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« 1 277 78 79 80 »
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[1/3] Python: Update to 2.7.9 - - - --- 2015-06-17 Michael Tremer Accepted
Link the IPFire logo to - - - --- 2015-06-10 Lars Schuhmacher Accepted
apache: generating unique prime numbers and forbit use of weak DH cipher suites - - - --- 2015-06-10 IT Superhack Dropped
Link the IPFire logo to - - - --- 2015-06-09 Lars Schuhmacher Superseded
Mark required input fields with a star - - - --- 2015-06-05 Lars Schuhmacher Superseded
ipsec.conf: Include ipsec.user.conf and ipsec.user-post.conf - - - --- 2015-06-05 Michael Tremer ms Not Applicable
ipsec.conf: Include ipsec.user.conf and ipsec.user-post.conf - - - --- 2015-06-04 Lars Schuhmacher ms Accepted
apache: generating unique prime numbers and forbit use of weak DH cipher suites - - - --- 2015-06-03 IT Superhack Dropped
pakfire: Add information about probable causes when pakfire cannot connect - - - --- 2015-06-03 Lars Schuhmacher ms Accepted
Aw: Re: [PATCH] Fix hardcoded strings in pppsetup.cgi - - - --- 2015-06-03 Lars Schuhmacher ms Accepted
ipsec: Allow selection of ESP group type - - 1 --- 2015-06-03 Michael Tremer Accepted
apache: generating unique prime numbers and forbit use of weak DH cipher suites - - - --- 2015-06-03 IT Superhack ms Deferred
Fix hardcoded strings in pppsetup.cgi - - - --- 2015-06-02 Lars Schuhmacher Superseded
pakfire: Add information about probable causes when pakfire cannot connect - - - --- 2015-06-02 Lars Schuhmacher Superseded
squid-accounting: Fix typos in src/squid-accounting/ - - - --- 2015-06-02 Lars Schuhmacher ms Accepted
Mass rebuild of perl and perl modules. - - - --- 2015-05-31 Stefan Schantl Accepted
pakfire: Add upstream patch for perl version. - - - --- 2015-05-31 Stefan Schantl Accepted
pango: Generate modules cache on install and update if not present. - - - --- 2015-05-31 Stefan Schantl Accepted
tmux: Update to version 2.0. 1 - - --- 2015-05-30 Stefan Schantl Accepted
« 1 277 78 79 80 »