Show patches with: State = Action Required       |   769 patches
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Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
ipset: Update to version 7.22 ipset: Update to version 7.22 - - - --- 2024-11-19 Adolf Belka Staged
iproute2: Update to version 6.11.0 iproute2: Update to version 6.11.0 - - - --- 2024-11-19 Adolf Belka Staged
intel-microcode: Update to version 20241112 intel-microcode: Update to version 20241112 - - - --- 2024-11-19 Adolf Belka Staged
iana-etc: Update to version 20241024 iana-etc: Update to version 20241024 - - - --- 2024-11-19 Adolf Belka Staged
i2c-tools: Update to version 4.4 i2c-tools: Update to version 4.4 - - - --- 2024-11-19 Adolf Belka Staged
glib: Update to version 2.83.0 glib: Update to version 2.83.0 - - - --- 2024-11-19 Adolf Belka Staged
gdb: Update to version 15.2 gdb: Update to version 15.2 - - - --- 2024-11-19 Adolf Belka Staged
gawk: Update to version 5.3.1 gawk: Update to version 5.3.1 - - - --- 2024-11-19 Adolf Belka Staged
bash: Update the bash patches to -037 bash: Update the bash patches to -037 - - - --- 2024-11-19 Adolf Belka Staged
[2/2] libidn2: Required for elinks in place of libidn [1/2] elinks: Update to version - - - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
[1/2] elinks: Update to version [1/2] elinks: Update to version - 1 - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
perl-Imager: Update to version 1.024 perl-Imager: Update to version 1.024 - 1 - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
libnetfilter_conntrack: Update to version 1.1.0 libnetfilter_conntrack: Update to version 1.1.0 - 1 - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
iptables: Update to version 1.8.11 iptables: Update to version 1.8.11 - 1 - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
fuse: Update to version 3.16.2 fuse: Update to version 3.16.2 - 1 - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
fribidi: Update to version 1.0.16 fribidi: Update to version 1.0.16 - 1 - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
freetype: Update to version 2.13.3 freetype: Update to version 2.13.3 - 1 - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
elfutils: Update to version 0.192 elfutils: Update to version 0.192 - 1 - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
conntrack-tools: Update to version 1.4.8 conntrack-tools: Update to version 1.4.8 - 1 - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
cairo: Update to version 1.18.2 cairo: Update to version 1.18.2 - 1 - --- 2024-11-15 Adolf Belka Staged
beep: Update to version 1.4.12 beep: Update to version 1.4.12 - 1 1 --- 2024-11-13 Adolf Belka Staged
bridge-utils: Update to version 1.7.1 bridge-utils: Update to version 1.7.1 - - - --- 2024-11-13 Adolf Belka Staged
wget: Update to version 1.25.0 wget: Update to version 1.25.0 - 1 - --- 2024-11-12 Adolf Belka Staged
protobuf: Update to version 28.3 protobuf: Update to version 28.3 - 1 - --- 2024-11-12 Adolf Belka Staged
btrfs-progs: Update to version 6.11 btrfs-progs: Update to version 6.11 - 1 - --- 2024-11-12 Adolf Belka Staged
autoconf-archive: Update to version 2024.10.16 autoconf-archive: Update to version 2024.10.16 - 1 - --- 2024-11-12 Adolf Belka Staged
abseil-cpp: Update to version 20240722.0 abseil-cpp: Update to version 20240722.0 - 1 - --- 2024-11-12 Adolf Belka Staged
services.cgi: Remove links from addon services services.cgi: Remove links from addon services 1 1 2 --- 2024-11-11 Adolf Belka Staged
hwdata: Update from individual file downloads to using a tarball source version 0.389 hwdata: Update from individual file downloads to using a tarball source version 0.389 - 1 - --- 2024-11-10 Adolf Belka Staged
[v2] harfbuzz: Update to version 10.1.0 [v2] harfbuzz: Update to version 10.1.0 - 1 - --- 2024-11-10 Adolf Belka Staged
pixman: Update to version 0.44.0 pixman: Update to version 0.44.0 - - - --- 2024-11-09 Adolf Belka Staged
lvm2: Update to version 2.03.28 lvm2: Update to version 2.03.28 - - - --- 2024-11-09 Adolf Belka Staged
