
tree: Update to 1.7.0

Message ID 1473064056-21460-1-git-send-email-alexander.marx@ipfire.org
State Accepted
Commit acf3f91c5e767d1098add1fc5e4a2816869a02ca


Alexander Marx Sept. 5, 2016, 6:27 p.m. UTC
  Allow user/group names up to 32 characters before clipping.
    Made -i compress XML and JSON output as much as possible by eliminating extraneous whitespace.
    Added --caseinsensitive (renamed --ignore-case ala grep) flag so patterns match without regard to case, courtesy of Jason A Donenfeld.
    Added --matchdirs option courtesy of Brian Mattern & Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>.
    Fixed possible buffer overflow on large uid/gids w/o user names/group names (Alexandre Wendling <alexandrerw@celepar.pr.gov.br>)
    Added JSON support courtesy of Florian Sesser <fs@it-agenten.com>.
    Fixed formatting error with HTML output when -L 1 specified. (Sascha Zorn <sascha.zorn@gmail.com>)
    Added file size sorting (Philipp M?ller <philippausmuensing@googlemail.com>)
    Added '--sort[=]<name>' option, ala ls.
    Fixed OS X makefile problems (Ryan Hollis <theryanhollis@gmail.com>)
    Fixed possible memory overflow in read_dir (path/lbuf not equal in size to pathsize/lbufsize.) (Han Hui <hanhui03@163.com>)
    Fix S_ISDOOR/S_IFDOOR spelling mistake for Solaris. (Tim Mooney <Tim.Mooney@ndsu.edu>)
    Make tree more reliably detect UTF-8 locales. (Mantas Mikulnas <grawity@gmail.com> and others.)
    Return non-zero exit status on option errors, print usage to stdout when not an error, add the posix '--' option terminator,
     Change -S description to mean CP437 (console) output codes, not ASCII. (Ivan Shmakov <oneingray@gmail.com>)

Signed-off-by: Alexander Marx <alexander.marx@ipfire.org>
 tree/patches/tree-args.patch                | 12 ------------
 tree/patches/tree-no-color-by-default.patch | 13 -------------
 tree/patches/tree-no-strip.patch            | 21 ---------------------
 tree/patches/tree-preserve-timestamps.patch | 15 ---------------
 tree/tree.nm                                |  2 +-
 5 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 62 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tree/patches/tree-args.patch
 delete mode 100644 tree/patches/tree-no-color-by-default.patch
 delete mode 100644 tree/patches/tree-no-strip.patch
 delete mode 100644 tree/patches/tree-preserve-timestamps.patch