 'En fazla bant genişliği',
 'max incoming size' => 'En fazla gelen boyut (KB):',
 'max lease time' => 'En fazla kira süresi (dakika):',
 'max outgoing size' => 'En fazla giden boyutu (KB):',