gnutls: Update to version 3.8.8 gnutls: Update to version 3.8.8 - - - --- 2024-11-09 Adolf Belka Staged
ffmpeg: Update to version 7.1 ffmpeg: Update to version 7.1 - - - --- 2024-11-09 Adolf Belka Staged
expat: Update to version 2.6.4 expat: Update to version 2.6.4 - - - --- 2024-11-09 Adolf Belka Staged
curl: Update to version 8.11.0 curl: Update to version 8.11.0 - - - --- 2024-11-09 Adolf Belka Staged
[2/2] zabbix_agentd: Add IPS throughput and guardian blocked IP count items [1/2] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.35 (LTS) - - - --- 2024-11-05 Robin Roevens Staged
[1/2] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.35 (LTS) [1/2] zabbix_agentd: Update to 6.0.35 (LTS) - - - --- 2024-11-05 Robin Roevens New
intel-microcode: Update to version 20241029 intel-microcode: Update to version 20241029 - - - --- 2024-10-30 Adolf Belka Staged
Makes entries in dnsforward.cgi visible Makes entries in dnsforward.cgi visible - - - --- 2024-10-24 Wayne Staged
suricata: Explicitly ignore IPsec traffic unless enabled suricata: Explicitly ignore IPsec traffic unless enabled - - - --- 2024-10-21 Michael Tremer Staged
[4/4] unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge: Fix expiry check on leases [1/4] unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge: Don't export expired leases to Unbound - - - --- 2024-10-21 Michael Tremer Staged
[3/4] unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge: Don't overwrite static leases [1/4] unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge: Don't export expired leases to Unbound - 1 - --- 2024-10-21 Michael Tremer Staged
[2/4] unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge: Fix typo [1/4] unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge: Don't export expired leases to Unbound - 1 - --- 2024-10-21 Michael Tremer Staged
[1/4] unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge: Don't export expired leases to Unbound [1/4] unbound-dhcp-leases-bridge: Don't export expired leases to Unbound - 1 - --- 2024-10-21 Michael Tremer Staged
bind: Update to 9.20.3 bind: Update to 9.20.3 - - - --- 2024-10-18 Matthias Fischer Staged
unbound: Update to 1.22.0 unbound: Update to 1.22.0 - - - --- 2024-10-18 Matthias Fischer Staged
[4/4] chown: Replace . with : on all shipped scripts [1/4] hostapd: Enable logging to syslog - - - --- 2024-10-17 Michael Tremer Staged
[3/4] udev: network-hotplug-bridges: Silence a warning when interfaces have gone away [1/4] hostapd: Enable logging to syslog - - - --- 2024-10-17 Michael Tremer Staged
[2/4] wlanap.cgi: Use the correct array to fetch the current interface [1/4] hostapd: Enable logging to syslog - - - --- 2024-10-17 Michael Tremer Staged
[1/4] hostapd: Enable logging to syslog [1/4] hostapd: Enable logging to syslog - - - --- 2024-10-17 Michael Tremer Staged
[2/2] Remove existing entries for the three FEODO_ tracker lists [1/2] sources: Removal of Feodo Tracker lists from ipblocklist sources file - - - --- 2024-10-16 Adolf Belka Staged
[1/2] sources: Removal of Feodo Tracker lists from ipblocklist sources file [1/2] sources: Removal of Feodo Tracker lists from ipblocklist sources file - - - --- 2024-10-16 Adolf Belka Staged
networking: Allow changing DHCP Option Rapid Commit networking: Allow changing DHCP Option Rapid Commit - - 1 --- 2024-10-16 Michael Tremer Staged
dhcpcd: Update to version 10.1.0 dhcpcd: Update to version 10.1.0 - - - --- 2024-10-15 Adolf Belka Staged
netpbm: Removal of netpbm netpbm: Removal of netpbm - 1 - --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[17/17] samba: Modification to disable cups for samba build and install [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[16/17] perl-Imager: Removal of all tiff related lines in rootfile [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[15/17] All removed packages removed from [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[14/17] qpdf: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[13/17] poppler-data: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[12/17] poppler: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[11/17] openjpeg: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[10/17] libtiff: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[09/17] lcms2: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[08/17] hplip: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[07/17] gutenprint: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[06/17] ghostscript: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[05/17] foomatic: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[04/17] epson-inkjet-printer-escpr: Removal of package [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[03/17] cups-pdf: Removal of cups-pdf [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[02/17] cups-filters: Removal of cups-filters [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
[01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages [01/17] cups: Removal of cups and associated packages - - 1 --- 2024-10-14 Adolf Belka Staged
squid: Update to 6.12 squid: Update to 6.12 - 1 - --- 2024-10-12 Matthias Fischer Staged
monit: Update to 5.34.2 monit: Update to 5.34.2 - 1 - --- 2024-10-12 Matthias Fischer Staged
tshark: Update to version 4.4.1 tshark: Update to version 4.4.1 - - - --- 2024-10-10 Adolf Belka Staged
monit: Update to 5.34.1 monit: Update to 5.34.1 - - - --- 2024-10-09 Matthias Fischer Staged
lcdproc: removal as discussed in Conf call 7th Oct lcdproc: removal as discussed in Conf call 7th Oct - - - --- 2024-10-08 Adolf Belka Staged
mpfire: removal as discussed in Conf call 7th Oct mpfire: removal as discussed in Conf call 7th Oct - - - --- 2024-10-08 Adolf Belka Staged
ppp: Update to version 2.5.1 ppp: Update to version 2.5.1 - - - --- 2024-10-08 Adolf Belka Staged
[2/2] suricata: Update to 7.0.7 [1/2] libhtp: Update to 0.5.49 - 1 - --- 2024-10-02 Matthias Fischer Staged
[1/2] libhtp: Update to 0.5.49 [1/2] libhtp: Update to 0.5.49 - 1 - --- 2024-10-02 Matthias Fischer Staged
hostapd: update to git 64d60bb4 hostapd: update to git 64d60bb4 - 1 - --- 2024-09-29 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
mpd: fix chown syntax mpd: fix chown syntax - 1 - --- 2024-09-29 Arne Fitzenreiter Staged
dnsdist: Update to version 1.9.6 dnsdist: Update to version 1.9.6 - - - --- 2024-09-24 Adolf Belka Staged
[2/2] miniupnpc: Required for build of transmission to replace bundled version [1/2] transmission: Update to version 4.0.6 - - - --- 2024-09-24 Adolf Belka Staged
[1/2] transmission: Update to version 4.0.6 [1/2] transmission: Update to version 4.0.6 - - - --- 2024-09-24 Adolf Belka Staged
[2/2] setup: Copy the description of a mac without "" [1/2] setup: Reformat the C Code - - - --- 2024-09-24 Jonatan Schlag New
[1/2] setup: Reformat the C Code [1/2] setup: Reformat the C Code - - - --- 2024-09-24 Jonatan Schlag New
Ship Compress/Raw/ Ship Compress/Raw/ - - - --- 2024-09-24 Jonatan Schlag Staged
squid: Update to 6.11 squid: Update to 6.11 - 1 - --- 2024-09-23 Matthias Fischer Staged
linux: Disable cachestat() system call linux: Disable cachestat() system call - - - --- 2024-09-22 Peter Müller New
linux: Enforce userspace page table checks linux: Enforce userspace page table checks - - - --- 2024-09-21 Peter Müller New
[v2,4/4] OpenSSH: Order symmetric ciphers by strength [v2,1/4] OpenSSH :Update to 9.9p1 - - - --- 2024-09-21 Peter Müller Staged
[v2,3/4] OpenSSH: Add alias name for sntrup761x25519-sha512 key exchange [v2,1/4] OpenSSH :Update to 9.9p1 - - - --- 2024-09-21 Peter Müller Staged
[v2,2/4] OpenSSH: Add ML-KEM x X25519 hybrid key exchange [v2,1/4] OpenSSH :Update to 9.9p1 - - - --- 2024-09-21 Peter Müller Staged
[v2,1/4] OpenSSH :Update to 9.9p1 [v2,1/4] OpenSSH :Update to 9.9p1 - - - --- 2024-09-21 Peter Müller Staged
apr: Update to 1.7.5 apr: Update to 1.7.5 - - - --- 2024-09-21 Peter Müller Staged
[v2] samba: Update to version 4.21.0 [v2] samba: Update to version 4.21.0 - - - --- 2024-09-21 Adolf Belka Staged
[5/5] backup: No longer save RSA keys [1/5] sshd: Do not generate new RSA host key on first boot - - - --- 2024-09-20 Peter Müller Staged
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