
Enable ipv6 addresses in Firewall logs

Message ID 568E5375.1040906@eitelwein.net
State Dropped


Michael Eitelwein Jan. 7, 2016, 11 p.m. UTC
  Enable correct display of ipv6 entries in Firewall log pages of web UI.

3 main changes:
  - Fill $iface and $out from PHYSIN and PHYSOUT when looking at bridged packets, othwerwise fill from IN and OUT
  - Recognize ipv4 and ipv6 address style for $srcaddr and $dstaddr
  - Match color coding of tables to pie charts (see seperate patch sent earlier)

I am using the bridged ipv6 setup as proposed in the wiki. I do not think this breaks anything when not using ipv6. So it would be nice to include this even if ipv6 is not officially supported yet. It is quite useful when using the ipv6 setup.

Signed-off-by: Michael Eitelwein <michael@eitelwein.net>